Review of "Superior Donuts" on CBS From The TV MegaSite

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 TV Show Reviews

Superior Donuts 

Review of "Superior Donuts" 2/3/17
Airs Mondays 9:00pm, on CBS

I enjoyed the premiere episode of this comedy series about a gruff old Jewish guy running a donut shop and the young African-American guy who goes to work for him (and helps him improve the shop and keep up with the new yuppifyied clientele in the neighborhood).  It reminds me a bit of the old show "Chico and the Man" from the 70's that I loved. The main difference is that was an auto shop in L.A., and this is a donut shop.

One of my favorite actors, Judd Hirsch, plays Arthur, the gruff old donut maker. Comedian Jermaine Fowler plays Franco and is also executive producer of the show. Veteran actress Katey Sagal (from "Sons of Anarchy" and "Married with Children") plays a cop named Randy who frequently stops by. There are several other regular characters as well that hang out.

I think this show could be a big hit if it continues to be funny. I hope it is! I love seeing Judd Hirsch in anything. He's been in many great shows.  Check it out!



SUPERIOR DONUTS is a comedy about the owner of a small donut shop that’s located in a quickly gentrifying Chicago neighborhood. Arthur is a gruff, to-the-point Chicagoan who refuses to sell newfangled cronuts and macchiatos or renovate his dated shop that hasn’t changed since it opened in 1969. That all changes when enterprising go-getter Franco fast-talks his way into Arthur’s life as his new (and only) employee, and convinces him that he can bring the shop – and Arthur – into the 21st century. Arthur’s supportive regulars include loyal patron Randy, a cop whose late father was Arthur’s best friend; her overeager rookie partner, James; Tush, a colorful customer who uses the shop counter as a makeshift office, where he keeps tabs on a variety of odd jobs via fax machine; Maya, a privileged grad-school student working on her Ph. D; and Sweatpants, Franco’s longtime friend who’s willing to dress as a donut to help drum up more business. Looking to cash in on the urban renewal is Arthur’s over-caffeinated neighbor, aspiring real estate capitalist Fawz, who pushes Arthur on a daily basis to sell the building to him. With his business in jeopardy, Arthur grudgingly realizes that he had better embrace the change around him and that Franco could be exactly what he – and the donut shop – need to thrive. Based on the play by Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award winning writer Tracy Letts.

Premieres with a special preview Thursday, Feb. 2 (8:30-9:00 PM, ET/PT), then moves to its regular time period on Monday, Feb. 6 (9:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

ON AIR: Mondays (9:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT – as of Feb. 6)


FORMAT: Comedy (Filmed in HD)

STARRING:     Judd Hirsch (Arthur Przybyszewski)

Jermaine Fowler (Franco Wicks)

Katey Sagal (Randy DeLuca)

David Koechner (Carl “Tush” Tushinski)

Maz Jobrani (Fawz)

Anna Baryshnikov (Maya)

Darien Sills-Evans (James Jordan)

Rell Battle (Sweatpants)

PRODUCED BY: CBS Television Studios

EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Bob Daily, Neil Goldman, Garrett Donovan, Mark Teitelbaum, John R. Montgomery, Michael Rotenberg, Josh Lieberman and Jermaine Fowler

Photos are available on

On the web:


Twitter: @SuperiorDonuts

Instagram: @SuperiorDonuts

Cast on Twitter:

Jermaine Fowler @jermaineFOWLER

Katey Sagal @KateySagal

David Koechner @DavidKoechner

Maz Jobrani @MazJobrani

Anna Baryshnikov @annabaryshnikov

Darien Sills-Evans @dasefatcap

Rell Battle @RellBattle

Cast on Instagram:

Jermaine Fowler @jermainefowler

Katey Sagal @kateylous

David Koechner @davidkoechner

Maz Jobrani @mazjobrani

Anna Baryshnikov @annabaryshnikov

Darien Sills-Evans @dasefatcap

Rell Battle @dopewinters

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