Review of "Another Period" on Comedy Central From The TV MegaSite

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Another Period cast

"Another Period" review by Suzanne 8/9/15
Airs Tuesdays 10:30pm on Comedy Central

I'm very sorry to be so late reviewing this sitcom. I've had a busy summer! This show is more witty and droll than funny. Also, it's crude and grotesque (like many Comedy Central shows). If you're into that kind of thing, you might like it.

It basically spoofs shows like "Downton Abbey" and "Upstairs: Downstairs" but also turns them into a Kardassian-like reality show spoof. The characters are a very rich (but really stupid) family that are selfish and entitled, and they treat their servants badly (as well as each other).  It can be amusing at times. It's not the worst show on TV, but if you don't like crudity or things that are really extremely disgusting at times, you probably won't like it.

It does have a really great cast, and they do a great job. It's just really not my kind of show. Also, I don't watch either Downton Abbey or reality shows, so maybe some of the jokes are lost on me.  Like many Comedy Central shows, it's probably funnier if you're drunk or stoned.

MORE: Another Period follows the lives of the obscenely rich Bellacourt family and their many servants in turn-of-the-century Rhode Island. Natasha Leggero and Riki Lindhome lead an all-star cast -- including Michael Ian Black, David Wain, Christina Hendricks, Jason Ritter and Paget Brewster -- in this historical satire about narcissistic aristocrats and the poor souls in their employ.

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