Review of "Mad Men: the Final Season-Part 1" From The TV MegaSite

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 DVD Reviews

Mad Men: the Final Season-Part 1


Mad Men: the Final Season-Part 1

 Review by Suzanne Lanoue 10/20/14

The last season has its ups and downs. I enjoy the characters, the acting, and the story, but it seems like they've forgotten that it should be funny, and that the backdrop of the 60's should be part of the show. Heck, in past seasons, it was more like one of the characters. Now the show has become kind of self-important and dreary. I hope the second half is better. I still don't know why they broke the last season up into two parts! It's hard on the viewers.

The DVD has some really strange extras. Aside from one short feature about Bert Cooper, and a couple of episodes with commentary, the rest have nothing to do with the show. There are four short documentaries. Two are about the trial of the Chicago Seven, and two are about gay rights and gay power in the 60's. These were incidents that were important to the 60's, of course, but they're barely mentioned at all in the show, so I don't know why they included them. Also, they're pretty boring.

Only a real Mad Men fan would enjoy this DVD set...


Don't Miss a Moment Of TV's Most Celebrated Show When Mad Men: The Final Season - Part 1 Arrives On Blu-ray, DVD And Digital HD October 21 From Lionsgate Home Entertainment

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Page updated 11/12/14

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