Review of "Truth Be Told" on NBC From The TV MegaSite

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the cast of Truth Be Told

"Truth Be Told" review by Suzanne 10/21/15
Airs Fridays 8:30/7:30c on NBC

Although I thought the pilot for this show was pretty funny, I don't hold out too much hope for it. For one thing, it's on Friday nights. This is generally where NBC puts shows that it's not too confident about. Secondly, the name of the show is dumb. It has very little to do with the show itself and it's forgettable.

The show is about two couples, predominantly African-American, except for Mark Paul Gosellaar, who plays Mitch, a college ethics professor. They're very middle-class and do the types of things that people on TV do, like try to find a baby sitter or go to a concert, or get into fights with strangers. As I said, though, I found the first episode to be pretty funny. It made me laugh. It started out slow but got better. Tone Bell plays Russell, Mitch's best friend, who's also a stand-up comic. They're both married, but Mitch and his wife Tracy (Vanessa Lachey) have a child as well.

With any sitcom, the rule is - is it funny? Check it out for yourself to see if you like it.


 If you can think it, they will most likely say it in this unabashed new comedy about two diverse couples - Mitch (Mark-Paul Gosselaar, "Saved by the Bell") and Tracy (Vanessa Lachey, "Dads"), and Russell (Tone Bell, "Bad Judge") and Angie (Bresha Webb, "Hung") - a fearless foursome who are both neighbors and best friends. As they navigate through life side by side, they can't help but analyze and obsess about everything. From sex and race to anything else your parents told you never to talk about, absolutely no topic is out of bounds for this wildly outspoken group.

Mitch is a college ethics professor, which might explain why he goes through life with a heightened attention to justice. He knows he can't change the world but is quite determined to change his corner of it. At his side is his beautiful wife of five years, Tracy, who by day is a tough-as-nails attorney, and by night a nurturing mom to their four-year-old daughter, Sadie.

Their best friends, Russell and Angie, live next door. Russell is Mitch's male voice of reason. A stand-up comic, Russell has absolutely no fear when it comes to talking to someone or making a scene in public to prove his point. His new bride Angie is that spirited, special kind of woman, who while married to a guy that's quite a handful, is able to go toe to toe with him at a moment's notice.

These four friends love and support each other so much they can talk about any topic in the most honest, candid and humorous ways. They are the kind of conversations people have with their real friends.

Truth Be Told is based on the life of DJ Nash, who serves as writer and executive producer. Will Packer ("Ride Along") and director Pam Fryman ("How I Met Your Mother") also serve as executive producers. Truth Be Told is produced by Universal Television and Will Packer Productions.

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