All My Children Opinion article From The TV MegaSite

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AMC Articles

By Erik

The Valley Inn

Volume 1, Issue 1

Thank you so much for letting my write this bi-weekly article for you! My email address is  to let me know about any questions, comments or concerns about our favorite show!!! If you want me to write about a special topic then send me an email letting me know I am here to write for you!
Cady McClain

I am so happy that Cady is returning to As The World Turns as Rosanne. I didn’t really want her to return to AMC with the new head writers (see adjoining story) because I think there is no way they could have her return. She was fired! I wouldn’t be sticking around either! As well how could they have brought her back by faking her death for a THIRD time???

New Headwriters:  Other breaking news is the announcement that we have all been waiting for: Who will replace Megan McTavish? The answer is two people: Barbara J. Esenstan and James Harmon Brown. I thought those names were familiar and it turns out (after a little research) they should be (at least for me) as they were the writers for Port Charles for quite some time.

Primetime report: Housewives was fairly boring and I think next season Carlos will walk in just in the time to save Edie!!!

Next issue:
This is where the weekly compliment will air. It will be an email from a fan! With something positive to say!
This is where the weekly gripe will air. It will be an email from a fan with something negative to say.


The Young and the Restless


The Bold and the Beautiful


General Hospital


All My Children


One Life to Live


As The World Turns


Days Of Our Lives


The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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Updated 6/9/10

All My ChildrenGeneral HospitalOne Life to LiveDays of Our Lives
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