Review of "Ballers" on HBO From The TV MegaSite

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three of the cast of "Ballers"

"Ballers" review by Suzanne 8/9/15
Airs Sundays 10pm on  HBO

I'm very sorry to be so late reviewing this sitcom. I've had a busy summer! This show stars Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) as a retired athlete. It features many retired athletes and shows how they struggle to find new careers after they retire.

The show is a half hour comedy, but personally, I don't find it all that funny. They probably should have made it an hour-long light drama along the lines of "Royal Pains" or some other similar show.

The characters are very interesting and entertaining. If I had time to add another show to my list, I would watch it. If it were really funny, I would find the time to watch it. Check it out and see if you like it. I think anyone who follows sports would like it more than I do. But it's not nearly as funny as "Arli$$."


Legends Don't Retire. They Reinvent.

'Ballers' is a new half-hour comedy series starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. The first season begins its 10-episode run on June 21, 2015 at 10 pm. Looking at the lives of former and current football players, the show follows former superstar Spencer Strasmore as he gets his life on track in retirement while mentoring other current and former players through the daily grind of the business of football. Rob Corrdry, Omar Benson Miller, John David Washington, Donovan Carter, Troy Garity, Jazmyn Simon, and Arielle Kebbel also star. Created and executive produced by Steve Levinson; executive produced by Mark Wahlberg, Peter Berg, Dany Garcia, Julian Farino, Evan Reilly and Rob Weiss.
Season 1 Trailer

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Page updated 8/9/15

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