Review of "The Break with Michelle Wolf" on Netflix From The TV MegaSite

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Michelle Wolf

Review of "The Break with Michelle Wolf" 6/14/18 by Suzanne
airs now streaming on Netflix

I watched the first two episodes of this, and I thought it was pretty funny. If you like "Full Frontal with Samantha Bee," then you'll probably like this as well. Michelle is very funny and talks about a lot of issues, not just politics. She does funny comedy bits as well.

Some people were offended when she recently hosted the White House Correspondents Dinner. She made fun of the president and Sarah Huckabee Sanders (especially personal comments she made about Ms. Sanders). Well, that's what comedians do, and it seems like every year, someone gets offended. Get over it. Next year it'll be someone else.


The Break with Michelle Wolf Comes to Netflix on May 27

  • The Break with Michelle Wolf, a weekly half hour variety/sketch series, launches Sunday, May 27 on Netflix.
  • With four years of working on shows including, The Daily Show and Late Night w/ Seth Meyers, it's now Michelle's turn to host and her new weekly show will take a break from the seriousness of today's late night comedy.
  • Michelle Wolf will also be hosting the White House Correspondents' Dinner on Saturday, April 28.

  • The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

    Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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