Review of "Drop Dead Diva" on Lifetime From The TV MegaSite

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 TV Show Reviews

Drop Dead Diva

"Drop Dead Diva" review by Sundi
Season 5 premieres Sunday at 9/8c on Lifetime

What’s not to love about Lifetime’s perky  Drop Dead Diva? Brooke Elliott is delightful as usual, as the the season premiere picks up exactly where the finale left off. Jane is rushing to the hospital to see about Owen, who has collapsed on their wedding day, after seeing her and Grayson kissing, and the real Jane has pushed the return button to come back to Earth. I just love this show so much, and the season five premiere is exactly what you have come to expect from Drop Dead Diva: giddy and frothy; completely without any self-consciousness; and terribly sincere.


The silliness of this show is so winsome that I am apt to overlook some things that are distracting for many. For instance, Jane still has that ridiculous tic when she is accessing information from the past and the cutesiness is laid on pretty thick, but if the season opener is any indication, we are in for some major irony this season. The premier sets up the exposition for the arc of the rest of the season, introducing two new, and very attractive characters. One is the incredibly handsome and hunky, Justin Deely, playing Jane’s new guardian angel who has abs for days but is short on brains. Hopefully they will utilize this angel more than the last because he was just a big ball of missed opportunity. Since his main storyline is to locate

 the old Jane, I hope we see more of him.


Although the legal cases are pure accessory to the story, they are interesting enough to act as filler without us noticing, yet far-fetched enough to measure up to the Diva standard, AND they provide a vehicle for us to enjoy the newly pregnant Kim and the spunky charm of Teri. Jane is fighting Big Pharma to save a little boy from his cancer and Kim takes on an explicit website that posts compromising pictures of women without their consent; it is all so obviously topical that you pretty much know how it will all wrap up neatly in the end.


With a surprise ending in the last few minutes of the show, the fifth season of Drop Dead Diva is surely about to make some unexpected turns. Charting new territory as a show with an absolutely unique premise, there are endless possibilities, and I, for one, am game for them all. I’ll certainly be watching.  

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