Review of "Chicago Justice" on NBC From The TV MegaSite

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Chicago Justice cast 

"Chicago Justice" review by Eva Diaz  2/28/17
Premieres Wednesday, March 1, then moves to 9/8c Sundays on NBC

Chicago Justice is the latest show to be added to Dick Wolfe's Chicago franchise,  which I like to call the Chicago heroes franchise. It includes "Chicago Fire," "Chicago PD," and "Chicago Med." I was very excited about seeing this show because I thought it woukd be a wonderful addition to the franchise that I would enjoy watching. The show has a strong cast heeded by Carl Weathers (whom Rocky fans remember as Apollo Creed). His character, Mark, heads the Chicago State's Attorney's office. Philip Winchester (Peter Stone), who is the Assistant State attorney, and Jon Seda (Antonio Dawson from "Chicago PD"). The cases are ripped fromn the headlines, much like Dick Wolfe's other franchise of shows, "Law and Order". Justice has many refrences to Law and Order characters, with cameo appearances by one of them. However, since I've never been a fan of "Law and Order," I was a bit confused because I didn't know the characters. I lost interest in the episode when these cameos were made.

I am sorry to say I was a bit disappointed in Justice because it seemed to me to fit in more with the "Law and Order" franchise than with the Chicago shows . It has a much slower pace then the other shows in the Chicago family, and it tended to bore me at times, which is strange because the reason I enjoy the Chicago shows is because of their fast paces and surprise endings. Justice doesn't have those - I easily figured out the ending to the episode. I think that if you're a "Law and Order" fan and miss that show, you will love this one.  If you're a fan of the Chicago franchise, you might consider this the weakest Chicago series of the bunch. If the show picks up its pace a bit, and gives us some better endings, it might make it.  Otherwise, I think "Chicago PD" fans will see Antonio's return to where he belongs - the police department. I give this show a 3 out of 5.  I'll keep watching, hoping for improvement.


Powerhouse creator Dick Wolf delivers a captivating new installment to the hit Chicago franchise. Just like their brethren in the Chicago P.D., the State’s Attorney’s dedicated team of prosecutors and investigators navigate heated city politics and controversy head-on, while fearlessly pursuing justice. As they take on the city’s high-stakes and often media-frenzied cases, they must balance public opinion, power struggles within the system and their unwavering passion for the law.

At the center of the show is prosecutor Peter Stone (Philip Winchester), the ambitious Deputy Chief of the Special Prosecutions Bureau. Relentless in his quest for justice, it’s more than a job, it’s a purpose. Stone is shooting at a target that only he can see. This often puts him in direct conflict with Mark Jefferies (Carl Weathers), the Cook County State’s Attorney who sees the world through a political prism. While Jefferies believes that a good prosecutor gives the jury and the public a clear, clean and digestible narrative, Stone is convinced the law isn’t always best served in a sound bite. Together with their team, Stone and Jefferies strive to bring some much-needed justice to the city of Chicago.

The team also includes Assistant State’s Attorney Anna Valdez (Monica Barbaro), a passionate newcome, who’s more flexible and willing to bend the rules to get the right result; Laura Nagel (Joelle Carter), a tough-as-nails State’s Attorney Investigator that sees each case through the eyes of the victim; and Antonio Dawson (Jon Seda, formerly on “Chicago P.D.”), a level-headed and by-the-book detective turned Chief Investigator.

In addition to Wolf, executive producers include Michael S. Chernuchin (“Law & Order,” “Rogue,” “Black Sails”), Matt Olmstead (Chicago franchise, “Breakout Kings,” “Prison Break”), Derek Haas and Michael Brandt (Chicago franchise, “3:10 to Yuma”), Arthur Forney (“Law& Order: SVU,” Chicago franchise) and Peter Jankowski (“Law & Order” branded series, Chicago franchise).

“Chicago Justice” is produced by Wolf Films in association with Universal Television.

For the latest “Chicago Justice” news, videos, and photos, please like on Facebook, follow on Twitter, and follow on Google+:

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