Review of "Madam Secretary: Season Five" From The TV MegaSite

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 DVD Reviews

Madam Secretary: Season Five DVD cover


  Madam Secretary: Season Five 

 Review by Suzanne Lanoue 9/20/19

This has always been a very good political/action drama. Elizabeth McCord (Tea Leoni) is the Secretary of State. In this season, she runs for president. Her story has always reminded us quite a bit of Hillary Clinton, in many ways. I'm sure they take many stories from real life. TV always has more life-or-death situations, though, to make things interesting. This season, the real Hillary Clinton appears on the show, which is kind of amusing.

I've always enjoyed seeing Tim Daly as Elizabeth's husband, Henry. I used to love watching him on "Wings." I even met him once and had my photo taken with him. It's rare to have a happily married couple on any TV show, especially if it's a drama and they're not really young. Anyway, the whole cast is wonderful. How could it not be when you have such amazing actors as Zeljko Ivanek, Keith Carradine and Bebe Neuwirth?

I know many people who love this show. They're sad to see it leaving the air. This 6th season coming up is the final one. Unlike Hillary, Elizabeth was elected president.

It's a good time to go back and watch all five seasons! This DVD set is a good one, but there aren't too many features, unfortunately.


Street Date: September 24, 2019

Format: DVD

Description: Stars Téa Leoni as Elizabeth McCord, the shrewd, determined secretary of state who drives international diplomacy and circumvents protocol as she negotiates global and domestic issues, both at the White House and at home. A college professor and a brilliant former CIA analyst who left for ethical reasons, Elizabeth returned to public life at the request of President Conrad Dalton, who values McCord’s apolitical leanings, deep knowledge of the Middle East, flair for languages and ability to not just think outside the box, but not even acknowledge there is a box. McCord’s team includes her chief of staff, Jay Whitman; policy advisor, Kat Sandoval; speechwriter, Matt Mahoney; press coordinator, Daisy Grant; and charming assistant, Blake Moran. As McCord debates third-world problems, confronts issues related to her decision to run for president, finesses foreign dignitaries at work and does battle with the president’s combative chief of staff, Russell Jackson, that’s just a warm-up for when she goes home to her supportive husband, theology-professor-turned-intelligence-operative Henry, and their three children, where “politics” and “compromise” take on new meaning.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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