How to Archer - Book Review From The TV MegaSite

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 Primetime TV Book Reviews

How to Archer book coverHow to Archer: The Ultimate Guide to Espionage and Style and Women and Also Cocktails Ever Written [Paperback] by Sterling Archer

Review by Suzanne Lanoue 2/18/12

How to Archer is a really funny book. It may even be funnier than the TV show. I enjoyed reading it quite a lot. If you've never seen "Archer" I don't know how you would like it because I hear Archer's voice speaking the words in the book. Maybe it will bring more fans to the show. That can only be a good thing.

As it's explained at the beginning of the book, Archer is asked to do a book telling about how to be a spy, but he handles it in his usual lazy and resentful manner.

I particularly liked the part about how to rip off casinos in Las Vegas, since we have been to Vegas so many times. It was hilarious. It's a fun little book and very easy and quick to read.

More Info:

From the star of FX's hit animated TV show Archer. HOW TO ARCHER  The Ultimate Guide to Espionage and Style and Women and Also Cocktails Ever Written by Sterling Archer.

Sterling Archer, a super-suave master spy, is now the author of the definitive handbook detailing how you, too, can learn how to be a killer secret agent.

How to Archer is Sterling Archer's gift to the world, in which he reveals his secrets on how to dress properly, drive an elephant, haggle with a Thai prostitute in her native tongue, pilot an airboat and make about a million delicious cocktails, including a Molotov one.

About the Author: Sterling Archer (Codename: Duchess) is the world's greatest secret agent - according to Sterling Archer.  He is employed by the International Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS) and has a luxuriously thick head of hair, steely blue eyes and abs one could wash laundry on.  HOW TO ARCHER is his first book.

Featuring more than 50 original illustrations, HOW TO ARCHER is the first authorized book companion to the hit FX animated series Archer. It was written by Adam Reed, who created the series.

About the Series - Archer is an animated, half-hour comedy that revolves around the International Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS) and the lives of its employees.  Although their work of espionage, every covert operation and global crisis is actually just another excuse for the ISIS staff to undermine, sabotage and betray each other for personal gain.

The series features the voices of H. Jon Benjamin as the highly skilled and incredibly vain master spy "Sterling Archer"; Aisha Tyler as Archer's fellow agent and ex-girlfriend "Lana Kane"; Jessica Walter as Archer's domineering mother and the director of ISIS, "Mallory Archer"; Chris Parnell as the easily intimidated comptroller-turneded ISIS agent "Cyril Figgis"; Judy greer as Malory's loquacious secretary "Cheryl"; Amber Nash as the discordant director of human resources for ISI, "Pam Poovey"; Adam Reed as the gay voice of reason at ISIS, "Ray Gillette"; Lucky Yates as ISIS's possibly mad scientist, "Krieger"; and George Coe as Archer's elderly and always exploited butler, "Woodhouse."

Described as "one of television's top guilty pleasures" by the New York Times and "bawdy, brilliant and double-o-riginal," by Time Magazine, Archer aired a special three-part series last fall entitled "Heart of Archness." These episodes brought in series highs among W18-34 (310,000), and P25-54 (1.15 million).  Moreover, it was the series' most-watched premiere ever among P18-49 (1.38 million), M18-49 (967,000), P18-34 (982,000), M18-34 (672,000), W18-34 (310,000) and P25-54 (15.5 million).  The three-episode run posted gains of +26% in P18-49 (1.37 vs. 1.08 million), +34% in M18-49 (1.04 million vs. 775,000) and +12% in Total Viewers (1.72 vs. 1.53 million) over its second season.  On a multi-run total basis, Archer delivered 3.13 million Total Viewers and 2.45 million in P18-49.

The third season of Archer debuts on Thursday, January 19 at 10:00 pm e/p.

more info at Link

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page updated 1/18/12

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