Review of "Casual" on Hulu From The TV MegaSite

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"Casual" review by Eva Diaz  10/7/15
Airs Wednesdays on Hulu

I looked forward to watching Casual because I like watching family comedy shows.  However, I consider this one more of a comedy-drama then a true comedy.  Michelle Watkins plays Valerie, a therapist who is in the middle of a divorce; she moves in with her brother, Alex (Tommy Dewy), who teaches her the art of casual dating.  Valerie has a sixteen-year-old daughter (Tara Lynne Barr), and their relationship reminds me of the relationship between Lorelai and Rory on "Gilmore Girls."  I would like to see more of that in the show.  I also enjoyed the wonderfully-supportive relationship between Alex and Valerie -- Watkins and Dewy have wonderful chemistry.

This show is rated for mature audiences -- I suppose that's because it uses some strong language (granted, I have only seen  the pilot, so maybe it gets more mature in later episodes).  Overall, I like this show, but I wouldn't watch it all the time. For me, it's one of those you watch when there's nothing else you want to watch on TV or the internet, and you're bored.  It would be a lot better if it concentrated on the family relationships and not so much on the casual dating part of the show.  (Although, I guess they'd have to change the name of the show.)  I give this show 3 out of 5 stars because it is funny, but it could be better because the gag of showing a lot of bad dates will get old after a while.


"Casual" is a comedy series about a bachelor brother and his newly divorced sister living under one roof again. Together, they coach each other through the crazy world of dating while raising her teenage daughter.

Created by Zander Lehmann, Casual is executive produced by Jason Reitman, Zander Lehmann, Helen Estabrook, and Liz Tigelaar. Casual is a Lionsgate TV and Right of Way production.

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