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Interview with Emily Rose of "Haven" on Syfy
Syfy Conference Call
Emily Rose
July 11, 2011
2:00 pm ET
Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by. Welcome to
the Haven conference call.
During the presentation, all participants will be in a listen-only mode.
Afterwards, we will conduct a question-and-answer session. At that time
if you have a question, please press the 1 followed by the 4 on your
telephone. If at any time during the conference you need to reach an
operator, please press star 0. As a reminder, this conference is being
recorded, Monday, July 11, 2011.
I would now like to turn the conference over to Mr. Stephen from Syfy.
Please go ahead.
Stephen Cox: Good morning, good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for
joining us. We are very excited to have Emily Rose with us today, the
star of Haven. And just a reminder, Haven premiers this Friday, July 15
at 10:00 pm only on Syfy.
So without further adieu, we will get to your questions so you can chat
with Emily.
Emily Rose: Hello.
Operator: All right. Ladies and gentlemen, if you would like to register
for questions, you may press the 1 followed by the 4. You will hear a
three-toned prompt to acknowledge your request. If your question has
been answered and you would like to withdraw your registration, please
press the 1 followed by the 3. If you are using a speakerphone, please
lift your handset before entering your request.
Once again ladies and gentlemen to register for questions, please press
the 1 followed by the 4. One moment please, for the first question.
Our first question is from the line of Joshua Maloney with Niagara
Frontier Publications. Please go ahead.
Joshua Maloney: Hi Emily, thanks for your time today.
Emily Rose: Thank you.
Joshua Maloney: So, as far as season finales and cliffhangers go that
was a pretty bang up one that your show offered us last season. Tell us
a little bit...
Emily Rose: Yeah.
Joshua Maloney: ...about your reaction to when you got that script and
how you think it played off for the fans.
Emily Rose: I remember I did what I did with the (script) when I first
read it, I threw it across the room and I was like, “Oh, no. Oh, no.
What does this mean?” And I called my writer up right away and we were
talking and I just was really confused because I thought I was this FBI
Agent and I went through a lot of the emotions that Audrey went through
when she discovered that she may not be who she thought she is the whole
entire season.
So, I had a pretty strong reaction, but then I was just really thankful
that they did not tell me until later because it kind of allowed me to
really have that experience.
Joshua Maloney: Right. So, without giving away too much, obviously, what
can you tell us about the Season Premiere?
Emily Rose: I just know that we’re going to come right back into where
we left off, in terms of the questions of, you know, coming right back
into the scene of where we find those - all those (free) on the beach.
And it’s going to kind of explore the first few episodes kind of
Audrey’s personally exploring what this means if she’s not who she
thought she was. And then, we’re also going to go head long into looking
into each of the troubles of the week and more into the Town of Haven
and where this all comes from.
Operator: Just open - ladies and gentlemen, once again please press the
1, 4.
Our next question is from the line of Jamie Steinberg with Starry
Constellation Magazine. Please go ahead.
Jamie Steinberg: Hi, it’s a pleasure to speak with you.
Emily Rose: Hello.
Jamie Steinberg: What keeps challenging you about the role of Audrey?
Emily Rose: I think just her mystery of herself and where she comes
from. I constantly am challenged by her toughness and how she would
handle trying to walk that fine line between trying to be a nurturer and
helping people that are troubled, with also the tough skin and the
defensiveness that she had to build up individually in order to last all
these years without a family or a home or without knowing anything about
her background. That’s a constant challenge for me.
Jamie Steinberg: There’s such great chemistry on screen with you and
Lucas and Eric and it really translates, I’m sure, from your friendship
off screen. However, Eric revealed your nickname to some journalists
last week, how much trouble is he in?
Emily Rose: He’s in a bit of trouble. Lucas came up with it, but then
Eric has implemented it and I just giggle. I feel like on set it’s like
having these two older brothers that I never had. I always asked for
older brothers, but now you know you’ve got to be careful what you wish
for because those two like I’m on their on-set sister and they’re
constantly going after me in any little way; any little nickname that -
you know?
And of course, then Eric makes it all public by Twittering about it.
It’s kind of funny, but it’s kind of a rolling thing with Lucas. Lucas
kind of comes up with new nicknames on a weekly basis. It’s whatever
strikes his fancy, and then he just goes to town with it.
Jamie Steinberg: Well, why do you think people continue to tune in and
watch Haven?
Emily Rose: I think because they really like the central characters and
they really like the quirkiness, and hopefully the humanity that is
displayed through their - kind of their plight with being in this town.
And I think it’s also, obviously there’s the week-to-week being able to
see what kind of trouble they’re going to face next, but I honestly
think it’s the relationship between these three central characters and
just kind of the complexity by which their relationships exist.
Duke and Nathan are at odds with each other, yet would die for each
other in a heartbeat, so what is that about? And Audrey and Nathan like
work so well together and, you know, are there anymore - is there
anything more between them? We don’t know. We kind of keep watching to
see. And then, Audrey and Duke, you know, just kind of brings out a
different side of her. And then also, is she even who she is?
I think all of those things wrapped up into a quirky talent is kind of
neat to shake that eight ball every week and see what pops up.
Jamie Steinberg: Well, now that you’ve mentioned Lucas is possibly like
your brother, it’s going to be hard for me to imagine him anything more
than that, you know, so thanks for ruining it.
Emily Rose: (We truly become) such a family when we’re out there on set,
so it feels that way.
Jamie Steinberg: Thank you so much.
Emily Rose: You’re welcome.
Operator: Our next question is from the line of Joshua Maloney with
Niagara Frontier Publications. Please go ahead.
Joshua Maloney: Oh, that was quick. Just a quick follow-up for you,
Emily. You know, obviously when we’re talking about Stephen King, I
don’t know too many actors or actresses who would turn that opportunity,
but also you know I don’t know if you were a fan of Sci-Fi growing up or
not, but it feels like the quality of Sci-Fi is so much better these
How much did each of those things sort of weight into your decision to
do this series?
Emily Rose: Well the next step for me personally, in terms of acting,
was to lead a show and I really enjoyed the script and the story. Now,
the fact that it was a Stephen King was just like an added endorsement.
It kind of felt like it would get a little bit more weight and attention
from the gitgo.
My parents are huge Sci-Fi people and I always say that like from a
young age they kind of sat me down and was like, “Let us introduce to
you what is Star Wars,” And I come back...
Joshua Maloney: Right.
Emily Rose: ...from Disneyland not with like little princesses and
things, I came back with Ewoks and going on the Star Wars ride like
multiple times, and to me that was what was exciting.
So, I think I just really enjoyed obviously the kind of fantasy side of
it, but all this kind of weird stuff that happened to Audrey in the
Town. But for me I think what makes Sci-Fi exciting is when it is
relatable and when there is like a reality that is sort of based in that
you kind of can’t deny. And I think this town and where we shoot and the
stories that Stephen King, how he writes the characters, they offer that
So, I really related with the humanity and the groundedness of these
characters, and then throwing them into that crazy world, to me is a lot
more relatable than some of the more like (spacey) genres or things like
Joshua Maloney: Great. Thank you again.
Emily Rose: Thank you.
Operator: Our next question is from the line of Reg Seeton with
TheDeadbolt.com. Please go ahead.
Reg Seeton: Hi, Emily. Thanks for taking the call.
Emily Rose: Hey, good to talk to you again.
Reg Seeton: Great. Well, with so much mystery surrounding Audrey, how do
you approach her now to understand who she really is? Are you off
balance as an actress?
Emily Rose: I think definitely. It’s one of those things I always talk
about. It’s kind of scary. I mean, as an actor you are kind of given
this past and its history that you understand. And I think something I
learned in school, in theater school was I was hearing all the time and
my teacher was like, “You may not get it now, but later you’ll
understand is just trusting that you’re enough. Trusting that what you
bring to the character is enough.”
And I think in the situation with Audrey where there are so many
unknowns where I don’t know, it’s like they pulled the rug out from
underneath me. Like they pulled it out initially when I didn’t have any
like sort of family or background or all I knew was just like that I was
in a foster home and that I was this really good agent. I mean, those
are kind of the basics and everything that you can kind of put on
ornaments - the Christmas tree of that character on with it, you know?
But, the next thing was when this rug got pulled out from under me that
I might not be actually Audrey, I just had to trust that those feelings
I was feeling about sort of maybe - like maybe this new like guest star
was going to come in and maybe she’s the real Audrey and maybe I haven’t
been playing that the whole time, or all these feelings of what I
thought, like were those really mine and was I really allowed to own
that? Was somebody else going to get to be that FBI Agent, and what does
that mean for me? I just had to trust that, you know?
So, it was a really interesting acting exercise to just kind of what I
was feeling, in terms of the anxiousness and the nervousness of not
knowing what to do or what to do next. I just had to trust that Audrey
was most likely feeling those same exact feelings, so I needed to do was
to fall into my work and to fall into the text and try to tell the story
And I think that that’s what all that my Audrey knows to do is that she
doesn’t know her past but she does know the present and Nathan sort of
gives her that faith there on the beach in the opening season scenes of
this next season and just believing in her and giving her the strength
to say, “We do this well. You help people well.”
And I think that that’s all I knew to do - knew that she could do was
just help people and try to help them through their kind of trouble of
the week, and sort of in finding that and helping the town she then kind
of finds herself.
Reg Seeton: Well, can you talk about what it like to work with Jason
Priestley this season and what he brings to the (show)?
Emily Rose: It was awesome. He’s such a great guy. You hear like about
this Canadian icon, you hear you know Jason Priestley and plus, you
know, 90210. And I’d worked with Luke Perry in the past as well, so I
kind of had a little bit of just going, “Oh, I’ve kind of worked with
one of your friends before.”
But, he’s just so down to earth and just fantastic and really giving and
really collaborative. And not only is he a great actor to work
alongside, he’s a really great director and I go to work with him in
that capacity as well. He directed one of our episodes this season, and
so it was just great. There was no like pretense and there was no - he’s
just so down to earth that it was fun to work alongside of him and it
gave a new dynamic between Nathan and Audrey and Duke and Audrey, and
it’s just interesting to play with that.
Reg Seeton: Awesome. Thanks, Emily, and wish you all the best.
Emily Rose: Thank you.
Operator: The next question from the line of Jamie Ruby wit Sci-Fi
Vision. Please go ahead.
Jamie Ruby: First, I want to say...
Operator: Please go ahead.
Jamie Ruby: ...I love the - can you hear me?
Emily Rose: Yeah.
Jamie Ruby: Hello?
Emily Rose: Hello?
Jamie Ruby: Sorry, I was just saying, thanks for talking to us today.
Emily Rose: Oh, no, thank you.
Jamie Ruby: And I was going to say, I really like the (car/dance) party
video that Eric put out.
Emily Rose: Lucas was a little...
Jamie Ruby: I was just saying...
Emily Rose: ...surprised that got posted.
Jamie Ruby: Since he - Eric’s, you know, telling us your nickname and
everything, do you have any embarrassing stories or anything to talk
about him and get put online?
Emily Rose: Oh, man, no I can’t throw him under the bus. He’s a good
guy. No, I think you’ve seen kind of the worst of it there. I think the
funniest thing about both Lucas and Eric and they’re just so
spontaneous. You just never know.
Like Lucas is writing songs on set all the time and I have so many like
little videos of him writing songs about our characters. I need to ask
him if I can post them, but they’re the funniest, funniest like little
songs on his guitar and they’re pretty hilarious. And Eric, he just
cracks me up because he’s such a renegade, but he’s also very particular
and I love that about him and he’s great, he’s fantastic.
Jamie Ruby: That’s great. So, I don’t know how much you can talk about
this, but...
Emily Rose: And when I think of something I will post it. I will post it
Jamie Ruby: Okay.
Emily Rose: ...I will put it on line...
Jamie Ruby: Good. I’ll be sure to re-Tweet it.
Emily Rose: Yeah.
Jamie Ruby: Now, I lost my train of - oh, can you talk about how the new
character of (Evie) is going to affect their relationship between her
and Duke?
Emily Rose: Yeah, I think...
Jamie Ruby: Audrey’s relationship with her - with Duke.
Emily Rose: I think Audrey kind of reacts in the way that a lot of us
girls that have good guy friends react. I think we kind of act that
we’re totally fine with it, but we kind of secretly wish that we still
had their attention and I think that she’s kind of struck by the fact
that this girl is in his life. And I think she just ends up falling back
in to what she normally does when she’s a little curious is I think she
just observes. I think she’s an observer.
And so, you kind of will see Audrey sort of watch that, but the story
that kind of happens and exists between (Evie) and Duke is really great,
and I think (Vanessa) does a great job. She was a great asset for our
show this year.
Jamie Ruby: Great. What’s - what about you is most like your character?
What do you see of yourself in Audrey?
Emily Rose: I think that probably really, really stubborn, I always
laugh with the producers. When I feel really strongly about something
with Audrey and I’m really passionate with her, I kind of laugh with
them because I’m like, “You guys did cast me as this part. There is a
stubbornness naturally that’s there.”
And I think I’m also very curious and observant. I love to like listen
in on people’s conversations and really kind of dig deeper and get to
know kind of what’s really going on, so both of those things. And I kind
of explained Audrey as a walking awkward moment sometimes. She is a
little awkward at places and I identify with her in that way.
Jamie Ruby: And then quickly, as a (Stan) question, what would you do if
you were on a mountain with Eric and Lucas?
Emily Rose: On a mountain? I sort of feel like...
Jamie Ruby: Yeah, on a mountain top.
Emily Rose: ...I’m on a mountain to with them every day when we’re
filming. I feel like we’re out on this island. I don’t know, I’d
probably make Lucas write a song about it, and then make Eric dance with
me or something.
Jamie Ruby: Okay. Thanks a lot.
Emily Rose: Thank you.
Operator: Our next question is from the line of James Iaccino with
MediaBlvd Magazine. Please go ahead.
James Iaccino, your line is open. Please go ahead.
James Iaccino: Yes, hi. I’m talking...
Emily Rose: Hello.
James Iaccino: ...can you hear me? Hello?
Emily Rose: Yep, I can hear you. Hello? Yes.
James Iaccino: Oh, hi. Hi, Emily...
Emily Rose: Hello.
James Iaccino: ...how are you doing? Hello?
Emily Rose: I’m good how are you doing?
James Iaccino: Okay...
Emily Rose: Hello?
James Iaccino: ...okay. I’ve been a Haven viewer since the pilot episode
and I wanted to say that when I saw that ending, well, not ending, but
that cliff of the first season, I think you still were unsure whether -
or Syfy was unsure whether it was going to be renewed or not, and...
Emily Rose: Yeah.
James Iaccino: ...it was like a week or two after that. And it was sort
of like, “Oh, my God, they can’t leave viewers hanging like this.”
Emily Rose: Yes.
James Iaccino: But, they always do that in Sci-Fi shows with the cliff,
whether the show is coming back or not. So in retrospect, would you say
now that you are in the midst of the second season that the story is
advancing very significantly from the first? Have the threads been laid
down more with Audrey than ever before or are we...
Emily Rose: I just think that we’ve moved to the deeper level. I think
if we didn’t end up coming back it would have been a great way to end
the season because it’s pretty powerful, but I think in the second
season we just go to a whole other layer of what that means for Audrey.
And it kind of like half the challenge with her is to make her active in
that place when she finds out that everything is gone, so how does she
keep on going?
James Iaccino: Right.
Emily Rose: So, I think that we just explore that more this season and
the writers have a very clear vision, in terms of what the last scene of
the entire series will be, and so they’re always working towards that
James Iaccino: Okay.
Emily Rose: But, I definitely believe that we are always fighting for
the arts of your characters, in terms of where they’re going next and
how it builds. And in this year, in terms of - on the Syfy perspective,
we just (built) the action of it. It feels a lot more action-oriented.
But, I think that the characters and kind of what they’re dealing with
on an emotional level is up dramatically, because we ended with
(unintelligible) having died and what that means for Nathan and what
that means for him personally. And pretty much Audrey’s identity dying
and what that means for her and that leaves them in a very interesting
James Iaccino: Neat. Neat. I did want to know, seeing your playing an
FBI Agent, or was, were you patterning yourself after, you know, other
TV characters like Dana Scully from the X-Files or Jody Foster in
Silence of the Lambs? Were you - did you deliberately sort of think
that, “Okay, I’m going to sort of pattern my whole style of acting after
these strong females.”
Emily Rose: I tried to not, actually.
James Iaccino: Okay.
Emily Rose: I did watch Silence of the Lambs again to just refresh on
the kind of the toughness and the tenacity that existed in Clarice.But,
she’s also a bit different from her, and so I didn’t want to do that
identical thing.
I also didn’t want to watch Fringe anymore and I didn’t want to go back
and watch X-Files. Only because I knew that I was entering this family
of that genre, but I wanted Audrey to be very distinct and different.
And I think she is in the way that she’s very quirky and sort of odd and
very bantery and kind of comedic, you know, less kind of stoic and less
She knows that what she’s dealing with is serious, and so people that
deal with tragedy on a regular basis it can wear on them either in a
very warring way or they can combat it with like comedy or sarcasm or
things like that, so I tried to go that route.
But, I think this year when you kind of deal with her identity getting
yanked out from under her, I think it starts more on the warring side,
but not initially, no.
James Iaccino: Right. You brought up the fact that you interjected some
humor into her character. Now that we have all these heavy issues that
we’re dealing with this season, is it still sort of comedic or do you
think that now we’ve introduced a lot more drama into it? Not that it
wasn’t drama heavy before, but it seems like...
Emily Rose: Right.
James Iaccino: ...it’s really drama heavy now with the major characters
than ever before.
Emily Rose: Yeah, I think that the comedic kind of comes in through
Vince and Dave, the reporters and...
James Iaccino: Oh, okay.
Emily Rose: ...I think Audrey has her moments, but it’s not as frequent
this year, no. I think it’s more about kind of the dark side of the town
and I think that gets a little bit more attention, yeah.
James Iaccino: That’s cool. That’s cool. Thank you.
Emily Rose: Thank you.
James Iaccino: Okay.
Operator: Our next question is from the line of Erin Willard with Sci-Fi
Mafia. Please go ahead.
Erin Willard: Hi, Emily. Thanks so much for being on the call. I almost
called you Audrey because that’s just who you are to me. Haven is
absolutely one of my very favorite shows. Thank you so much for your
Emily Rose: Oh, I’m glad.
Erin Willard: ...(I love it) - oh, I just love it. And it’s interesting
you mentioned Fringe because that’s my other very favorite show. And
yeah, you definitely are distinct from that character, but in a lovely
Emily Rose: Yeah.
Erin Willard: I just love it. And I saw the first episode of the new
season and thought it was terrific. Just as good as all of the first
season, which I devoured, so...
Emily Rose: Oh, fantastic. Thank you.
Erin Willard: Oh, you’re welcome. Thank you. I know you said on the
Season 1 DVD Extras, I’m sure you did that a long time ago, so I’ll just
remind you what you said, that you’re told everything about the
mysteries of the show, which (it kind of reference anyway) since you
didn’t know about (Sandy) and last season, and that you...
Emily Rose: Right.
Erin Willard: ...like to make messes. I asked Eric this question last
week and I want to ask you the same thing. I’m wondering if you know if
we’re ever going to get an answer to why there are troubles or - and/or
why they came back? And if there are answers, if you know them, and if
they’re not if you have any guesses?
Emily Rose: Well, we haven’t - we don’t know those answers. Those are
definitely things that they keep us in the dark in, I think just for
several reasons, probably - mainly one so that kind of we play the
authenticity of really discovering those when they come along.
Erin Willard: Right.
Emily Rose: But I think we will probably find out, I would - it is my
hope that we would find out what triggers them and when it all started.
I think we probably would go back to that as well, but I don’t think
that will be for a while. I think that’ll kind of get (saved) off.
Erin Willard: Is that something that you kind of wonder about? I mean,
do you come up with some kind of theories of your own or you just wait
for it to happen?
Emily Rose: I wonder about it, but I’m kind of every week thrown into
the new sort of trouble every week and trying to make sure that the
story line is in line with where my character’s going, and how I can -
not necessarily in line with where my character’s going, but that I’m
attune to the arts of where she’s at, the temperature of where she’s at,
and then just trying to hold that.
We film, like every TV show, scenes completely out of order, so I’m
always just trying to pay attention to the timeline of when things
started, when I knew something, when I didn’t know something. Those...
Erin Willard: Right.
Emily Rose: ...kind of bigger questions are things that I sort of try to
talk with writers in between the season, but they don’t necessarily -
you know, I don’t necessarily get those answers.
Erin Willard: Holding out on you.
Emily Rose: Yes. We enjoy...
Erin Willard: So, have you seen...
Emily Rose: ...doing that, as seen by last season.
Erin Willard: Oh, fantastic. Have you seen the last script of this
Emily Rose: Have I - no. Nope, not yet. Nope.
Erin Willard: No, you don’t know, okay.
Emily Rose: No.
Erin Willard: Well, hopefully the - well, I love the cliffhangers, but I
hate them too, so thanks again for being on the call.
Emily Rose: Yeah, thank you so much and thanks for watching. We really
appreciate it.
Operator: Our next question is from the line of Brandon Sites with
BigDaddyHorrorReviews.com. Please go ahead.
Brandon Sites: Hi, Emily. Thanks for spending some time with us this
afternoon. Thank you very much.
Emily Rose: Oh, thank you.
Brandon Sites: So, what was it - okay. Initially, what was it that you
drew you to the show?
Emily Rose: I think for me I just really enjoyed the character of
Audrey. When I read it I just thought that she was really cool and
really sassy and really sarcastic and fun. And the fact that they wrote
these really quirky characters, and I know I say that a lot, but it’s
really when you read scripts and you don’t just see these normal
characters that would maybe just be accepted by all the popular crowds.
You kind of get refreshed that there’s actually well-written characters
that ride a tandem bicycle or think little details like that that kind
of make you go, “Wow, what is this town about?”
I - it was really this role for me, I could really feel it, and so that
to me was intriguing, you know, this character of Audrey that was so
determined and wanted to figure out what was going on, but then had this
little weak spot of not knowing her own history. To me that’s what
hooked me in.
Brandon Sites: Now, what personality traits do you - in Audrey do you
personally find annoying?
Emily Rose: I’m sorry? Say that again.
Brandon Sites: Okay, what personality traits in Audrey do you find
Emily Rose: Oh, I think the ones that are similar to myself. The fact
that she’s so stubborn sometimes. And I think too, just this need to
help people all the time. I think that’s a very endearing quality and I
think it’s great, but to her detriment it kind of distracts her from
taking care of herself.
She’s very much a workaholic and that’s something that I think I -
sometimes I just want her to be like, “You know what, the police
station’s going to be fine. I need to go look into my family history. I
need to figure out where I came from.” I just want to take her on that
journey sometimes just because I so desperately want to know where she
came from too.
Brandon Sites: Okay. And now, how does Haven - how is that - how does
that show differentiate from some of the other non-reality supernatural
theme shows? What makes the show different than the other TV shows
within the supernatural theme?
Emily Rose: I think that the look of the show is very unique. I feel
like we aren’t shot on a studio and we’re not shot in a place that is
commonly shot in. We’re not shot in Vancouver or Toronto or Los Angeles
or New York. We’re shooting at a very small tiny town and we actually
are one of the last shows that is actually shot on film.
So, when you shoot a show on film people don’t quite realize it, but it
does give it a completely different look, and we light not like a normal
television show. We light very moody and, you know, (Eric Tayla) our
(DP) does an amazing job at doing that. And so, those things already
give the texture of our town so much pop and a different quality.
And then on top of that, you layer in just some of the, you know, this
weird, weird banter and weird quirky moments. We’re not afraid to have
awkward moments and I really enjoy that about our show and I think
that’s what sets us apart.
Brandon Sites: Okay. And my last question, what would you consider to be
the big head turning, “I can’t believe they did this moment,” from last
Emily Rose: Well, I think it happened to in a row. I feel like we found
out that Audrey could be Lucy really, that that was maybe her in the
picture. That was the first head-turning moment, and that came at the
tail end of Episode 12. And then, to then discover, I mean it’s like she
got slapped once and then to slap her on the other side and tell her
that she’s probably not even an FBI Agent that she may be impersonating
an Agent was a pretty big deal. And then, that was also, you know, with
the Chief exploding, I think that - those were three pretty big sucker
punches all right in a row.
Brandon Sites: Okay, that’s all the questions I had. Thank you very
Emily Rose: Thank you.
Operator: Our next question is from the line of Suzanne Lanoue with The
TV MegaSite. Please go ahead.
Suzanne Lanoue: Hi. It’s very nice to talk (to you) today.
Emily Rose: Hello. Hello? Hi.
Suzanne Lanoue: Hi. Can you hear me?
Emily Rose: Yeah, I can hear you.
Suzanne Lanoue: Okay, sorry. I have trouble with my phone sometimes.
Emily Rose: No problem.
Suzanne Lanoue: I was wondering, Audrey’s very tough and, you know, she
carries a gun and she wears these suits all the time, I was wondering if
you are like that or did you really have to work on that aspect of her
Emily Rose: I feel like I’m kind of proud of being that way. I grew up
with - my grandparents have a big ranch in Central Southern Oregon and
my dad always taught me about gun safety and about what it was like to
hold a gun. And I had a little BB gun that I would use under his
supervision, and I also, am kind of a tomboy when it comes to hanging
around horse barns and stables and riding and just not afraid to get my
hands dirty and love like working on cars with my dad and things like
So, I do have those kind of tough qualities and I kind of resist at
times being the girly girl. I don’t know why, I think it’s - I think
there’s a feeling of wanting people to take me a little bit serious -
take me seriously, but I do see that in Audrey. So, I was always pushing
them and pushing the show and asking for as much gun play and badassness
as possible, and so it’s fun when I get to do that stuff, yeah.
Suzanne Lanoue: Okay. And I - you’re very beautiful and on the show you
look like you have such a beautiful complexion and everything looks so
great, what do you like to use that helps make you look beautiful and
keeps your skin clear and all that (type) of thing?
Emily Rose: Oh, my goodness. That’s a hard question. That feels like to
me is a constant battle with being under makeup all day long. I just
actually was in L.A. working with a facialist, (Don Ino), keeping my
skin really clean. And so, just going to a facialist, and then also I’ve
been recently, this year especially, eating really, really healthy. I’ve
been trying to cut caffeine and sugar out of my diet, which is really
Suzanne Lanoue: Yeah.
Emily Rose: And I was gluten and dairy free for a little bit. I’m coming
back on to those, but I’m just trying so hard to lead like a healthy
life and exercise and keep my face clean and everything. You do the best
you can because it’s got all these layers on it and is under so much
stress just to try to take care of your body and give it the time it
needs to rest.
Suzanne Lanoue: Well, I think it’s working.
Emily Rose: Thank you.
Suzanne Lanoue: All right. Thank you.
Operator: And our next question is from the line of Ann Morris with
Airlock Alpha Please go ahead.
Ann Morris: Hi, Emily, how are you today?
Emily Rose: I’m great. How are you doing?
Ann Morris: I’m very well. I wanted to ask you a question concerning a
comment you made earlier. You talked about playing the lead in this show
being a goal you had, an acting goal, and I’d like to know what some of
your other acting goals are or have been and if you have any new
projects, you know, that you can tell us about, besides Haven, and if
you have any more of them for Syfy.
Emily Rose: Yeah. I have a few acting goals that come to mind. I would
really, really love to do a feature film. It’s something I just - I
can’t wait to be able to be a part of and I know that that - it just
would be a great opportunity.
And I also just look forward to being able to work on film which would
be like working on a complete script, whereas series television it’s
such a quick turnover, you know, you have to make your choices and make
them quick, and then move on to the next thing. And I think with working
on a film I would really enjoy being able to look at the whole story in
the arc and be able to really work on each of those things and, you
know, rehearsed and that would just be a dream to not have the speed of
it behind it.
And then I’m here in New York this weekend. I went and saw Zach Braff’s
new play that he wrote, and I got - I went to school for theater. I went
to school for about seven years and got to do a ton of theater and I
miss it. I miss it so badly. I miss the rehearsal process, I miss being
able to play a character that you’re not typecast in.
And I just really can’t wait to be able to do a good play with a great
director and a great writer, and work with a great cast and just
workshop it and workshop it and workshop it and make it to a good point.
I can’t wait to do that again.
And then, I really would love to teach an acting class and work with
high schoolers or college students and teach an acting camp. That’s
another huge life goal for me. I love mentoring and I love teaching and
I love working with kids with theater, so I can’t wait to do that again
sometime in the near future. I got to do that a few years ago and I just
miss it, so I love it, and any opportunity I can to teach I take.
And then, I think that in terms of projects I’m just working a bit here
and there on a video game for Sony called Uncharted. I haven’t been able
to talk about it for a while, but I’m able to talk about it now that I’m
in the third installment of the Uncharted series with Sony PlayStation,
and I’m finishing up that project. And hopefully when I come back home
I’ll work on some family time, and then hopefully work on something
else. We’ll see.
Ann Morris: Well, that sounds great. I actually had looked up some of
your credits on IMDb, you know, the great argument solver, and I noticed
that you had voice - the voice acting in the video game. And I - can you
comment a little bit about the difference in acting, you know, your
whole body, everything on the screen, as opposed to just acting with
your voice?
Emily Rose: Well, Uncharted is actually one of the video games that has
been on the forefront of the new movement in video game making of motion
capture and cinematic, so I actually do motion capture for the game. I
act with my whole body as the actor and the person, as well do in the
scene, and we do that on a sound stage and cameras record us.
And so, the only difference is I’m not in costume. I’m in a motion
capture suite and the computer captures all of our movements, and then
we come in the next day later and lay in any vocals that they weren’t
able to pick up on the sound stage. But...
Ann Morris: I think we lost our connection.
Emily Rose: ...it’s neat to be in a new medium of video game making
where I’m not just walking in the booth and doing the voice...
Ann Morris: Hello? Uh-oh.
Emily Rose: ...although, I still do concentrate a lot on my voice for
the character of Uncharted, but...
Ann Morris: (I don’t know. I think maybe this phone has died).
Emily Rose: ...it’s fun just to be able to do all of that.
Ann Morris: Let me see if the other phone is working. I think this phone
may have died, and the lady was talking and I - hello?
Emily Rose: Hello?
Ann Morris: Hi, my phone died.
Emily Rose: Oh, okay.
Ann Morris: I was listening to you talk about being in a motion capture
suit and suddenly my phone was dead.
Emily Rose: Oh, that’s okay.
Ann Morris: But, I thank you very much. That’s very interesting. Have -
let me ask just one more question. I know other people want to get on
here, but we were talking about that and I’m interested, have you done
any just the regular voice acting where it’s just your voice?
Emily Rose: I - in school I did some stuff with - we had a great teacher
named Gordon Hunt and he was a casting guy with Hanna-Barbera back in
the day, you know, Flintstones and the Smurfs...
Ann Morris: Oh, yeah.
Emily Rose: ...and so I did a bunch of voice stuff with him, and he’s
actually one of the directors on this video game. But I do a ton of the
work in the booth on that game, but we also couple that with the motion
capture, but I’d love to do voice work. I think it’s fantastic and I
love making weird voices, all the time.
Ann Morris: Well, that’s great. Well, I’m - that can be one of your
Emily Rose: Yes.
Ann Morris: And - well, thank you very much and I will let some other
people have a turn now.
Emily Rose: Thank you.
Operator: Our next question is from the line of (Janice Beagle) with
RealityShack.com. Please go ahead.
Janice Beagle: Hi, Emily.
Emily Rose: Hello.
Janice Beagle: It’s really an honor to talk to you and I just want to
say I’m really excited for the second seasons of Haven. And I wanted to
Emily Rose: Oh, good. Thank you.
Janice Beagle: Thanks. I wanted to know, what is it exactly about your
character Audrey that appeals to you? What makes you want to say, “I
just want to play Audrey,” and you know what hypes you up about Audrey?
Emily Rose: I just love how strong-willed and observant she is, coupled
with the fact that she’s so caring. I love all of those things. I
secretly like the fact that she carries a gun. I mean, that’s pretty
Janice Beagle: That’s a cool trait.
Emily Rose: ...I don’t know why - yeah, I love the relationship she has
with Nathan, I love the relationship she has with Duke and this town and
with Vince and Dave, the reporters. And I just think that it’s so neat
that she’s so treasured by everybody, and I just feel honored to play
her in that way. And I also love that she blurts things out and she’s
quirky and awkward. That endears me to her so much.
Janice Beagle: Right. The show is kind of based around Stephen King, I
was wondering if you had a favorite Stephen King book or one of the
films that Stephen King’s books were made into a film, if you liked any
of the movies?
Emily Rose: Yeah. I could watch Stand By Me forever and ever and ever
and ever and ever...
Janice Beagle: That’s a great film.
Emily Rose: ...I love that film. And I love The Green Mile too. I
thought that was great. I mean Shawshank Redemption’s fantastic, but the
film that I could sit in a blanket and curl up in the corner and just
live in and watch is the coming of age story with Stand By Me. To me
that’s it. I feel at home there.
Janice Beagle: That’s definitely a classic. That’s a classic film. One
more quick question, I don’t want to take up your time, but are we going
to see you guys at Comic-Con or possibly the New Jersey-based Horror
Convention Monster-Mania at all this year?
Emily Rose: I don’t think New Jersey and I’m still not sure about
Comic-Con. I’m really hoping to be able to make it, but I don’t know yet
if my shooting schedule will - if I’ll be able to make that happen, but
I’m trying. I’m trying my best.
Janice Beagle: Awesome. Thank you so much, Emily, and it was really
nice to speak with you and I’m excited to see Haven and good luck with
Emily Rose: Thank you so much. That’s so sweet of you. Thank you.
Janice Beagle: Thank you.
Operator: Our next question is from the line of Allison Ruppino with Pop
Culture Madness. Please go ahead.
Allison Ruppino: Hi, Emily. Thank you for your time today.
Emily Rose: Hi.
Allison Ruppino: I was wondering, since the show is starting the second
season on July 15, what is something that you do as maybe a ritual or
are you going to have a premier party for the second season?
Emily Rose: Oh, man. You know what, we’re going to - my ritual is that I
will be filming.
Allison Ruppino: Oh, okay.
Emily Rose: We will be still be filming the eleventh - no, tenth episode
up in Nova Scotia, so while everybody’s at home watching it I’m probably
going to be finishing up a day of filming on an episode.
But, a little ritual that they do in Chester in the bar there is they
have a Haven night every Friday night, but we premier a little bit
later, like I think a few days later in Canada. But yeah, I think that
they’ll most likely be the bar and people will be in there in the tavern
watching the show, because they are so excited to see Chester on the big
Allison Ruppino: Right, of course. You said that your parents were huge
Sci-Fi fans, so when you do get a moment are you ever able to, you know,
pop in a DVD and watch the season with them or...
Emily Rose: I know that my mom pre-ordered Haven on Amazon and she
didn’t get it in time, so they ran down to the store and they bought two
copies, and then they drove their motorcycles down to my grandparents
house to give it to them so that they could actually watch it. They’re
really cute like that. I haven’t had a chance...
Allison Ruppino: Right.
Emily Rose: ...to watch it with them, but it is nice knowing that
they’re real fans.
Allison Ruppino: Right. As an actress, do you find yourself watching
shows and critiquing things you do in the show to - for future
Emily Rose: Yeah, I’m the type of actor that really wants to see dailies
on a regular basis. I like to know - I still think that I’m learning
everyday and I’m learning and I’m trying to get better and - on a
regular basis.
And so, I watch certain scenes because I remember what directors
directed me to do or maybe in an area that I disagreed with, and I watch
and I just like to see how it appears on the outside to the audience.
I’m a visual learner, so I definitely like watching to learn and to get
Allison Ruppino: Definitely. I agree. I mean, I’m not an actress, but I
agree with...
Emily Rose: Yeah.
Allison Ruppino: ...that statement. Yeah, I was also wondering, you
talked a little bit about the location of the show, how it plays a huge
character in itself and adds to the show being a New England town. Since
you already talked about that I was wondering if there was another
location you think the show would do well in that isn’t in New England.
If you - where else do you think that would be a good spot for the show?
Emily Rose: Well, I’m a Seattleite. I grew up in Seattle, so I secretly
long for it at times. I love Nova Scotia, but it’s so far away from
Allison Ruppino: Right.
Emily Rose: I secretly wonder at times if it could ever also be in
Vancouver. But the thing is is the Northeast has its own look and you
don’t want to mess with that. That’s such a character on our show that I
understand why we ended up there.
Allison Ruppino: Definitely. I think New England is gorgeous and it
definitely - as you said it, adds a look to the show. It really makes it
its own role. So yeah, thank you so much for your time and good luck
with everything with the second season.
Emily Rose: Thank you so much.
Allison Ruppino: Take care.
Operator: Our next question is from the line of Lance Carter with Daily
Actor. Please go ahead.
Lance Carter: Hey, Emily.
Emily Rose: Hello.
Lance Carter: Hey, well, so a lot of my questions were asked, but I’ll
just ask this one. What’s your advice to actors?
Emily Rose: Oh, man. That’s a great question. I mean, there’s the cliché
one of just keep going. If it was to actors that that want to be acting
and to be working in this industry - the people I admire the most are
the people like at my theater ensemble that I get to be a part of every
once in a while back in L.A. called the Los Angeles Theater Ensemble.
Those guys are - to me they’re the true artists. They write their own
theater, they collaborate, they workshop it, and they throw themselves
out there every single season with new fantastic, relevant material. And
so, I think my advice is just not to wait for auditions to create your
work. Something we learned at UCLA when I was there getting my graduate
degree is they said, “Don’t wait for somebody to hire you. We’re giving
you the tools to create your own work and to make relevant theater that,
you know, can be talked about.
And so, my advice is to go out and to observe and to use observations to
inspire you, and then to go write pieces and put them up in your living
room or put them up somewhere and get feedback, and just keep using your
instrument. Keep using what you have and getting better and learning and
be open to direction, be open to people, giving you advice, but not so
open that you lose the sense of who you are.
Lance Carter: Thank you so much. You rock.
Emily Rose: Thanks.
Operator: Our next question is from the line of Michael Simpson with
CinemaSpy.com. Please go ahead.
Michael Simpson: Hi, Emily. It’s nice to talk to you from the other side
of Canada.
Emily Rose: It’s nice to talk to you. Fantastic.
Michael Simpson: I apologize; I came into this Q&A late, so I hope this
question hasn’t been asked already. But, I was wondering what you like
most about filming in Nova Scotia?
Emily Rose: No, it hasn’t been asked yet. That’s a great question. I
really love the people. I love my crew. They’re...
Stephen Cox: (You’re up).
Emily Rose: ...they - the crew there in Nova Scotia is some of the
hardest working crew and they know that series like this don’t come
around to their province that often, and so they are just thankful to be
working and are such collaborators and are fantastic.
And then, it’s just so picturesque when it’s sunny. I don’t like the
rain, I don’t like the cold, I don’t like the wind, but when it’s sunny,
I mean it is just a postcard around every corner. It’s pretty fantastic.
Michael Simpson: Awesome. Thank you. I certainly looked great in the
show, so...
Emily Rose: Thank you so much.
Michael Simpson: ...we’ll see it again in Season 2.
Emily Rose: I know, rock and roll. I’m excited.
Michael Simpson: Thank you.
Emily Rose: Thank you.
Operator: We have a follow-up question from the line of Reg Seeton with
TheDeadbolt.com. Please go ahead.
Reg Seeton: Hey, Emily. Thanks for the follow-up.
Emily Rose: Hello.
Reg Seeton: Hey. It’s kind of funny because I’m in Vancouver right now,
I’m from Nova Scotia, so I’m wondering...
Emily Rose: You are? That’s funny.
Reg Seeton: Yeah, it’s weird. So, I’m wondering how you feel about the
location now, as compared to when you first signed onto the project. Do
you feel a special connection at all?
Emily Rose: I think I’ll always I always go, “Wow, I never imagined that
I would have memories of Nova Scotia.” I just - other than Anne of Green
Gables with like Prince Edward Island and stuff like that. I just never
thought it would even be something that would be in my life, but it is
and it’s given me a great gift and I think I’ll always have a special
connection there.
I know that Nicki’s in Chester, the restaurant that we go to regularly
there, I - if I ever saw Nicki, I mean we just owe her so much. She’s so
fantastic and takes such great care of us. And just of all the faces of
the people there, the families that are there, for me, just flash
through my mind. So yeah, I think I always will feel a special
connection to that place, and you never know how long we’ll be there.
Reg Seeton: Well, awesome and good luck with kicking caffeine.
Emily Rose: Thank you.
Reg Seeton: All right.
Operator: We have a follow-up question from the line of Jamie Ruby with
Sci-Fi Vision. Please go ahead.
Jamie Ruby: Hello again.
Emily Rose: Hello.
Jamie Ruby: So, you talked about - hi. You talked about wanting to do
some movies, what would be your ultimate dream role or maybe somebody
specific that you want to work with?
Emily Rose: Well, I mean I think every young actress would love to work
with Meryl Streep, and just to sit and watch her and to learn alongside
of her would be great. And then in terms of guys, I would absolutely
like fall over myself, I know it sounds maybe a little funny, but I
would just love to work with Tom Hanks one day. He has been - he had my
heart at hello. He’s fantastic and I just think he’s great.
And then in terms of roles, I mean I honestly really would just love to
- I know that the video game that I’m involved in is getting made into a
movie, so it’s my dream...
Jamie Ruby: Oh.
Emily Rose: ...to be able to play my role that we - I play in the video
game. It’s exactly - I want to do that, so I’d love to play - it’s my
dream to play Elena Fisher in the film.
Jamie Ruby: That would be awesome. I forgot they were making a movie.
That’s a fun game too.
Emily Rose: Thank you.
Jamie Ruby: So, I lost what I was going to ask. Oh, what have you
learned about yourself since you started working on Haven?
Emily Rose: Wow, that’s a great question. I’ve learned about how much I
need family and friends and how much I need other people in order - I
need support and like a constant and kind of the craziness, how much you
need balance in your life.
And I’ve also learned that I can do it. You kind of always wonder would
you be able to tell this story and will people connect with it? And it’s
such a blessing and such a treat when you find out that they do enjoy it
and they do connect, and that it could have been anybody, you know?
I’m just so thankful and blessed to have gotten to play with all of
these people and I think just learning to be thankful on a daily basis,
no matter how stressful the day is or no matter how anything turned out,
just to be thankful that I get to do this job and get to be on the phone
with you guys just to be consistently thankful.
Jamie Ruby: Great. Now, since Alpha is - obviously is premiering tonight
I’ve been asking people, what would you want to be your superpower if
you could pick one?
Emily Rose: I think I’d want to be able to teleport myself from one
place to another without going through TSA. If I could arrive - if I
could go from Halifax to L.A. on the weekends with just by blinking or
doing some I Dream of Jeannie thing, I would be one happy camper.
Jamie Ruby: All right. Well, thank you so much.
Emily Rose: Thank you.
Operator: We have a follow-up question from the line of James Iaccino
with MediaBlvd Magazine. Please go ahead.
James Iaccino: Hey, Emily.
Emily Rose: Hello.
James Iaccino: Hi. I compare Haven - I might be the only one comparing
Haven to Lost, but I see a lot of similarities, you know, with this
island and the energy on this island. I’m not sure if you’ve ever seen
Lost, the series.
Emily Rose: Oh, I’m the biggest Lost fan there is...
James Iaccino: Okay.
Emily Rose: ...are you kidding me? That’s an honor that you say that.
Thank you.
James Iaccino: Well, yeah, because I’m thinking that this force,
whatever it is, underneath the town of Haven, I mean you could probably
make a very easy read and say, “Oh, it’s an evil malevolent force that’s
using its energy to change people.”
But, I see I more as perhaps a natural force that psychic people or
people with some talents are able to tap their energies into, including
perhaps Audrey - or Audrey, whoever she is, herself. Am I sort of
off-base there or do you think that there is a correlation there?
Emily Rose: I mean it’s tricky. I think there’s definitely a deep
mythology. I think the thing that resonates with me, in terms of the
troubles in this town is just the fact that it could be generational and
that it goes way back. And to me that - whatever it is, the town just
doesn’t want to deal with it and it’s about dealing with what’s there in
their history and the fabric of Haven. But, who knows, man, you have
some pretty great theories. I - it’s pretty impressive.
James Iaccino: I also wanted to know too, and I know you can’t reveal
any major spoilers or anything, but maybe just to whet the appetites of
the individuals that will be watching Haven this season, any interesting
things developing this season, besides the new characters, of course?
Emily Rose: Yeah. I mean, well, that was the thing I was going to say. I
think just the new characters. Also, it’s a bit more action packed and I
think we go darker this year than we did last year, which I think a lot
of people will enjoy. So, I think those are all the new things kind of
coming into this next season is - I mean, the stuff between Audrey and
you know who we refer to as (Fraudrey) or not (Fraudrey), is kind of -
is interesting and tricky, and that’s kind of - I - you know where we
are so far.
Now, I can’t speak to the last half of the season because we haven’t
shot it yet...
James Iaccino: Okay.
Emily Rose: ...but I have faith that they know what they’re doing.
James Iaccino: It’s really cool that you mention the dark elements too,
because I think for a show to survive usually if it starts treating
things very lightly for too long then the people aren’t going to be able
to identify with it anymore. It’s going to be outrageous. I mean, Eureka
ended up - it started to become, and I love the episode too, very light
but this last season it got really dark and very complex, in terms of
its plot.
And I just think when it goes the dark route people are more fascinated,
they care about the characters, they think you know the plots are more
realistic and I think it just has more going for it than if it’s
something very light, you know?
Emily Rose: Well, I think you liken it to a relationship. You know you
first meet people and the audience first meets us they want to know us
first and foremost. You’re going to want to like the person you’re in a
relationship before you want to know all their dirty laundry, so I think
that’s kind of the same type of situation.
I think that we found an audience and we enjoy them and they enjoy us,
and now I think the next step is to kind of dive in a little bit deeper
and I think that’s what we do.
James Iaccino: I like the way you compare it to a relationship that you
start identifying with the characters and they become, you know, part of
your (household). That’s really cool that you see it that way, so many
more episodes, many more seasons. Hopefully there’s enough, I would
hope, to have five seasons of this show, you know?
Emily Rose: Yeah. Thank you so much for watching and coming up with
theories. How fantastic.
James Iaccino: Thanks. Take care, Emily.
Emily Rose: You too.
Operator: Our next question...
Stephen Cox: This is going to be our last question.
Operator: Perfect.
Emily Rose: Okay, great.
Operator: The next question is from the line of Brandon Sites with
BigDaddyHorrorReviews.com. Please go ahead.
Brandon Sites: Hi, once again. Thanks for spending some time with us
once again. My biggest question is, what has been like the oddest
occurrence that’s happened to you or the - and the rest of the cast
(included) during the filming of the last season?
Emily Rose: You said an odd occurrence?
Brandon Sites: Yeah, the odd - yes. Yes.
Emily Rose: What I think is funny is that there’ll be episodes where
we’ll be dealing with things like the Butterfly episode. We’ll have tons
of butterflies or the electricity episode; there’ll be kind of like some
weird like electrical or power outages that have been happening. To me
that’s the weird thing is that some of the episodes that we have there
will be some kind of correlating event that occurs. I just hope it
doesn’t - we don’t have any correlating deaths or anything like that.
Brandon Sites: Okay. And my - the next question is, what’s one thing
about you that we wouldn’t expect to know of? I’ll give you an example,
your cast member Eric said he’s a So You Think You Can Dance junkie.
What is it about you that maybe that surprises you? Surprises, I guess,
is a surprise?
Emily Rose: I think - oh, that’s a good question. I’m also a So You
Think You Can Dance junkie. I also could watch hours and hours of HGTV
forever and ever and ever. But, I think like the fact that I am really
great with computers and love to edit and love to do editing on my
laptop at home and photography and things like that.
And I told a story today that caught some people off guard that I
started my Jeep in high school with a tube of cover up before, so I know
how to get cars started and have had to do so in the past. So, I think
that’s kind of surprising.
Brandon Sites: Oh, very diverse. And my last question is, if you were -
(say the) producers were charging you to write the script, who would
choose? Would you choose Lucas or Eric?
Emily Rose: I know the question, a girl never tells that answer. I can’t
tell that answer. That’s my little secret.
Brandon Sites: Okay. Well, thanks for spending some time with us today.
Thank you very much.
Emily Rose: Thank you so much.
Stephen Cox: Thank you all very much. We are very happy to have Emily on
the phone with us and make sure to tune in when Haven premiers this
Friday, July 15 at 10:00 pm.
Thank you very much, Emily.
Emily Rose: Thank you.
Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, that does conclude the conference call
for today.
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