Review of "CSI: Cyber" on CBS From The TV MegaSite

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 TV Show Reviews

CSI: Cyber cast

"CSI: Cyber" review by Suzanne 3/22/15
Airs Wednesdays 10/9c
on CBS

If this show starred a bunch of nobodies, it would still be a really good show. The writing is very good. Not only are the stories interesting, but the characters are very well defined. The actors, of course, help make the characters interesting.

The show is about a crime unit that deals with cyber-related crimes. I don't know why it really has anything to do with CSI, per se, but it still works. If you're a regular viewer of "CSI" (the one set in Las Vegas), you recall that last year, star Patricia Arquette appeared on an episode to introduce us to the character of Avery and to the concept of the show.

Unless you've been living in a cave, you know that Patricia Arquette starred in the film "Boyhood" and won many awards for that, including the Supporting Actress Oscar.  I'm sure CBS must be very glad about that! She's always been a great actress. We all loved her in "Medium" a few years back.  The whole cast is great, though. James Van Der Beek (Most known for starring in "Dawson's Creek") plays her lead investigator, Elijah Mundo.  Peter MacNicol, who's been awesome in SO many great movies and shows, plays the supervisor Sifter. Actor/singer Shad Moss (known as "BowWow") plays Brody, a former hacker.

It's definitely worth watching if you like good drama and action.



CSI: CYBER stars Academy Award, Emmy Award and Golden Globe Award winner Patricia Arquette in a drama inspired by the advanced technological work of real-life Cyber Psychologist Mary Aiken. Special Agent Avery Ryan heads the Cyber Crime Division of the FBI, a unit at the forefront of solving illegal activities that start in the mind, live online, and play out in the real world. She also knows firsthand how today’s technology allows people to hide in the shadows of the Internet and commit serious crimes of global proportion. Ryan’s supervisor, Assistant Director Simon Sifter, is a shrewd FBI career insider and the clearing house between FBI Cyber and all other branches of government. Also on the team are FBI Agent Elijah Mundo, a self-proclaimed action junkie who is an expert in battlefield forensics; Daniel Krumitz, an introverted tech genius with a quick wit; Brody Nelson, an expat hacker who chose to work for the FBI over a life of cyber-crime; and Raven Ramirez, a rookie tech who is an expert in social media, cyber trends and international relations. While other agents search for criminals in dark homes and alleys, Ryan and her team search the “dark net,” a place deep in the bowels of the Web where criminals are anonymous, money is untraceable and where everything is for sale with just a keystroke.

Premieres Wednesday, March 4, 2015 on the CBS Television Network.

ORIGINATION: Los Angeles (filmed in HD)

STARRING:                            Patricia Arquette              (Special Agent Avery Ryan)

                                               James Van Der Beek       (Agent Elijah Mundo)

                                               Peter MacNicol                (Simon Sifter)

                                               Charley Koontz                (Daniel Krumitz)

                                               Shad Moss                      (Brody Nelson)

                                               Hayley Kiyoko                  (Raven Ramirez)

PRODUCED BY:                   CBS Television Studios in association with Jerry Bruckheimer Television

EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Carol Mendelsohn, Ann Donahue, Anthony Zuiker, Pam Veasey, Jerry Bruckheimer and Jonathan Littman



CBS Twitter:

Talent on Twitter:

Patricia Arquette         @PattyArquette

James Van Der Beek  @VanderJames

Charley Koontz           @Charley_Koontz

Shad Moss                 @smoss

Hayley Kiyoko            @HayleyKiyoko

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