Read our Y&R Articles
We're all going through a terrible time right now.
Everyone's scared. The politicians are re-opening American, yet the
scientists are all saying that's a bad idea. It's too soon. The average
person is forced to make their own decisions about whom to trust and what
steps to take to ensure their own safety.
Many of us have been stuck at home, watching TV, for
entertainment and escape. For soap opera fans, we've had a little more
time to watch our favorite soaps and go online and chat about them with our
friends. However, for those of us who are fans of B&B or Y&R, we're stuck with
re-runs since the end of April. (GH fans will feel that same pain starting
next week)
Imagine how hard this is for us. Imagine you're been
watching the same TV show, day after day, five days a week, for twenty, thirty
or forty years? It's tough -- almost like an addiction. We've only had a
few short breaks in watching soaps, such as in 94 and 95 for the O.J. Simpson
trial, for Bill Clinton's impeachment in 98, and more recently for the
impeachment of Donald Trump.
The only good thing about having only re-runs to watch is
that they're showing many old episodes from the 1980's and 90's before the
ratings started to drop in all soaps. They had bigger budgets back then, so the
costumes, sets and locations were all more lavish. Y&R had fresh flowers every
day. When there was a wedding or any other big celebration, almost every member
of the cast was there, wearing expensive outfits, as well as many extras.
Nowadays, the soaps cut corners by having small weddings at home, with only a
few people attending.
Showing some much older episodes, and recent older
episodes, shows the newer fans a little bit what they've missed and shows the
actors when they were younger and better-looking. It may show them
different sides to their characters as well. Most newer Y&R fans only know
Victor and Jack as these two bossy rich old guys that interfere in the lives of
their children and grandchildren.
When I first started watching Y&R in the mid-80's, Jack
was kind of a sleazy guy, a "skirt chaser." He even slept with his dad's wife,
Jill. Victor, on the other hand, thought that his wife was going to run
off with another man, so he locked the poor man in the basement and taunted him
via video camera for days. Thankfully, both men were somewhat redeemed
over the years. Victor is still powerful and ruthless, but not quite
as evil as he was back then. Jack is more of a wholesome family man
(although sometimes he does screw his family over in business).
The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not
necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.
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Page updated 5/20/20