Review of "Jim Gaffigan Show" on TVLAND From The TV MegaSite

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"The Jim Gaffigan Show" review by Suzanne 6/5/15
Premieres July 15 10pm on TVLAND

I've seen a couple of these episodes. One was on the Web, and the other was a special sneak peek after the season finale of "Hot in Cleveland."  It's a little funnier than that show. He's a pretty good comedian. Years ago he was in another sitcom called "Welcome to New York," which I liked, but it wasn't that funny...

I'm not saying the show is side-splitting or anything, but it does make me laugh. In the show, he's basically playing himself, a comedian, as Jerry Seinfeld did, and Louis CK did.  He has a wife and a bunch of kids (he's Catholic), and he lives in New York City. Most of the jokes are about his family and his job. He's fat, and a bit of a slob, so there are many jokes about that.

One episode was about how he ended up carrying his huge bible around, and it started to affect his career. Another episode was about trying to get his daughter into a rich preschool. Both were pretty funny. I would really recommend that you check it out. It's worth watching and better than most sitcoms on TV nowadays.

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Page updated 6/5/15

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