Review of "Prime Suspect: Tennison" on PBS From The TV MegaSite

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Prime Suspect: Tennison 

Review of "Prime Suspect: Tennison" 6/28/17 by Suzanne
Airs Mondays 10/9c on ABC

This is a limited series prequel of the long-running series "Prime Suspect" that starred Helen Mirren. This new show is based on a novel "Tennison" by Lynda La Plante. I think it's really good, but apparently La Plante had trouble with the way ITV made the show, so they're not doing a second series. Which is too bad.

The show is set in 1973 and features Stefanie Martini as Jane Tennison. She's a new police officer in a very sexist time, when few women were on the force and were treated more like secretaries. Martini is very beautiful and reminds me a bit of Emily Wickersham, who plays Ellie on "NCIS."  I'm sure that she will find another great show after this.

The show airs three 90 minute episodes on PBS. The main case is a murdered prostitute, but there's also another related story about a bank robbery. Check it out!


Behind every great detective is a backstory. MASTERPIECE dials back the clock to spotlight the influences that turned 22-year-old rookie policewoman Jane Tennison into the savvy, single-minded crime fighter beloved by Prime Suspect viewers over the course of seven seasons.

Starring Stefanie Martini (Doctor Thorne) in the iconic role immortalized by Helen Mirren, Prime Suspect: Tennison airs in three riveting 90-minute episodes airing on MASTERPIECE Mystery! on PBS.

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