Y&R Interviews
Interview with
Adrienne Frantz (Amber) by
Suzanne ~ June 2007

1. What do you hope to
accomplish with this album?
I hope people will like
it and that it will impact them in some way. It took me years to make this
album and it truly is a piece of my soul, so I hope people feel that way.
2. Will Amber sing more
on Y&R?
We have talked about it
so probably.
3. Who is your favorite
musician besides yourself?
I am really influenced
by old music like the Beatles and the Doors and Bouk and I also love
Radiohead, Coldplay
4. Do you think Cane is
evil or just a bit misguided like Amber?
I think they are two
peas in a pod. I think we will see that his secrets may be just as big as
5. Do you think Amber
will have another baby?
Who knows. I guess that
could be a possibility.
6. What has been the
best thing about joining the cast of Y&R?
They are such an
amazingly talented cast and I love working with them. I am like a sponge
soaking up all of the amazing energy that each person gives to there
character. It is Inspiring.
7. Do you have any
I have 5 pets, 3 Cats,
Cuddles, Angel Puck. I have 2 chocolate labs, Lady Lucy and Ethel.
8. What is your
favorite charity?
I work with a lot of
different charities. I love nuts for mutts and a lot of different animal
charities. I also work with Pancan, the Pancreatic cancer Foundation.
9. Are you still close
to anyone on Bold Beautiful?
I will always be close
to my B family. I grew up with all of them so yes I am close with them all.
In fact I hang out in their makeup room all the time.
10. Who was your biggest
role model growing up?
My Grandmother was my
biggest role model. She was a fighter and told me you can do anything you
want to do with your life. The only person who will ever stop you is you.
11. If you could say one
thing, what would you like to say to all of your fans out there?
Thank you for sticking
with me and for downloading on iTunes my music, my album “anomaly” :)
12. What have you
learned from past relationships?
That in the end they
always make a great song.
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Page updated 8/21/12