TV Show Reviews

review by Suzanne
Premieres Tuesday July 10 on USA Network
I always enjoy this show, although I don't always watch
it regularly. One of these days I'm going to buy the whole
set on DVD. But in the meantime, I watch what I can. It
helps that USA sends me some of the episodes to review.
In this new season 3, things change HUGELY for Annie and
the rest of the CIA group. Something terrible happens (don't
want to give it away) and she gets a new gig with a new
character (played by wicked Sarah Chalke, who was so great
on 24). The first episode is amazing. It has lots of
character stuff, like with her Auggie, and there is also
romance and sex, and a lot of exciting action, like always.
I can't really say too much more or else I will
definitely spoil it for you. It's well worth watching,
though. The series just keeps getting better and better.
Don't forget to check it out!

More information:
The critically-acclaimed drama series, COVERT AFFAIRS,
stars Golden Globe®-nominated Perabo as Annie Walker, a
young CIA operative whose exceptional linguistic skills and
killer instinct quickly made her invaluable to the Agency.
Last season, after Annie’s mission in Stockholm turned
deadly, she comes back to the one person who has always been
there for her – Auggie (Gorham), the Agency’s blind tech-ops
expert and her best friend. However, Auggie’s mind is
elsewhere as he sets out to follow Parker (guest star Devin
Kelly) to Eritrea and leaves Annie wondering if her feelings
run deeper than she thought. Could the future of their
friendship lie in the balance? Meanwhile, both Joan (Matchett)
and Arthur (Gallagher) are in precarious positions within
the Agency and Jai (Ramamurthy) could hold both their fate
in his hands. As the series returns, Annie continues to
transform into a seasoned operative with more high-octane
adventures spanning the globe. This season, international
shooting locations will include Puerto Rico, Morocco and
Barcelona and in addition to Kelly, guest stars include
Sarah Clarke, Richard Coyle, Daniella Alonso and Rena Sofer.
Interview with
Piper Perabo
Update: USA sent me two episodes to review for September
4th and 11th. At first I thought that the 11th was the
mid-season finale, but there's an episode after that. I was
surprised because it seemed like a great season-ending
cliff-hanger! Both episodes end with big shocks and Annie's
life in great peril.
In the September 4th episode, Annie tries to convince
Simon to join their side. Something big happens at the end,
and someone dies. It's a pretty fabulous episode. There's a
lot of intrigue in the September 11th episode, as
Arthur, Joan, Auggie and the others work to find out the
truth. I wish I could tell you more, but it would be
spoiler-ish. I have really come to love this show and look
forward to it every week!
More info:
"Glass Spider" (#308) Airs Tuesday Sept. 4 at
After it's discovered that Jai was investigating Simon
Fischer (guest star Richard Coyle), bringing him in becomes
Arthur's (Peter Gallagher) top priority. In the hopes of
protecting Simon, Annie (Piper Perapo) requests that she be
allowed to bring him in herself.
Guest stars: Sarah Clark, Richard Coyle, Gregory Itzin.
"Suffragette City" (#309) Airs Tuesday Sept. 11 at 10/9c.
As the life of one of the agency's best hangs in the
balance, the team works to discover the truth after it's
revealed that one of their own might not be who they
Guest Star: Sarah Clarke.
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