Young & The Restless Characters From The TV MegaSite

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The Young and The Restless Characters Pages

Y&R Character Descriptions

Avery Bailey Clark
Played By Jessica Collins
Written By Darlene

on October 22, 2012

Avery Bailey Clark came to Genoa City as a lawyer known for defending the wrongfully accused.  Victor Newman hired her to defend Sharon Newman, who was accused of killing Skye Lockhart, who Victor knew for a fact was still alive.  Phyllis was upset and acted suspiciously when she heard Avery was in town.  It was revealed that Avery is the sister we never knew Phyllis had.

Though Avery appears to be a good person, obvious sibling rivalry exists between the sisters.  Avery has tried cases she knows will upset Phyllis and has an on again/off again relationship with Phyllis' true love, Nick Newman. 

Avery idolized Phyllis as they were growing up and believes that Phyllis abandoned her when she left home.  Because of this, Avery goes back and forth between wanting a relationship with Phyllis and wanting to make her pay for the abandonment.

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Page updated 10/22/12

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