Review of "Gotham Season 2" on FOX From The TV MegaSite

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Gotham poster season 2

"Gotham" review by Suzanne 9/8/15
Premieres Monday, 8/7c, September 21 on FOX

I love this show, and I'm so glad to see it again. FOX let us see the first two episodes of this season, and they're very good.

In, the first episode, we see what's happened to the various police (especially Jim) and villains, as well as with young Bruce Wayne and his guardian, Alfred. In the first episode, Jim has to make some terrible choices. I'm trying hard to reveal spoilers here. The Penguin is doing well, and he has taken over from Don Falcone with zeal. Jim and his girlfriend Lee are still together, but they're threatened by the events in Gotham.  Some convicts break out of Arkham Asylum, and they go on a rampage. There's a new villain (or two) leading them.  We see Jim and the other police deal with the bad guys in the second episode, but they pay a high price.

The future Riddler is still dealing with his psychotic break, but he also has some nice moments with Miss Kringle.  Bruce and Alfred have a falling out, but they make up. Alfred gets help from Lucious.

The stories are great and kept me on the edge of my seat. I just love this show, and it seems even better this season. They've given the villains a lot more to do, yet they still stick to the heroes and their stories, as well as the progress of Bruce Wayne.

If you haven't seen the first season, you definitely need to go watch it before the second season premiere. You won't be sorry. It's a great show. I can hardly wait for the rest of the second season!


The villains are back and taking over your TV when GOTHAM: RISE OF THE VILLAINS premieres Monday, Sept. 21 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. The first two episodes are “Rise of the Villains: Damned If You Do,…” and  “Rise of the Villains: Knock, Knock.”

In the premiere episode, “Rise of the Villains: Damned If You Do,…,” airing Monday, Sept. 21 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT), Penguin (Robin Lord Taylor) is King of Gotham and, after a shakeup at the GCPD, Detective James Gordon’s (Ben McKenzie) moral compass wavers, as he seeks help from Penguin. Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz) continues to explore the secrets from his father’s office, while GOTHAM newcomers Theo Galavan (James Frain) and his sister, Tabitha (Jessica Lucas), make friends with some unlikely allies, a group of dangerous inmates from Arkham.

In the next episode, “Rise of the Villains: Knock, Knock,” airing Monday, Sept. 28 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT), Gordon is thrust onto the high-profile case tracking the deadly inmate escape from Arkham Asylum. Meanwhile, Galavan plans his next move, while Bruce tries to unlock the secrets in his father’s office, and Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) attempts to ask out Kristin Kringle (guest star Chelsea Spack) on a date.

Get ready for a crazy ride (no joke…). We hope you enjoy!

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Page updated 9/9/15

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