The CBS series, "Under The Dome" is exactly what it sounds
like it will be.... but better. The premise is simple, yet
frightening and provocative, as most of Stephen King’s work
often is. Based on King’s novel of the same name, Under The
Dome is set in the small Maine town of Chester’s Mill.
Suddenly, following what seems to be an earthquake, an
invisible shield (of undetermined origin and makeup) falls
from the sky to enclose the whole town. It is here that the
special effects take over and the viewer is presented with a
clever and visually stunning array of images. For one, a cow
is split in half as the dome falls, and it makes for an
eerie sight. Further, cars and people are smashing into the
dome and each time it takes your breath as you see the
carnage unfold.
What’s even better; however, are the moments of humanity
executed by the cast that is chock full of recognizable
stars (too many to even name). The effects are immaculate,
but its the insinuated terror that is compelling. The fear
the town feels at being trapped under this dome, the huge
questions of origin and meaning surrounding the dome, and
the inevitable separations that occur are going to drive
this show, not to mention the dynamic of humans trapped “in
a fish bowl.” I am definitely intrigued by this show, and if
it can sustain the momentum of the dark and depraved
subplots (such as kidnapped-girl-in-a-bunker) past the
gimmick, then I think we might have something here.
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