Review of "Nirvanna the Band the Show" on Viceland From The TV MegaSite

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Review of "Nirvanna The Band The Show" 2/20/17 by Suzanne
Airs Thursdays midnight on Viceland

Having a long, silly name should be a tip-off that a show is very bad, just like "Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 3," "8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter" or "Always Sunny in Philadelphia."

I tried watching this show, but it's really awful. It appears to be a bad imitation of "Spinal Tap" and other mockumentaries. Of course it's based on a web series. I haven't seen too many shows taken from web series that have become funny TV shows I liked. They should stop doing that!

Seriously, it's just not funny. The big joke is that these guys are a band that tries to get bookings, even though they've never actually played or sung or written any songs. Ha ha ha ha! Yeah, no, not funny.


NIRVANNA THE BAND THE SHOW" (debuting THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2 @ 10:00PM). Imagine a comedy series that's equal parts Nathan Fielder, Larry David and Johnny Knoxville featuring a cast of thousands, all of whom are unaware they're in a TV show. Even then, you haven't quite pegged the real-world madness that is "Nirvanna The Band The Show." From innovative comedy filmmakers Matt Johnson and Jay McCarrol, "NIRVANNA THE BAND THE SHOW," was given a special premiere screening at this year's Toronto International Film Festival and took the 2nd Place Audience Award at Austin's Fantastic Fest earlier this year. The show follows two friends who go to unnecessary extremes in the hopes of booking their band at The Rivoli, a modest Toronto rock club. Their adventures take many forms - from sneaking a film into the Sundance Film Festival and crashing the Santa Claus Parade to disrupting the ACTUAL premiere screening of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" - the show is as unpredictable to the viewer as it is to its unwitting supporting cast. While each episode follows the duo's harebrained schemes to get a show ... they're also filled with hilarious pop culture references and at the center - the friendship between 'Matt' and 'Jay.' "Nirvanna the Band the Show" is a VICE Studio Canada and Rogers Media original production.
· Jay McCarrol as EP
· Matt Johnson as EP

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