Review of "Rosewood" on FOX From The TV MegaSite

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Rosewood's Morris Chestnut and Jaina Lee Ortiz

"Rosewood" review by Suzanne 9/9/15
Premieres Wednesday, 8/7c, September 23 on FOX

There are certain shows where someone who's not a police officer (often, a doctor), plays detective. We've seen many shows like this, such as "Diagnosis Murder" and "Quincy," and the recent show "Body of Proof."  "Rosewood" is another such show. Morris Chestnutt plays Dr. Beaumont Rosewood, a private medical pathologist in Miami. This makes him different than the others we've seen on TV - he's a private businessman who works with the police but not for them. He's similar to a private eye in that respect, or a "consultant" like the stars of "The Mentalist," or "Psych," or "Castle."  Having someone outside of the police department lets the hero work a bit outside the law.

Rosewood works with Detective Annalise Villa, but the other police detectives aren't too fond of him.  One of them is played by Michael Anthony Hall (at least, I think that's him - there's no mention of him being in the show anywhere that I could find, so perhaps it's some kind of surprise).  Rosewood has a zest for life that some find annoying. We learn in the first season that he has an incurable disease, so that's why he acts as if every day is his last.

Since Rosewood is a private pathologist, and a very successful one, he has a great, modern, expensive lab, and he drives a fancy car.  The backdrop of Miami is very pretty and provides a lot of character for the show. I've missed that, since the end of "Burn Notice" and "CSI: Miami!"

The pilot is good, and I enjoyed it. The only thing I didn't like was that Chestnut is sometimes hard to understand. He doesn't speak very distinctly. However, the one I saw was a screener for press, so the sound was not final. They may clean it up before final airing. I think you should check it out because it's an enjoyable show.


Set against the vibrant backdrop of one of the world’s hottest cities – Miami – ROSEWOOD is the story of DR. BEAUMONT ROSEWOOD, JR. (Morris Chestnut, “Nurse Jackie,” “The Best Man” franchise), the city’s top private pathologist who teams up with the beautifully complicated DETECTIVE ANNALISE VILLA (Jaina Lee Ortiz, “The After”), to help the Miami PD solve their most challenging cases. While Villa is impressed with Rosewood’s abilities, his undying optimism is more annoying than it is infectious.  Somehow, week-to-week, this unlikely tag team will solve many crimes together… as the sexual tension between them blossoms by the minute.

In the simplest of terms, ROSEWOOD is a fun procedural drama wherein Rosewood and Villa solve incredible crimes with style, wit, sex appeal and a heavy dose of fast-paced banter… though we’ll let you guys decide if we pulled that off.  Behind Rosewood’s charm and physique, is a man who has suffered from a long and dangerous list of medical ailments that have plagued him since birth.  Despite his body constantly working against him, he has developed an optimism and passion for life that fills his entire being. Rosewood believes that every moment of life, no matter how small, should be embraced and lived to the fullest. And it is this heightened awareness and thirst for life in the face of adversity that propelled me to create this show.  Rosewood doesn’t just see a body as a piece of evidence, but rather as a human life that was stripped of its future. This drives him to see details and clues that others cannot, and to solve crimes that seem impossible.

Rosewood and Villa’s dynamic is complemented by a stellar and hilarious cast. Joining “Rosie” in his practice are his sister and “toxicology queen,” PIPPY (Gabrielle Dennis, “The Game”); and DNA specialist TARA MILLY IZIKOFF aka TMI (Anna Konkle, “Betas”), who is Pippy’s fiancée. Rosewood’s mom, DONNA (Lorraine Toussaint, “Orange is the New Black”), is a matriarch with a never-ending well of strong opinions and an even stronger desire to share them. And finally, Miami PD’s CAPTAIN IRA HORNSTOCK (Domenick Lombardozzi, “The Wire”), is a skilled and loyal team leader, but is terrible at managing his own life… something Rosewood is determined to fix.

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