Interview with McKenzie Westmore of "Face Off" on Syfy - Primetime TV Show Articles From The TV MegaSite

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By Suzanne

McKenzie Westmore

Interview with McKenzie Westmore of "Face off" on  Syfy 8/15/12

Moderator: Brenda Lowny
August 15, 2012 3:39 pm CT

Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by. Welcome to the NBC Universal Syfy conference call Face Off.

During the presentation, all participants will be in a listen only mode. Afterward, we will conduct a question and answer session. At that time, if you have a questions, please press the 1 followed by the 4 on your telephone. If at any time during the conference you need to reach an operator, please press star 0.

As a reminder, this conference is being recorded Wednesday, August 15, 2012.

I’d now like to turn the conference over to Brenda Lowny, please go ahead ma’am.

Brenda Lowny: Good after everyone, this is Brenda Lowny with Syfy PR. Thank you for joining today’s Face Off call. The - Face Off returns for its third season next Tuesday, August 21 at 9:00 Eastern/Pacific with 12 new contestants and an array of incredible challenges.

With us today to talk about the new season is our host, McKenzie Westmore and our series judge, Ve Neill. I’ll pass it over to our operator and we can ask for first question. Thank you.

Operator: Thank you. And ladies and gentlemen, as a reminder, if you’d like to register a question please press the 1 followed by the 4 on your telephone. You’ll hear a three tone prompt to acknowledge your request. If you’d like to withdraw your registration, please press the 1 followed by the 3. If using a speakerphone, please lift your handset before entering your request.

One moment please for the first question.

Ve Neill: Now - do - hey, McKenzie, are you there?

McKenzie Westmore: Yes, ma’am.

Ve Neill: Do we have to press a button to answer a question or no?

McKenzie Westmore: No, I don’t think so. No.

Ve Neill: Okay.

McKenzie Westmore: Yes, we just (unintelligible).

Operator: And our first question comes from the line of Kyle Nolan with Please go ahead.

Kyle Nolan: Hi, McKenzie and Ve, thanks for taking time to talk to us today.

McKenzie Westmore: Hi...

Ve Neill: Hi.

McKenzie Westmore: ...thank you.

Kyle Nolan: So in the opening sequence of the season premiere it says that America will have a say in the winner this season. Could you talk more about how that’ll work and some of the other changes we can expect this season?

Ve Neill: Do you...

McKenzie Westmore: We...

Ve Neill: ...want to do that one McKenzie?

McKenzie Westmore: Sure. Yes, sure. We said at the finale we - the first time in Face Off history America’s going to get to vote. We’re going to do a live show on Halloween night and America will have a say on which contestant they feel came up with the best make up.

Kyle Nolan: Great. And, once again, you have this amazing array of guest judges that you get to work with for the foundation--or - is it the foundation challenge or the quick challenge at the beginning?

McKenzie Westmore: The foundation, yes.

Kyle Nolan: Could you talk about some of the folks that you get to work with his season and is it at the point where they ask you to be on the show or do you still seek them out?

McKenzie Westmore: Do you want to take that one?

Ve Neill: Ooh, I don’t know that.

McKenzie Westmore: You know, I think it’s a little bit of both. You know, there are some people that are dying to be on the show and they’re loving it and there’re are some people that we, you know, always reach out to to see if they’re interested for - especially if it’s a particular challenge and it fits them.

You know, we have an array of amazing guest judges this year. We start off with Sean Astin as you were first mentioning with the very first foundation challenge. We have other great guest judges that come in. We have Brian Grazer, we have Laila Ali, we have Kevin Smith, who I actually was tweeting back and forth with this morning regarding his appearance on the show. So there are some really fun, amazing guest judges that come in to join our already amazing panel of judges.

Kyle Nolan: Great. Thanks, I’ve seen the premiere and I can’t wait to see how the rest of the season plays out.

McKenzie Westmore: Us too. I haven’t seen it. We’re dying to see it.

Ve Neill: Yes.

Operator: And our next question comes from the line of Jamie Ruby with SciFi Vision. Please go ahead.

Jamie Ruby: Hi, thanks so much for doing the call today. It’s good to talk to you both again.

McKenzie Westmore: Hi.

Ve Neill: Thank you.

Jamie Ruby: Can you talk more about how the challenges are going to be different this year. I mean, I know they’re going to be harder, but can you maybe give some examples and talk about them a little bit?

Ve Neill: Oh, wow. How they’re going to be different. Geez, there’s so many different ones. I mean, can we talk about...

McKenzie Westmore: Wouldn’t you say that we kind of went bigger and broader this year?

Ve Neill: We did go bigger and broader, I think. I think we have - and we’re seeing a lot more full body and all kinds of great things from our artists. It’s pretty amazing some of the things that - the opening show is going to be absolutely spectacular. We have some of the best talent we have had on the show in a long time. So, I’m pretty happy about that.

We have - one of our challenges was a Star Wars challenge, which was pretty great and...

McKenzie Westmore: That was amazing.

Ve Neill: Yes, that was pretty fun. And we did a Who challenge and Brian Grazer was our guest judge and it was pretty fun to have him there seeing as he was, you know, one of the producers on the film. So, it’s going to be pretty fun and terrific and there’s a lot of really great wonderful makeup you’re going to see this year.

Jamie Ruby: Okay, great. Thank. And when you’re judging, do you feel that it’s more important for them to kind of follow the specifics of what you tell them or more important that they go outside the box? Like, how do you, I guess, draw that line of what you choose over one or the other?

Ve Neill: Well, it’s important for them to follow the specifics of the challenge because sometimes, and it has come up, that we find two that are really, really spectacular make up and we literally judge it just by did they follow the challenge exactly.

So, you know, we can have a really spectacular make up but they’re missing part of the challenge. And, you know, and so when that - and when it comes to that, we have to really just say okay, well there both really great make up but this one follows the challenge precisely. And a lot of - you know, several times this has happened and we have had to choose the one that’s followed the challenge precisely.

So, I mean, that doesn’t mean that they can’t think outside of the box but they do have to incorporate...

McKenzie Westmore: Right.

Ve Neill: ...all the elements of the challenge.

Jamie Ruby: Okay, great. Thank you so much. Thank you.


Ve Neill: (Unintelligible) outside of the box.

McKenzie Westmore: Sure.

Ve Neill: Yes, yes.

Operator: And the next question comes from the line of Kathy Huddleston with Please go ahead.

Kathy Huddleston: Hi, ladies.

McKenzie Westmore: Hi, how are you?

Ve Neill: Hello.

Kathy Huddleston: So what are some of the challenges that we have to look forward to this season?

McKenzie Westmore: We have a lot of cool challenges this season. We start off with a bang of Star Wars. We have super heroes, we have dancing Chinese New Year dragons, we’ve teamed up with a charity, Kids Say Yes to the Arts, that was one of my personal favorites where children brought in sketches of monsters - 7-year-olds brought in sketches of monsters and teamed up with the contestants to bring their monsters to life. So there’s a good array this year.

Kathy Huddleston: Awesome. And...

Ve Neill: Yes, there’s a lot of different fun challenges this year and we’ve had some pretty spectacular guest judges with us as well.

Kathy Huddleston: And just one other question then. Just - personally - for both of you ladies, what personal challenges did you face on this season? What - you know, what challenges did you face with doing the show?

Ve Neill: Oh, well, I don’t know that I have any challenges. I really enjoy working on the show and I think it’s just fun to see, you know, all the creative work that’s done here and it’s really amazing.

I love seeing what the artists come up with, you know, every week and it’s truly a blessing to even be here. I mean, it’s just so much fun.

McKenzie Westmore: It really is. I mean, I know for myself there’s sometimes I feel like I get my own challenges when I’m doing some of the working with the contestants and explaining some of things. It really wasn’t anything I can think of with Season 3, but I do know in Season 2 we had the challenge of dangerous beauty and I have a horrible, horrible fear of bears. And they had that bear right behind me as I was announcing the challenge and I really kind of blacked out and don’t remember explaining most of the challenge to them because of that. You didn’t know that Ve, did you/

Ve Neill: No, we’re not privy to a lot of the stuff that goes on..

McKenzie Westmore: I know, because I’m (unintelligible)....


Ve Neill: I only get to stay the week.

McKenzie Westmore: I’m there every day, so that’s why there’s days where I feel like I’m getting my own challenge. I’m like, okay, what and I - what fear and I going to conquer today.

Ve Neill: I think you challenges are standing up on those dang high heels.

McKenzie Westmore: Yes, that’s true. That’s another good challenge for me, you’re right.

Kathy Huddleston: Thank ladies. I want to speak in one more. Ve, do you guys always agree or disagree, because you seem almost like you’re in agreement a lot of times...

Ve Neill: Well, you know...

Kathy Huddleston: the judging.

Ve Neill: ...sometimes, you know, it’s been we’ve, you know, we’ve come against each other but not - you know, usually, it’s pretty clear cut. Sometimes we think well, I like this one more but, you know, I understand why - where you’re coming from. And yes perhaps maybe that one is better because, you know, they followed the challenge more of they used - you know, we - they were supposed to do this and they did that and the other guy didn’t do it even though it’s a really great makeup.

So, you know, we wind up agreeing most of the time after we’ve had a chance to hash it out, you know. I don’t think we’ve ever really had any major disagreements because, as I said, sometimes it’s just very clear cut who, you know, the winner would be.

Kathy Huddleston: Thanks ladies.

Ve Neill: You’re welcome.

McKenzie Westmore: Thank you.

Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Hal Boedeker with Orlando Sentinel. Please go ahead.

Hal Boedeker: Hi, thank you for doing the call. I have a very local question. Could I get your impressions of the two Orlando contestants, Eric Garcia and Laura Tyler?

McKenzie Westmore: Both amazing. I mean...

Ve Neill: Yes.

McKenzie Westmore: ...Ve can speak more on the true talent side but, as far as working with them on my level of personalities, they both were wonderful great people.

Ve Neill: Yes, they both did - they did - they both did great work and it was really nice to see all - you know, the difference nuances and, you know, it’s kind of fun to see, you know, people’s strong points and, you know, and it was just great watching them work.

There’s a lot of talent that comes out of Orlando. I’ve - we’ve actually some other...

McKenzie Westmore: I noticed that too.

Ve Neill: ...Orland too.

McKenzie Westmore: Yes.

Ve Neill: Like, Nix was from Orlando, he was really fabulous. He’s an amazing body painter. So we’ve had quite a few very talented people come out of the Orlando area.

McKenzie Westmore: Sure.

Hal Boedeker: Ever figured out why?

Ve Neill: Sorry?

Hal Boedeker: Any thoughts about why so much talent comes out of here/

Ve Neill: I don’t know, that’s kind of an odd question.

Hal Boedeker: There training, I don’t...

Ve Neill: I don’t know how to answer that one.

Hal Boedeker: Okay. Thank you so much.

Ve Neill: Orlando’s just very talented.

McKenzie Westmore: Because it’s hot down there.

Ve Neill: Exactly, they have lots of inspiration. Lots of inspiration there.

Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Beth Beacham with Hollywood Junket. Please go ahead.

Beth Beacham: Oh, hi, Ladies. Thank you so much for answering our questions.

McKenzie Westmore: Hi, thank you.

Ve Neill: Thank you.

Beth Beacham: I am curious about the cyborgs challenges the Pirates of the Caribbean. Can you talk about those?

Ve Neill: The cyborgs was very cool. That was the one we had - was that where we had Gale Anne Hurd...

McKenzie Westmore: Yes.

Ve Neill: ...she came in for cyborg and that...

McKenzie Westmore: That was great.

Ve Neill: ...was an amazing challenge. That was really fun. They did some really interesting and different takes on cyborgs.

McKenzie Westmore: I’m picturing it right now. Oh my God, there were some amazing makeups in that one that I remember.

Ve Neill: Yes, it was pretty fun.

McKenzie Westmore: And the Pirates one, I know you guys loved the pirate one. There were some fun things that happened for you guy in the Pirates on, Ve.

Ve Neill: Yes, I mean, that’s always great to see pirate stuff. I, you know, I’m a big pirate fan, obviously

McKenzie Westmore: Obviously.

Ve Neill: They were, you know, the challenges are always so unique and it’s also so fun to see somebody else’s take on something you’ve done before. So, it was really fun. I, you know, I enjoy the show so much, it’s really refreshing to see somebody else’s, you know, work on something that you have, you know, obviously done and it was pretty entertaining, I got to say.

Beth Beacham: And the cyborgs, are those the same type of cyborgs that we see on Star Trek or are they different?

McKenzie Westmore: Yes, there were some similarities to some of - not necessarily - I mean, the borg queen is an example that I do give them in their challenge as an inspiration. So they definitely had that direction to go in but they really went outside the box of what they would consider to be their own version of a cyborg, not necessarily the borg queen of Star Trek. So there were some pretty amazing make ups that they did present to the judges that really, you know, encompassed what the challenge asked for.

Beth Beacham: Okay, thank you. I look forward to the new season.

McKenzie Westmore: Thank you.

Ve Neill: Thank you very much.

Operator: And our next question comes from the line of Monique Jones with Please go ahead.

Monique Jones: Hi, thanks for taking the call today. I only have one question. Is there a film or show that has made you wonder how someone achieves a certain look?

Ve Neill: Wow. Gosh, that’s a pretty broad question. I’d have to really start thinking about that. Seeing as I know how they do most of the stuff. I’ve never really thought about how did they do that. Although, you know, with a lot of CGI stuff these days, it does make you stop and wonder, you know, occasionally about how did they integrate, you know, the CGI into the makeup. And that’s really cool, I wonder, you know, who set it up and, you know, how they figured it out. But, I’m not sure that I can think of anything right off the back like how’d they do that. Can you McKenzie?

McKenzie Westmore: Not - no, I’m kind of blank on that one.

Ve Neill: We’re just too damn smart I guess. That’s what happens when they take all the fantasy out of your work. When you already know how to - how they did that. It kind of takes all the fun out of it, doesn’t it.

McKenzie Westmore: That’s funny.

Monique Jones: Thanks.

Ve Neill: Thank you.

McKenzie Westmore: Thank you.

Operator: And we have a follow up question from the line of Kyle Nolan with Please go ahead.

Kyle Nolan: Hi again. I was wondering, do the judges get to see any of the foundation challenge work and does that factor into the decisions at all?

Ve Neill: You know, we don’t get to see anything except for what’s really brought to us right on stage. You know, it usually doesn’t factor into it. The only time it does factor into it is when we are told that somebody had immunity. They will tell us what the challenge was and they’d say who won it or who is immune, but other than that, we really have no knowledge of any of the pre - the challenges that go on before that we don’t see. We just solely on what we see right on the stage, which is what you guys see. We don’t even know what goes on in the houses or anything and we don’t even know what the challenges are until we actually get to work that day.

Kyle Nolan: So, McKenzie, do - are you aware - there’s often - when these artists get paired up there’s often this - the clash of personalities. Are you aware of any of that behind the scenes drama that’s going on?

McKenzie Westmore: I am, I’m privy to, you know, most everything that does on, just as being the host and being kind of the conduit for everything and being so intertwined with the contestants, as well as the judges. I am in the loop on all of the ins and outs and, you know, what’s going on in the lab. I really don’t deal with much of the house stuff because I’m not there.

You know, I might hear some of the things that are going on but I don’t take part in any of the house drama, I guess you could say. But I always know what; going on in the lab. Obviously, I’m there with the guest judge for the foundation challenges, so I do see all the ins and outs and all the workings that do happen on a daily basis.

Kyle Nolan: And do you guys - do either of you keep in touch or work with any of the past contestants or winners/

McKenzie Westmore: Oh, yes.

Ve Neill: A lot of times the past contestants, you know, we will have a little bit of contact. As in the first season, Conner - on the first season, Conner came and did the Hunger Games with me, so I kept - and I’m still in contact with Conner. We, you know, we email and occasionally speak.

McKenzie Westmore: Yes.

Ve Neill: I was actually hoping that he’d go on the second Hunter Games with me but I think I’m going to have to hire locally again, which is why he got hired the first time, because he was local in North Carolina. So, that being said, I think it’s just such a wonderful opportunity to any of these - with - for any of these artists to be able to stay in touch with us because, you know, we would love to be able to help them out eventually, you know.

McKenzie Westmore: Absolutely.

Ve Neill: And they don’t even have to be the winner. I mean, I still talk to...

McKenzie Westmore: No.

Ve Neill: ...a lot of the guys. They come and do things at tradeshows with me and do demos and it’s really to see all the, you know, see their progression and how they, you know, advanced over the, you know, the - since they’ve come off the show. So, it’s really quite fun to stay in touch with everybody.

McKenzie Westmore: It really is. There are a couple that I’ve kept in touch with and my dad actually hired Gage to do a Bollywood film this past year. And so...

Ve Neill: Oh, cool.

McKenzie Westmore: Yes, I know. So you’re right, when you...

Ve Neill: I didn’t know that, that’s bitching.

McKenzie Westmore: I know, it’s that so cool. Yes, he sent him over to India and had him make up the - who’s considered like the George Clooney of India.

Ve Neill: Wow.

McKenzie Westmore: And my dad is still very much involved in India, so it was really, you know, it was kind of neat to see somebody like Gage, who like you just said Ve, you know, isn’t - wasn’t the winner but, still an amazing talent.

Ve Neill: Yes.

McKenzie Westmore: And a lot of people do continue to get great work after being seen on the show and after they are able to showcase their talent.

Ve Neill: Yes, it really opens up a lot of doors for them. And, as you said, they don’t even have to be the winners. I mean, I’ve occasionally - they’ve managed to get a hold of my email or they contact me through Facebook, but it’s always nice to hear, you know, gosh I’ve gotten so many, you know, it’s been such an advantage being on the show. I get contacted all the time now to do local things and, you know, blah, blah, blah. It’s really kind of fun. I’m so happy for the contestants because it’s such a great opportunity for them to advance their craft. So, I’m really happy that the show has been able to do that for so many artists.

Kyle Nolan: That’s great to hear. Thanks again for your time.

McKenzie Westmore: You’re welcome.

Ve Neill: Thank you.

Operator: And our next question comes from the line of Ryan Haidet with Please go ahead.

Ryan Haidet: Hi guys, thanks for...

McKenzie Westmore: Hi.

Ryan Haidet: ...chatting with us today. It’s a pleasure to actually be speaking with you guys. I’m a huge fan of the show.

McKenzie Westmore: Oh, cool.

Ve Neill: Thank you so much.

Ryan Haidet: Just curious about the casting process, how involved is that because I’m sure you guys don’t want to get somebody who claims they can do all sorts of makeup affects and then they get there and suck. So, what is the process like to get on this show?

Ve Neill: You know, I don’t really know because we’re not involved with the casting at all but McKenzie, do you know. I mean, I know they do a lot of interviews at all the different functions and try to find people. And I think eventually they have to do, like, some sort of makeup test or something to get in.

McKenzie Westmore: Exactly, they had to do a makeup on themselves and they..

Ve Neill: Okay.

McKenzie Westmore: ...also have to do an interview. I’ve - there’re a lot of - I know I’ve seen a lot of the videos even on YouTube from some...

Ve Neill: Yeah, I have too.

McKenzie Westmore: ...that are - yes, it’s kind of fun to watch some of them to see...

Ve Neill: And some of them are pretty inventive, as well.

McKenzie Westmore: Yes, they are with what they come up with and what they use and what they - you know, how they go about creating a makeup on themselves.

Ve Neill: Yes.

McKenzie Westmore: But they, you know, they’ve have to showcase their personality and they have to showcase their talent. It’s a full package.

Ryan Haidet: Okay. And give us a preview of the premiere episode. It’s a 90 minutes premier, what all can fans expect from that big debut?

McKenzie Westmore: We’ve got a - it opens up with a great foundation challenge to showcase the contestants’ talent and to show us a little bit about who they are. Sean Astin joins me as a gust judge with that one. Then we move into our big opening with Star Wars. So, I will let Ve take it from there as to what we saw on stage, because that was pretty amazing.

Ve Neill: Sorry, I almost dropped the phone. The Star Wars challenge was pretty fantastic. I mean, there was a lot of really great makeups and there was also a couple of surprises because some of our contestants are quite young and I was really surprised to find out that one of our young lady contestants had never even seen Star Wars.

McKenzie Westmore: We had a couple of them.

Ve Neill: Yet, he came up with a really fantastic, you know, kind of makeup. So, it -you know, a lot of times they can’t really explain why but they just, you know, some people just have the innate talent and it just happens without them even trying. So, it’s really kind of fun to see, you, people’s imaginations. I mean, to actually create, you know, an alien in the whimsical kind of fashion that when you’ve never seen the movie. I just--you know, we were all kind of dumbfounded. It was kind of actually a really fun moment. But, they - some of the makeups were just so much fun. I -- you know, they were just amazing and I was excited to see them. It was just really, really a fun challenge.

Ryan Haidet: No, at the reveal stage, I’m assuming it’s a very lengthy process. Other reality shows like Survivor, they’re tribal councils typically last two to three hours. what is that process like for you guys? How long does that take to do an elimination and all that stuff.

McKenzie Westmore: It takes a while. It takes more than two to three hours.

Ve Neill: Yes, we’re here several hours as well. And, you know, it happens over the course of the evening because - a question that we were asked earlier was, you know, what it, you know, the process and what do - do we know anything that goes on. And as I explained earlier to one of our other - one of the other interviewers is, we don’t actually ever really know what goes on except for what we actually see right on stage, which is, you know, really kind of great because we’re completely, you know, we don’t get tainted by anything that has gone on previously.

Like, we don’t know what goes on in the lab, except if we’re there doing a walkthrough we’ll see a little bit of stuff but not most - not very much. We don’t have any idea what goes on at the house or anything, so we actually can only do our judging by what we see in front of us. And, you know, we do have to question - you know, we’ll - we see a little bit of the makeups ahead of time while their doing their run-throughs.

And then we’ll go out on stage and then we see them in person and then we go up and we do a close up of it. And then, of course, we ask the artist, you know, in depth questions as to who was responsible for all the different, you know, for the different parts of the makeup. You know, who designed, you know, who created this, this did that, who made - you know, who make the wings, you know, whatever the character has on them. So, you know, we do try to, you know, get as much information from the contestants as possible so that we know who is responsible for which area.

And, you know, it’s very important when they’re doing challenges where they’re teamed up with each because you - that determines who is the winner of that team or the loser, as it may be. So, we do have quite an in-depth question and answer period with them. You know, you probably don’t get to see it all on air because it would talk too long. But, we’re pretty thorough with our, you know, with our questions to the contestants.

McKenzie Westmore: That is a lengthy process, for sure.

Ryan Haidet: Okay, and the last question. How has the dynamic changed on the judging panel with the addition of the new judge, with Patrick only there for a brief time?

Ve Neill: I don’t know that the dynamics itself has changed because Neville is also in the same field as Patrick, so we have that same creative juice flowing there. I mean, we have a, you know, designer, you know, creature designer production type designing person.

So, we still have that same - he still has that same, you know, -- the same questions, let’s say, that Patrick would have. So, we still have that dynamic there with, you know, Glenn, who is the, you know, fabricator and myself, who’s the makeup artist and then the designer.

So we still have all that going and it’s working very smoothing, really well. You know, not that we don’t miss Patrick, because we do. But Neville has been an amazing addition to our panel and we’re very happy to have him because he is also, you know, quite a spectacular character himself and it’s really great to have him with us.

Operator: And our next question comes from the line of Joseph Nesro with The Make Up Artist Magazine. Please go ahead.

Ve Neill: Cool.

Joseph Nesro: Good afternoon ladies...

McKenzie Westmore: Hi.

Joseph Nesro:’s nice to talk to both of you at the same time.

Ve Neill: Hi, good to speak to you as well.

Joseph Nesro: I was just picturing in my head the first I met McKenzie, 20 odd years ago. Boy did she look different then.

McKenzie Westmore: Yes, big difference. I (unintelligible) a great photo of my dad and I from about 20 years ago - 20 - 25 years ago.

Ve Neill: Unfortunate, if you would’ve met me 20 years ago, it wouldn’t have been that different.

Joseph Nesro: What I wanted to follow up on was something that you had mentioned in passing Ve about the number of young contestants that are coming up on the show. One of the things that we get a lot of because of the readership of our magazine is a lot of people that are either starting out in the business as makeup artists or people that are seriously thinking about making a career in the business.

And some people have said that maybe they don’t necessarily get a 100% accurate view of the industry by watching Face Off because of course there are the reality show elements of it. and, you know, maybe you can’t do this process this quickly because we’re cutting it for television and so forth, what I wanted to do was maybe turn this around and ask both of you, as a person who’s been in the business for a while and McKenzie is somebody who’s been involved in the family business, so to speak.

What aspect are there of Face Off that a young makeup artist or somebody who wants to get into makeup as a career can actually take from watching the series that might be either inspirational or, I guess, aspirational in terms of watching this show might, you know, turn them on to this is definitely something I want to do for a career?

Ve Neill: Well, I’ll let you answer McKenzie and then I’ll answer.

McKenzie Westmore: Okay. Well, I mean, yes, certainly we do get a lot of fan letters that have a lot of either parents coming up to me and saying, you know, I’m so grateful for this show because, you know, my child - my 10-year-old, my teenager, whatever it is, now knows what they want to do. They want to go into the world of makeup. Or even kids coming up saying that they love the who, that this is what they want to do. They found their calling.

It really is amazing for us to see it on our end of, you know, all the workings of the show and what it brings out in the contestants. From my point of view and what I deal with as opposed to what, like, Ve deals with on the judging side and truly looking at the artistry and the creativity of it. for me, I look at the personality and see how they’re working together as teams, as individuals, you know, because that is such a huge part of this industry is can you work in a lab, can you work on a set, can you - you have a, you know, a good enough personality to be able to either work individually or help, you know...

Ve Neill: Yes.

McKenzie Westmore: ...contribute to other people’s - someone else’s makeup. So, and then obviously, there is the artistry, which Ve I’ll let you go in on that.

Ve Neill: Well, I was going to start by talking about that as well. I mean, it’s really important that they know that it’s just not painting a face.

McKenzie Westmore: Right.

Ve Neill: You have to be able to, you know, run your - run a group of people to, you know, to actually get the makeup done. You know, you have to know how to speak in a group of people. You know, you have to know how to talk to them, not down to them, but to them. You know, everybody - it’s something that I don’t think a lot of people that have not been on the show, you know, especially because they’re working individually. They’re just little people that have been working on, you know, like in their garage or whatever and they’ve never actually had to work, like, on a team. And I think that that’s something that’s really important that happens lot on this show. You really see where people are going to have a weakness working on a team or working with a partner.

A lot of people don’t know how to delegate and a lot of people don’t know how to follow. They, you know, they want to kind of take over and not, you know - it’s just - it’s so important - I think that’s one of the most important things that I would think that somebody might learn from this show is how to work with somebody else and how to work with people, because it’s not a one man job. You know, this is - it’s teamwork and you have all know how to work tighter and get along together and know who’s -you know, it’s really good to be able to put a team together with people, you know, your short comings. You know, who’s good at making molds, I know we’re going to have to do big molds on this one.

We should have this person on our team. Who’s really a (unintelligible) sculpture, we should have this person. You know, they have to know how to delegate and how to hire. So, it’s kind of - -it kind of gives them a little bit of a glimpse of how to actually run, you know, a team of people to get the job done. And I think that’s probably one of the most important that. And obviously, how to get along, you know, just in general with other people, you know.

Joseph Nesro: Just to follow that up. Ve, I’m glad that you actually brought that up because I think those interpersonal dynamics often get ignored as far as what you should have as an artist. But, in terms of the suit of skillsets that you see young artists coming onto the show particularly, you probably see, you know, certain gaps of people’s skillsets and so forth. I’m just curious and McKenzie, feel free to chip in on this as well. If you’re a young would be makeup artist that’s sort of wanting to get into the business and maybe hoping to get onto show like Face Off at some point, what sort of advice would you give them in terms of the skills that they should be developing as an artist?

Ve Neill: Well, I think they sort of have to start developing everything because, as you can see on the show, you pretty much have to know how to do it all.

I’ve always said, oh my God if you put me on this show I’d probably flunk out the first week, because...

McKenzie Westmore: Oh, come on.

Ve Neill: ...I mean, I’ve never had to do every single one of those jobs. I’ve don’t them individually but I’ve never done them all at once. And it’s very difficult, I mean, you have to really be able to know how to, you know, roll with the punches, as it were, and you really have to know a little bit of everything now.

It’s like I always say, I don’t want to work in a lab but I know everything there is to know pretty much about working in a lab and all the different products, because you have to in order to be able to do your job properly. So I think, you know, knowledge in general and just, you know, having a little bit across the board is really helpful, especially on this show. You know, it’s probably - a lot of people just have - just know enough to get themselves into trouble, as it were, but it’s definitely on this show because, you know, I think a lot of times the kids, when they’re in the lab, they kind of probably help each other, or say oh, don’t do that you should try that or...

McKenzie Westmore: Yes, they do.

Ve Neill: You know, I’m sure it’s not like a, you know, one off thing where everybody goes, I’m not going to tell anybody anything because I want to win, you know. I think there is a little bit of camaraderie that goes on there and I think they are supportive of each other because, you know, it’s like anything. You can tell somebody how to do something but, if they can’t do it, it doesn’t matter, you know. So it never hurts to get somebody a little advice, I always so.

Joseph Nesro: McKenzie, do you want to add to that at all?

McKenzie Westmore: You know, I always feel like some of the one that we see with a real strong sense of talent and a strong sense of person , really having a sense of who they are and what is their signature to what they do, are the ones that really have a good background in schooling. You know, coming from some of the makeup schools.

So I think it’s always a plus, as with any field. I mean, even I would say this when people come to me and they say, you know, how do I be an actor. And I would say, well study. You need to study and I think it’s very important that these people do take the time to do some of the training and just study and to learn the craft because it is, it’s business, it’s a craft. So, to take that time to learn at any age, it doesn’t matter when, it’s a talent that, you know, it’s innate and it’s also learned and it’s within everybody, I feel.

Ve Neill: Yes, I really think that school is really important now. There’s, you know, makeup has advanced so much that it’s really important to have schooling. There is just way too much to learn by yourself or even my asking questions.

McKenzie Westmore: Oh, yes.

Joseph Nesro: I mean, it’s so involved now. There’s really no way that people can do this without some sort of school, I don’t think anymore.

McKenzie Westmore: Yes.

Joseph Nesro: All right, lades. Well, thank you so much and...

McKenzie Westmore: Thank you.

Joseph Nesro: ...thanks for putting up with my longwinded questions. It’s a pleasure to speak to both of you.

McKenzie Westmore: No problem.

Operator: And as a reminder, to register for a question, please press the 1 followed by the 4 on your telephone. And we have a follow up question from the line of Jamie Ruby with SciFi Vision. Please go ahead.

Jamie Ruby: Hi, again. So, you talk about that they, you know, really need to go to school and everything for it and also I know that you did mention that they need to learn to work together. But is there kind of something else you can think of overall that as a whole some of the contestants that come in maybe, like, something that they’re not familiar with or that they need to, you know, learn when they come on the show and a lot of them don’t?

McKenzie Westmore: Ve, wouldn’t you say, like, airbrushing has been a one...

Ve Neill: Yes.

McKenzie Westmore: ...just because of the paint skills.

Ve Neill: I don’t think a lot of the kids know how to airbrush and they attempt it and it comes off just being kind of messy.

McKenzie Westmore: Yes.

Ve Neill: But that’s schooling as well. That’s - there’s...

McKenzie Westmore: That’s schooling, exactly.

Ve Neill: Yes, it’s schooling, it’s, you know, it’s practicing. I mean, it’s like anything. If you don’t practice, you’re not going to get any better and a lot of people even if they go to school don’t get any better because they don’t practice, they stop when they get out of school.

It’s like, I - you know, it’s like I always tell everybody, it doesn’t matter if they’re not going to pay you for the job, go do it anyway because you need the experience.

McKenzie Westmore: Right.

Ve Neill: And I think experience is what wins this show, pretty much.

Jamie Ruby: Now Ve, I wanted to ask you do you like when, you know, you create the makeups and then they kind of add to it with CGI or would you rather just, you know, it be straight makeup? What do you like?

Ve Neill: Well, it would depend on the makeup and it - you know, a lot of times, I think CGI is a great enhancement to makeup. It depends on how it’s used. Like I just - you know Spiderman just came out and they used, you know, enhancement with CGI on that and, you know, I - they told me they were never going to see him change into the lizard so we - you know, I created these makeups and still enhanced it with like CGIs. So I was kind of oh, all right. Well, that’s cool. You know, I know they were going to have to see him turn into the lizard after all, you know, it wasn’t just going to happen on its own. So, it doesn’t really bother me.

I think CGI has its place and it can really be use, you know, as a great enhancement to makeup and I am not opposed to it at all.

Jamie Ruby: Okay, great. And lastly, can you talk just a bit about working on Hunger Games/

Ve Neill: Which one, the first one or the one I’m about to do?

Jamie Ruby: Well, if you can talk about the new, preferably the new one. But...

Ve Neill: Well, you know what, I don’t -- I just actually had my first creative meeting with Francis Lawrence and he’s lovely. I did the film Constantine with him and he’s really a really terrific visionary so I think the next one’s probably going to be even more spectacular than the first one.

The first one was so much fun to work on and the kids were great. You know, everybody had a, you know, a really good time. It was a really positive atmosphere to be in and it was really fun to do the film and I was so happy that it was so successful because it does have such a great fan base and it would be really a bummer to not, you know, make the fans happy. And that was something that we were really concerned about.

We wanted to try to stay as close to the book as we could, you know, and still make it, you know, a good movie and, you know, something that was actually plausible within, you know, the realities of makeup and whatever. Because, you know, in the book it was so much crazier than we actually did it.

But I did some tests on things and it just didn’t look right. I mean, it’s one thing to imagine it on a page, but to actually put it into a 3-D visual, it just - some things just don’t work right. They look silly or too makeupy or, you know, something like that.

So Franc - I was very happy with the way the film came out and I think the next one’s going to be even more fun. There’s just so much more makeup effects in it. So much action. The script is absolutely fantastic and Francis yesterday said to me - I just flew to Atlanta yesterday to go talk to him and he said that - he said the scripts even going to get even better. So, I can’t hardly wait. I’m really looking forward to doing the next film as well and I think it’s going to be pretty - visually, I think it’s going to be really spectacular.

Jamie Ruby: Okay, great. Well thank you so much.

McKenzie Westmore: You’re welcome.

Ve Neill: Thank you.

Operator: And we have another follow up question from the line of Kyle Nolan with Please go ahead.

Kyle Nolan: Hello. So, McKenzie, have you ever worked with your father or been interested in getting involved in the family business?

McKenzie Westmore: Oh, absolutely. There was a time when I was a teenager and I actually was taking my makeup classes and, you know, I around the same time had read an article where they were calling my dad the last of the living dinosaurs where they really ran every department. You know, everything from sketching to working in the lab to applying it on stage and on set. And it broke my heart when I read that article and so I started to take classes and I started to study and really I would help him out in the lab.

And after a while I just - I pulled my dad aside and I said, you know, I love what our family is about, I love what we do, I admire you and your work so much but I want to be an actress. I want to sing opera. I want to do, you know, a different - go in a different direction and he said are you kidding me, follow your dreams. That’s what I did, I followed what I wanted to - my dreams and I support you in whatever you want to do.

So yes, there was a time when I came very close into going into that direction, so I feel so lucky and blessed to be a part of Face Off because it’s like the best of all worlds for me. You know, I get to still do - I wouldn’t call it acting. Obviously, hosting but it’s still in a vain that I love and it’s in a world that I absolutely have so much admiration for. From what, you know, what my dad does and our judges, with Ve, with Glenn, with, you know, Patrick and Neville. You know, what they all do is just - every day is so impressive to me.

Kyle Nolan: And Ve, you had said that you would flunk out if they ever put you on the show. Has there ever been any talk about having the judges do a challenge against each other.

Ve Neill: Not yet. Oh, against each other. I don’t know if they could because I don’t know that we’re all - I don’t think we can all do all that stuff. So, I mean...

Kyle Nolan: Or pick teams and then...

Ve Neill: I mean, Glenn could do it all because he, you know, runs a lab and stuff. But, you know, it’s been so many years since I’ve been in the lab and I don’t think...

McKenzie Westmore: I think you’d kick his butt, Ve. Come on.

Ve Neill: Huh? I could if I had to.

McKenzie Westmore: I think you’re underestimating yourself.


McKenzie Westmore: You’re totally underestimating yourself. You would kick you know what

Ve Neill: I just prefer not to. The whole idea is really, truly frightening to me.

McKenzie Westmore: It is though, right.

Ve Neill: It’s really hard to have all that criticism going flinging around, you know, especially when you’re like over 40. You know, you don’t want to hear that stuff anymore.

McKenzie Westmore: You’re funny.

Kyle Nolan: Great. Thanks again for your time.

Ve Neill: Thank you.

McKenzie Westmore: You’re welcome.

Operator: Another follow up question from the line of Ryan Haidet with Please go ahead.

Ryan Haidet: Hi guys, assuming there is going to be a fourth season, can you guys say if production has actually started on that yet?

McKenzie Westmore: We are not at liberty to say anything. I know Syfy - I don’t even know how to really answer this except that Syfy will let everybody know as to what - which direction things are going in as soon as they can.

Ryan Haidet: Okay. Now last season we saw RJ, he just looked like the biggest fan of everybody that came, on this season is there one particular contestant who you would say is the biggest fan of Face Off?

McKenzie Westmore: That’s a tough one.

Ve Neill: Yes.

McKenzie Westmore: Maybe Alana, do you think.

Ve Neill: God, you know, I don’t know. I’m trying to think of somebody that’s like really. I think everybody this season is kind of like - they’re all very dreamy like.

McKenzie Westmore: Yes, they are. They’re a very happy group.

Ve Neill: They’re a happy group. They’re all very respectful of us. They, I mean, they - yes, maybe Alana. She seems to be really, I don’t know. It’s almost like they’re being very respectful this year because they don’t - they’re afraid - now they’ve seen two seasons and they go, oh my God, I don’t want to say that. I don’t want to do that.

Operator: And there are no further questions at this time.

Brenda Lowny: Thanks everyone for joining the call and thank you to McKenzie and Ve for their time today. And as a reminder, Face Off premiers Tuesday, August 21 at 9:00 pm.

If anybody needs help with screeners or artwork or further information, please do get in touch with me directly. 

McKenzie Westmore: Thank you.

Ve Neill: Thank you. Thanks Brenda.

Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, that does conclude the conference call for today. We thank you for your participation and ask that you please disconnect your line.

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