Review of "Yellowstone" on The Paramount Network From The TV MegaSite

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 TV Show Reviews

The Duttons 

Review of "Yellowstone" 6/25/18 by Suzanne
airs Wednesdays 10/9c on The Paramount Network

I usually enjoy western series. I loved "Longmire," "Justified," and "Deadwood" because I grew up watching shows like "Gunsmoke," "Bonanza" and "The Big Valley." Kevin Costner has been in some great westerns, like "Silverado," "Dances with Wolves," and "Hatfields & McCoys". However, I find this new series to be really boring. I just can't get into it. Costner plays a rancher, John Dutton, who's trying to save his land and business.

It's a shame, too, because I also really like the actors who play his sons, especially Luke Grimes and Wes Bentley. The show just pales in comparison to more recent shows like "The Son" and "Hell on Wheels." I guess it's just too ordinary.

The show does have one thing in common with "The Son," which is that both are TV cable shows starring former movie stars, who are playing against type. Both Pierce Brosnan (star of "The Son") and Costner usually play good guys. In these series, they're very flawed men who don't treat their families very well. They just don't do J.R. that well.


The Dutton family fights to defend their ranch and their way of life from an Indian reservation and land developers. Medical issues and family secrets put strain on the Duttons, and political aspirations and outside partnerships threaten their future.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Page updated 8/18/18

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