Young & The Restless History From The TV MegaSite

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The Young and The Restless History Pages

Y&R History

Lauren & Sheila by Christopher

Lauren Fenmore's marriage to Dr. Scott Grainger was on the rocks when he began working with Nurse Sheila Carter. She fell in love with the man and saw his troubled marriage as the perfect opportunity to make her move. When Scott and Lauren agreed to a trial separation, she reunited with Paul, while he hooked up with Sheila. Eventually, Lauren and Scott reconciled. However, by this time, Sheila was pregnant with Scott's child... and so was Lauren.

When Sheila miscarried, she worried her relationship with Scott was doomed. She purchased a pregnancy pad and faked her pregnancy for the remainder of the nine months. The same day Lauren gave birth, Sheila went out of town and claimed to have gone into labor as well. She returned with a child she'd purchased on the black market. In Genoa City, Sheila switched the black market child with Lauren's baby, wanting to have Scott's biological child to herself. Lauren couldn't understand what had happened to her son's birthmark, so Sheila had her baby's mark removed. When Sheila's Mother, Molly, discovered the scheme and threatened to tell Lauren, she suffered a stroke. Sheila had her hospitalized and later committed to an institution after making it look like she'd tried to kill herself. Soon after, the black market baby Lauren was raising - Dylan - died. Lauren was devastated.

Paul began investigating and learned that Sheila lied about being out of town the night she gave birth. Then the doctor who had delivered Sheila's stillborn child expressed sympathies to Scott, who was confused. Lauren tried to get blood samples, but quick-witted Sheila destroyed hers. Unable to take it anymore, Sheila kidnapped both her mother and Lauren, and set fire to a farmhouse with the two women trapped inside. Sheila was presumed dead.

After a failed attempt to rekindle romance with Scott, Lauren cheated on him with Brad Carlton. Sheila, very much alive, got the tryst on film and sent Lauren puzzle pieces, finally revealing herself to her former victim. Lauren had no choice but to keep quiet or have Sheila destroy her world. In Los Angeles, Sheila had made a new life for herself. Going to Genoa City was her way of ensuring Lauren would allow her to live that life in peace. But on the eve of her wedding to Eric Forrester, Lauren arrived in town and told Sheila she could not allow her to hurt innocent people... especially since Eric was a close friend.

In a bloody battle, Sheila nearly killed Lauren. At the last moment, Lauren allowed her enemy to go through with the wedding. Sheila began her life, but Lauren continued to be a thorn in her side. Sheila attempted to drown her, and eventually held Lauren and the Forrester family at gunpoint. In was in LA that Sheila became obsessed with the Forrester family enough to abandon her rivalry with Lauren. Her wicked ways continued, while Lauren rebuilt her life, first in LA with Eric, and finally in Genoa City, where she reunited with Paul Williams, her first husband.

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Page updated 7/10/12

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