Review of "Living Biblically" on CBS From The TV MegaSite

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Living Biblically cast 

Review of "Living Biblically" 2/27/18 by Eva Diaz
airs Mondays 9:30/8:30c on CBS.

Living Biblically is a comedy adaptation, based on the book by AJ Jacobs.  In the show, Chip Curry (Jay R Ferguson) decides to live according to the bible, after the death of his best friend. His wife, Leslie (Lindsay Kraft), who is a nurse and doesn't believe in God, tells Chip that in nine months they're going to have their first child. The good news strengthens Chip's resolve to live according to the bible. Chip has two advisors: a priest at his church, and a jewish rabbi. I found the first episode to be funny, but it didn't make me laugh too much. I feel that the cast still needs to get comfortable with each other before it all starts to come together. The show does have a good lesson that, even though you will never be able to follow everything that is in the Bible (because that is impossible to do), you should always strive to be a good person.

I enjoyed this showm but I worry that because it talks about the Bible and God, it'll get canceled because very few shows with a godly theme have been successful on televison. This show is very touching and uplifting at times, and once the cast starts to find its rhythm, it should be okay.  Plus, it has a strong lead-in from "Superior Donuts." I give this show a 4 out of 5 stars because it is worth watching


About Living Biblically

Chip Curry is a modern day man at a crossroads in his life, who decides to live strictly in accordance with the Bible. A film critic for a New York Newspaper and a soon-to-be father, Chip wants to be a better man following the loss of his best friend. He decides to put his slightly obsessive temperament to use and start living his life 100% by the Bible to find direction. His smart, pregnant wife, Leslie, while both skeptical and entertained by her husband’s new passion, supports him completely. Knowing he’ll need some practical advice, Chip forms a “God Squad” with Father Gene, a Catholic Priest who helps Chip translate the rules of the Bible to a modern world; and Father Gene’s best friend, easygoing Rabbi Gil Ableman, who respects Chip’s chutzpah and is glad to serve as a sounding board when they meet at their local bar. At Chip’s newspaper, he finds support from his no-nonsense boss, Ms. Meadows, who knows Chip’s self-penned story will sell newspapers, and his co-worker and friend, Vince, who is quick with a reality check and likes to wind Chip up for his own amusement. As he begins his sincere spiritual journey toward a more moral life with the help of his wife and friends, Chip wonders if he’ll be able to take a page – or every page – out of the Good Book, and if the effect will be of Biblical proportions.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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