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The Young and The Restless Characters Pages

Y&R Character Descriptions

The Faces of Kevin Fisher
Played By Greg Rikaart
Written by Christopher

The User: Kevin Fisher was abused as a child by his Mother Gloria's husband, 'Terrible' Tom. In addition to beating Kevin, he locked him in a closet on occasion and left him there for hours on end. Kevin's only hope was his step-brother, Mikey. But Mikey left the Fisher home as soon as he was of age, leaving Kevin alone to fend for himself. Years later, Kevin, too, broke free. He tracked Mikey down and guilted him into giving him a place to live. Mikey was in law school and needed all his attention on his studies, but Kevin proved needy and ? when he didn't get the attention he wanted ? he trashed Mikey's apartment and caused a fire that went forever unexplained. Mikey threw him out.

The Predator: Years later, in Genoa City, Kevin was working as a bookkeeper for Bobby Marsino's gentleman's club when he began surfing the Internet, preying on young girls for sex. In a chatroom, he met Lily Winters, who was desperate for attention and feeling lost in a world where she'd been ripped from Paris and forced to live in GC while her divorced parents reunited. Lily and Kevin began an online relationship that eventually moved into the real world. Lily's friends ? especially Colleen Carlton ? were bothered by her connection to the much older Kevin, who told Lily that if she truly loved him, she would have sex with him. Lily, a virgin, gave herself to Kevin.

The Vandalist: After Colleen and JT tried to break his hold over Lily, Kevin broke into JT's loft and utterly destroyed the place. It was his boss, Bobby, who ended up investigated for the destruction, while Kevin sat back and enjoyed all he'd done.

The Arsonist: Wanting to permanently end Colleen's interference in his relationship with Lily, Kevin lured her to Gina's Restaurant while it was empty, locked her in the walk-in freezer, trashed the restaurant, poured alcohol everywhere, set it on fire and left her there to die. Colleen was rescued by JT, but unable to identify the person who had attacked her. However, despite all this, most people were fairly certain it had been Kevin. Meanwhile, Lily's parents finally learned about her sexual relationship with the older man, and JT ? unable to handle the injustice of Kevin getting away with so many atrocities ? beat Kevin to a bloody pulp.

The Manipulative Brother: Kevin revealed himself to Michael Baldwin ? local lawyer and his long lost brother, Mikey ? and begged him to help him out of the trouble he'd found himself in. Michael told Kevin he was on his own, but changed his tune when he realized half the town, including the illustrious Lauren Fenmore, was doing everything they could to see Kevin locked away behind bars. Without wanting to, Michael began to look out for the younger brother who was quick to remind him of how he'd once abandoned him to a life of abuse. The Lovesick Suicidal Puppy: Michael discouraged Kevin when he became infatuated with Lauren and agreed to be her date for the Valentine's Day Dance. At the dance, Kevin overheard details of Lauren's plot to pump him for information that would help Paul and JT bury him. Kevin took Lauren back to his apartment, pulled a gun on himself and threatened to take his own life. Michael got to him in time and managed to talk him out of it. Lauren and Michael became partners in the task of caring for the unstable Kevin.

The Innocent Victim: When Kevin was investigated on charges of statutory rape (of Lily), arson (of Gina's), and attempted murder (of Colleen), the already often-in-trouble Bobby Marsino fired him from his job at the club. Kevin suspected it had something to do with Brittany Hodges, a dancer there, whom Bobby was protective of, and whom JT had warned to steer clear of Kevin. On the day he was terminated, Brittany was electrocuted during a performance when she grabbed hold of a rigged pole intended to kill her. With a fair amount of evidence piling up, and so much controversy surrounding his actions, Kevin was arrested for attempted murder.

The Claustrophobic Prisoner: In jail, Kevin's mental trauma began as he was overwhelmed by memories of what 'Terrible Tom' had done to him as a child. Things were aggravated when he was beaten by a prison gang and nearly died. In the hospital, Michael willed him back to life, and Gloria Fisher, his Mother, came to visit, feeling responsible for the state of his life. When he recovered, Michael and Lauren begged him to sit tight while they proved his innocence in the electrocution of Brittany. Unable to think about being returned to the jail cell, Kevin faked insanity and earned a stay in a psych ward. In a stunning moment, he admitted all his crimes to Lauren, who agreed to keep quiet about all she knew.

The Impatient Desperate: When it looked like he'd be sent back to jail regardless of his innocence, Kevin attacked an orderly and escaped, going to Detroit to hide out with Gloria. Michael trailed him there and ? unwittingly ? brought the cops with him. They had a standoff, during which Kevin held Michael at gunpoint ? despite all he'd done for him, and again threatened to kill himself. At the last moment, he was exonerated when Bobby Marsino brought down Brittany's true attackers.

The Plotter: Freedom was less than satisfying since no one would trust Kevin in the outside world, so he joined forces with Daniel Romalotti to put Lily's life in danger so he could play hero. She almost got raped and Lauren STILL wouldn't go out with him.

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