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Interview with Sendhil Ramamurthy of
Affairs" on USA Network 8/6/10
Media Strategies / Electric Artists:
Network Q&A Session with Sendhil Ramamurthy
August 6, 2010/1:00 p.m. EDT
Sendhil Ramamurthy – Jai Wilcox, Covert Affairs
Moderator Welcome to the USA
Network Q&A Session with Sendhil Ramamurthy. At this time all
participants are in a listen-only mode. Later we will conduct a
question and answer session and instructions will be given at that
time. As a reminder, today’s conference is being recorded. I would
now like to turn the conference over to Mr. Danny Christiansen.
D. Christiansen Good afternoon. This is
Danny Christiansen from New Media Strategies. I would like to thank
everyone for joining us for today’s Covert Affairs Q&A session and
start things off by thanking Sendhil Ramamurthy for being with us
today to answer questions. So, thank you, Sendhil.
S. Ramamurthy Thank you. God, that was
all very official and everything. I feel very worthy right now and
nervous, all of a sudden.
D. Christiansen No, no need to be
nervous. As you know, Sendhil play Jai Wilcox on Covert Affairs,
which airs on Tuesdays at 10/9 Central on USA Network. In a moment
we’ll begin the Q&A session. I’d like to remind all participants
that you will receive a transcript of this session within the next
24 to 48 hours from either myself or Electric Artists.
I would also
like to remind everyone to please limit yourselves to one question
and one follow-up at a time and then re-enter the question queue
later in the session for any additional questions. This will ensure
that we field as many questions as possible within the allotted
I would now like to turn the call back over to our
Moderator to begin the formal Q&A session.
Moderator The first question comes
from the line of Jamie Steinberg with Starry Constellation.
J. Steinberg What exactly made you
want to be a part of this show?
S. Ramamurthy
It was kind of a roundabout
thing, actually. While I was still shooting here, they were
shooting this pilot and I put a friend of mine on tape for the role
of Auggie, for Chris Gorham’s part. While I was doing that, I ended
up reading the script and I really liked it, but I was already on a
show and that was that. I kind of read it and filed it away.
Then, I guess
when the show’s creators and USA decided to make a little change
from the pilot and bring in the Jai Wilcox character they kind of
approached me about it and I went in and I talked to the creators
and I did a chemistry read with Piper Perabo and I got the job the
next day. It was a script that I really liked. It was a very
different character for me to play from what I had been doing
It was also one
of those things where I was under contract to NBC and it was a way
to do more work without having to try and get out of a contract and
all of that and all the legalities involved with that and it was a
chance to work with Doug Liman, so it was all kind of win-win.
J. Steinberg Well, I hope Chris
doesn’t hold any ill will towards you.
S. Ramamurthy No, he shouldn’t. He’s
doing an amazing job. He’s doing a great job. I’m really impressed
with him and with everybody, really, on the show. It’s really been
an amazing experience so far.
J. Steinberg Will your character get
to get out in the field at all?
S. Ramamurthy My character does go out
into the field, starting in Tuesday’s episode actually. I think
originally as conceived the character wasn’t going to be going out
into the field and once they cast me they saw some merit, some
advantage to bringing me into the field. And it’s been a lot of
fun. Most of the stuff I do has been with Piper and a little bit of
stuff with Chris. It’s a lot of fun and it’s also a great way to
see Toronto because we shoot everywhere around Toronto, so I’ve
gotten to kind to see Toronto just by virtue of shooting all around
the place.
Moderator The next question comes
from the line of Matt Carter with Examiner.com.
M. Carter How would you describe
your character and, most specifically, his relationship with Arthur
because there’s some kind of hidden motive going on there? At least
there appears to be so.
S. Ramamurthy Well, my character, Jai
Wilcox is a second generation CIA man. His father, Henry Wilcox,
was the Head of Clandestine Services, so he’s CIA royalty,
basically. And, as we’ll find out in Tuesday’s episode, I don’t
want to give too much away, there’s some baggage that comes with
being Henry Wilcox—my character’s father’s name is Henry
Wilcox—there’s some baggage that comes with being his son and it
kind of permeates through the CIA. So, you see how Jai kind of has
to deal with that.
He kind of has two father figures in his life. He’s
got his real father, Henry Wilcox, and then he’s got Arthur
Campbell, played by Peter Gallagher, who is somebody who, obviously,
he looks up to and respects and he wants to impress the both of them
and impress everybody else in his own right. I think it’s very
important for Jai to feel that he is there at the CIA doing a good
job on his own merit, not just because he’s Henry Wilcox’s son or
because Arthur Campbell trusts him with specific clandestine
operations that not a lot of people know about. So, the
relationship with Arthur is definitely, you know, he’s my boss and I
look to impress him at every turn that I can.
M. Carter You’ve been doing a
lot of research about the CIA and about some if the inner workings
for the show. Was there anything that you found out that kind of
surprised you?
S. Ramamurthy There was a lot that we
found out through doing all the research, from the fact that the CIA
encourages dating within the agency, which I thought would not be
the case to kind of the way that things operate there. I didn’t
know even the basic things, like you can’t have your cell phone with
you inside the CIA. I didn’t know that the CIA didn’t carry weapons
on U.S. soil. So it’s interesting, we actually just shot a scene
where I’m chasing somebody and they’re shooting at me and I have no
gun, but I keep chasing them, like I keep going after them, even
though I have no weapon.
So, for me, I
found it really kind of courageous and heroic that these CIA
operatives are going about doing their thing without a weapon. It
could also be looked at as, God, how dumb. But I think it’s pretty
heroic. It’s kind of like, well, I guess it’s like with anything
like this, like firefighters if you want to look at it like that.
While everybody is running out of the fire, they’re the ones running
towards it and I think it kind of speaks volumes for the CIA and the
people kind of protecting our country.
Moderator The next question is
from the line of Stevie Wilson with LA-story.com.
S. Wilson The interesting part
about your character is that you are the assistant to the director
and you have access to him that other people don’t, and how does
that work in terms when dealing with Kari Matchett’s character as,
you know, she’s his wife, but she’s also got a job on the team, but
she can’t always get to him the way you can.
S. Ramamurthy Yeah, and that makes for a
pretty interesting dynamic between Jai and Joan, Kari’s character,
Joan. It’s pretty antagonistic. She’s not very fond of Jay and
their interaction kind of shows that. But what I love that the
writers have done with the character is they put in moments where
Jai, he does his job well. Jai is really good at what he does.
That’s not to say that he makes mistakes. Everybody will make
mistakes throughout any kind of mission, but he’s so good at his job
that Joan at certain points in certain episodes can’t help but say,
“All right, well done. You did it right.”
Actually, one of
the instances happens in Tuesday night’s episode, which I wasn’t
expecting because you kind of think in TV they’ll set up this one
dynamic and just kind of go in that direction full tilt and that
will be that. But it’s really nuanced, all the relationships
between the characters are really nuanced and I’ve been really
impressed with how they balance everything, from my relationship
with Joan to Jai’s relationship with Annie to Auggie’s relationship
with Annie; it’s a delicate balance and I think the writers are
really doing it well.
S. Wilson I agree, because the
relationships seem real and it’s interesting because I would think
that your character and Auggie’s character might be—and it seems to
be that there’s a little bit, I don’t want to say friction, but the
S. Ramamurthy Oh, there’s friction,
Stevie. There’s friction. We’re having a lot of fun with that
S. Wilson Well, it’s interesting
because he has a fondness for Annie, but he can’t go out in the
field like you can.
S. Ramamurthy No, no he can’t and that’s
probably part of the friction. And then I think, well, without want
to give too much away I think that Jai, as the season goes on, kind
of becomes a little bit jealous of the friendship between Auggie and
Annie. They are best friends. They really are. There’s a trust
between them that Annie’s character doesn’t have with any other
She can be
completely who she is with Auggie. She can’t do that with Danielle,
her sister; she can’t do it with me because, well, there are various
reasons that will come out, but it’s a relationship not entirely
based on truth and so that kind of makes that impossible. Having
said that, I think there’s an attraction. There’s definitely an
attraction between Jai and Annie and Annie and Jai and I’m having
fun seeing how it’s all playing out.
Moderator The next question is
from the line of Curt Wagner with RedEye’s Show Patrol.
C. Wagner Gregory Itzin plays your
S. Ramamurthy Yes, he does.
C. Wagner
How is that? He’s
always so good in everything he does.
S. Ramamurthy He’s kind of just amazing.
I knew him from 24, obviously I’d seen is work on 24 and thought he
was just amazing in it and when I heard that they were bringing him
on to play my father I thought, okay, interesting choice. I didn’t
see that coming at all.
But I was into
it, I was really kind of impressed with it, that the writer’s and
USA and the studio, everybody, kind of really got behind it. And
the scenes that we did, especially in Tuesday night’s episode, which
is Greg’s first episode with us, there’s kind of one of my favorites
scenes that I’ve done all season, is a scene where he kind of drives
it where it’s Jai, and Annie and him, just sitting at a table,
having a drink and talking.
And it was an
amazing experience to kind of just watch Greg work, because he’s so
good and he’s so specific. I’ve really enjoyed all my scenes with
him. Again, it’s a very complicated relationship, the relationship
that Jai has with Henry, with his father. And we’re kind of getting
more into it actually right now.
There’s a great
scene in the finale, which we just got, which I’m really looking
forward to doing. I think we’re going to shoot it next week. Greg
will be back up with us, so, yeah, it’s been a real treat working
with him.
C. Wagner So, is this sort of the
start of us seeing a lot more of you and Jai?
S. Ramamurthy Yes, like I said, I kind of
came to the party later. I was cast after they had shot the pilot
and the show had been picked up for 13 episodes and I was cast after
they had kind of broken the first four stories. They had already
written the first four episodes or done very specific broad strokes
of the first four episodes. So when I met with them they said,
listen, we’re going to slot you in where we can in the first four
episodes because we’ve put out the structure already, we already
know what we’re going to do in those episodes.
For instance, in
last week’s episode I wasn’t even in it because that was actually
the first episode that we shot after the pilot, even though it aired
fourth we shot it first, so there was just no way for me to be in
it. And so, I kind of like am peppered through the first four
episodes and then on Tuesday’s episode it’s kind of like the real
introduction to my character where you find out what Jai is all
about, where he comes from, what makes him tick and, more
importantly, what he’s doing there and what his kind of general arc
and mission will be throughout the season.
Moderator The next question is
from the line of Melissa Lowery with NiceGirlsTv.com.
M. Lowery I was wondering if you
could tell us if Jai’s relationship with Annie is going to be
strictly professional or if he has interest aside from what we’ve
been shown so far?
S. Ramamurthy Again, it’s very
complicated. I think one of the best things about this show is that
all the relationships are really complicated. It’s kind of the best
thing that was written in the pilot is the note that the Ben Mercer
character leaves for Annie’s character. It says, “The truth is
complicated.” And that doesn’t just apply to Annie and Ben. That
certainly applies to Annie and Jai as well.
Like I said,
everything is not what it seems when you meet Jai and Annie and the
audience knows that Arthur has told him to get close to Annie in any
way possible. And you kind of see a few different tacks that Jai
takes to kind of accomplish his mission and then he can try and go
the romantic way, he can try and go the professional way; there are
a few different avenues and Jai is pretty crafty and he kind of
tries whatever works in certain situations.
And I think
that’s all well and good, but in the end Jai and Annie, they’re not
robots. There are emotions, there are feelings and when you get
close to somebody it can complicate something that you want to just
be a mission. So, we’ll see. I have to be honest, I’m curious to
see where it goes because I don’t know yet.
M. Lowery You were talking a little
bit about Jai’s being a second generation CIA agent. Are we going
to see kind of a back story for him?
S. Ramamurthy Yes, you do. You get a
little bit actually in Tuesday night’s episode; you just kind of
hear what he’s about, what he’s been up to, actually, just prior to
coming to the CIA. You get a little hint as to where he was and
what it was that he was doing and a cool scene that we shot, it was
me and Piper and Eriq La Salle, actually, which was a lot of fun.
He guest stars in Tuesday’s episode and he’s terrific in it. And
he’s such a nice guy.
I mean, I was a
little in awe. I was acting with Dr. Benton, like what do you do?
But he was really great. And you do, you do find out kind of where
he’s from and as the season goes on you actually find out a little
bit more about where he was and what it was that he was doing where
he was, which is kind of important to the overall end game of the
Moderator The next question comes
from the line of Pattye Grippo with pazsaz.com.
P. Grippo What do you find to be
the biggest challenge in playing this particular character?
S. Ramamurthy For me, it’s been a huge
challenge just because it’s a very different character than what
I’ve been playing on TV before, which I’m excited about. But it’s
an incredibly layered character and you’re always kind of second
guessing because you don’t want to give too much away in each scene
and so that’s something that I’ve really worked hard at and you
don’t want to tip your hand too quickly.
Jai is a
charmer, or he thinks he’s a charmer anyway, and everybody around
him reacts that way so I guess he is and you don’t what that to just
be it, so there has to be something bubbling underneath it and the
challenge was to not let kind of the end game, which, obviously, I
know where it is, but you don’t want the audience to know if the
fifth episode of the series what’s going to happen, so it was a
really tricky balance for me and, again, I hope I got it because we
haven’t seen a lot of it, we haven’t seen a lot of the episodes, so
it’s going to be interesting. So, for me, that’s been the most
challenging thing.
The other challenging thing has been it’s a very
physical role for me. In Tuesday’s episode I was doing parkour.
Who gets to do parkour on TV? They brought in a guy from Cirque du
Soleil to work with me to kind of work the moves out and stuff. And
I saw the chase scene actually that’s going to air on Tuesday and
it’s really cool. I was really excited when I saw it. It’s a very
fun thing and it’s what you would expect from Doug Liman, from a
show executive produced by Doug Liman. It’s certainly worthy of
kind of his previous spy stuff.
P. Grippo Talking about you and
the character of Jai, what would you say are your biggest
similarities and biggest differences between the two of you?
S. Ramamurthy Well, similarities, I think
he looks like me; that’s pretty similar. But, listen, Jai is a bit
of a flirt and you can see it as one way in that he’s using it to
help accomplish what he’s supposed to be doing, but it’s kind of in
him to be a little bit flirtatious and I’ve been told that I can be
flirtatious at times by people, so maybe that’s a similarity with me
and Jai.
The kind of
dissimilarities are I’m really bad at kind of not tipping my hand,
basically. It’s hard for me to lie about things or not lie, that’s
the wrong word; not disclose everything upfront. It’s very
difficult for me to do that, but it’s no problem for Jai. I mean he
kind of lives in that world. That’s what he does.
And he doesn’t
see a problem with it and other people might, people that he’s not
disclosing the information to. It maybe comes across as dishonest,
but that’s what he does. He’s a CIA operative. That’s what you
do. You’re required to not fully disclose things to people, like
people close to you, your family, your friends and that’s kind of
the world that these guys live in and it’s second nature to them and
it’s not something they feel morally conflicted about at all,
whereas I would.
I would feel
conflicted about it and I think that’s the major difference.
Moderator The next question comes
from the Lena Lamoray with LenaLamoray.com.
L. Lamoray What are your thoughts on
the tension that Jai has added to the show, especially between
Arthur and Joan?
S. Ramamurthy I think it’s kind of
interesting because he’s become an unknowing pawn in the marital
strife between Arthur and Joan and I don’t think it’s something that
he particularly wants to be involved in. But I also don’t think,
because these guys are CIA operatives as well, Joan and Arthur—this
is what they do, too. They don’t really tip their hand too much,
certainly to Jai and not to the rest of the people either as to
what’s going on between them.
Yeah, obviously,
everybody knows they’re married and there can be a little bit of
frostiness between the two of them, but when they interact in front
of the rest of us, in front of Annie, in front of Jai, in front of Auggie, we can’t see that. And that’s another instance where these
guys, they’re able to compartmentalize in a way the me, personally,
Sendhil, I’m incapable of doing that.
I can’t kind of
like say, okay, well, I’m doing this, but I’m going to shut this
out. I’m not very good at that, but all of these guys are very good
at that because it’s their job. They wouldn’t be doing what they
were doing if they were bad at it. So, as far as the tension, yeah,
he’s there and Arthur has put him into the DPD, a place where he’s
never been and didn’t even clear it. I mean, Jai, as we saw in the
first episode I appeared in, Jai is the one who informs Joan that
Arthur put him in.
And we actually
did a different take of it where I was actually kind of ribbing her
a little bit about it, but looking back on it, I’m glad that they
didn’t use that take because I don’t think it was right at that
time. That’s another thing, they were developing the character kind
of after they cast me, so the first few episodes I was kind of like,
okay, which direction am I going here? I don’t want to make him too
And they were
very helpful, Matt and Chris the creators of our show, were very
helpful in holding my hand and kind of guiding me in the right
directly while they figured it all out and they have, luckily.
L. Lamoray How do you feel Jai will
develop as the series continues?
S. Ramamurthy I think for the first time
Jai starts to have second thoughts; not second thoughts, but he
starts to realize that okay, maybe this deception thing is a lot
more tricky and a lot more difficult and affects people in a
different, sometimes adverse way than he thought and I don’t think
he actually really thought about it that much and there are certain
things, the relationship with Annie; there is one thing, in
particular, that happens in I think it’s the eighth or the ninth
episode where I kind of made a choice.
There’s a
conversation between Jai and Annie where they kind of mention past
relationships and I think that there’s a past relationship in Jai’s
life that deeply affected him and I don’t think it ended up the way
that he wanted it to end up and I think that I’d like to see that
explored a little bit more as to why he’s able to connect with Annie
in the way that he does. I don’t know if that will be this season
or not. I don’t know if there will be the time to do that, but I
hope in subsequent seasons, should we be lucky to get one, or two or
three or four or five, I hope that’s something that we can look
Moderator The next question comes
from the line of Lisa Poirier with PopCultureMadness.com.
L. Poirier What was one of your
favorite on set moments from Covert Affairs so far?
S. Ramamurthy Well, the actual filming
stuff, the parkour stuff was the coolest thing for me. That was a
lot of fun. I really enjoy the physical aspects of this part for
me, in general. I’d love to have a really good fight sequence,
which may or may not be happening. I can’t say. But the
hand-to-hand combat, that kind of stuff is something that would be
really interesting to me and I’d like to see that kind of explored a
little bit more.
But the parkour
was fun and then kind of the offset moments. I mean like me and
Chris Gorham and Piper Perabo have actually become really tight. We
genuinely enjoy each other’s company and we hang out quite a bit up
here in Toronto and from a non-work point of view, that’s been
something that’s been really fun.
I’ve been so
lucky to work with a cast on Heroes that I was so close to and we
all got along really well and we all hung out together and we’re
still all in touch. They all sent me e-mails when I got Covert
Affairs and Jack texted me this morning saying congratulations about
the numbers from Tuesday and it was a really tight cast and I’ve
managed somehow, I don’t know how, to land on another show with a
cast that’s just as tight.
And I just
really enjoy both Chris and Piper and Kari. Kari and I don’t have a
ton to do together yet, but hopefully that’ll come and when Peter is
up here and Greg as well, it’s a really nice bunch of people to work
with and I’m really enjoying that aspect of it, too, because it’s
nice to be at work. When you’re at work for 17 hours with people
it’s a good thing when you get along with them.
L. Poirier What other upcoming
projects do you have, besides more Covert Affairs?
S. Ramamurthy I did a movie called It’s a
Wonderful Afterlife. It was written and directed by Gurinder
Chadha, who did Bend It Like Beckham. And it’s released in the U.K.
already and I believe a U.S. release is happening towards the end of
this year.
And then I did
another film called Shor, which I actually shot in Mumbai in January
and February. It’s like a really gritty crime drama. It kind of
follows my character’s descent into a kind of hell, if you like.
And that was probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done, just
shooting, the physical toll of it was enormous. The heat, I was
shooting in the largest slum in Mumbai for a lot of it and it was,
again, just a very different experience for me and working with a
whole different crew and a whole different culture of filmmaking and
I’m really excited for that. I think that’s going to be released in
Moderator The next question is
from the line of Karen Basista with 2Cents.com.
K. Basista You talk about all
this tension that Jai just causes at the CIA and my question is
there is a lot that I noticed between him and Auggie and with both
of you being so flirtatious is a girl involved as far as why he
dislikes you so much?
S. Ramamurthy I think when two guys have
that much friction it’s a pretty safe assumption. Only a woman
could do that. But, again, what I like about what the writers have
done in subsequent episodes, there are kind of events that happen
that make Jai and Auggie work together. And they actually, believe
it or not, they work together really well.
They’re able to
bounce off of each other and get ideas off of each other. The
episode we’re shooting right now, actually, Jai and Auggie get
together for a very important reason. So, while there is that
friction, and also, a lot of the friction just simply comes from the
fact that Jai is Henry Wilcox’s son. A lot of that comes from
that. Henry was, again, this will come out in Tuesday’s episode so
I won’t give too much away, but a lot of things that Henry did
caused him to have a certain reputation and I think everybody at the
CIA assumes that Jai must be cut from that same cloth.
And without
wanting to try too hard, because Jai is a Yalie and an alpha male
and all of that and doesn’t feel like he has to prove himself to
anybody, I think underneath he wants everybody to know that he is
not Henry Wilcox, he’s not that guy.
He’s very good
at what he does and Henry was very good at what he does, but I think
that’s where the similarities kind of stop. He’s nowhere near as
Machiavellian as Henry Wilcox is and I think everybody at the
beginning thinks he is. And as the season goes on we’ll see how
that perception of Jai changes or doesn’t change.
K. Basista I had some help from
Chris Gorham to ask this question. He suggested that I ask if there
was going to be a Heroes movie and can Gorham be in it?
S. Ramamurthy Can Gorham be in it? You
know what, if there’s a Heroes movie, I’m guaranteeing that we’ll
get Gorham in it. Right here, you heard it here first. I don’t
know if there’s going to be a Heroes movie. I’d love for there to
be one. I think that it would be great for the fans to have the
story wrapped up properly because that finale was a season finale;
that was not a series finale and I feel like we owe it to the fans
who were incredibly loyal and supportive of us through all the ups
and downs of Heroes, it would be nice to do it for them to have some
sort of closure.
I don’t know if
it’s going to happen. If I’m being 100% honest, I don’t see how it
can, just scheduling-wise it’s going to be really, really
difficult. But if anybody can do it Tim Kring will pull it together
Moderator The next question is
from the line of Christina Kovar with Maverick Media.
C. Kovar We’ve already seen
Piper with a lot of accent and language work. Are you looking for
that with Covert Affairs? Have you actually already done some
languages and some accents that we get to hear?
S. Ramamurthy Boy, that’s a tough one to
answer. There might be some accent stuff coming up. I’m not sure,
to be honest, because there are some rewrites going on right now,
but it’s a possibility.
As far as
languages go, I haven’t had to explore my unfortunately incredibly
limited language skills. Piper has a really great facility for
languages. She’s great with it. But me, I’m not so great with it,
so if they happen to be reading this, the writers, and read this,
they should feel free not to give me any language stuff. Accents
I’m good with; languages not so much.
C. Kovar If you were to put your
iPod on shuffle right now and press play, what’s the most
embarrassing song that would come up?
S. Ramamurthy Wow, that’s a great question
because I have a shared iPod with my wife. I actually had it on
shuffle just now in the gym and I’m trying to think what came on.
Oh, what’s that guy, it was an Enrique Iglesias song, which I would
usually probably never listen to, but it popped on. And I am not
ashamed to admit that I listened to it all the way through. I did
not fast forward it.
Moderator The next question is
from the line of Clyde Johnson with SpoilersTV.com.
C. Johnson I love the character of
Jai. I was wondering will we learn more about him through action
scenes or more like in the office.
S. Ramamurthy You kind of learn, I think,
personally—this is just my own personal view—I think you learn the
most about Jai when he’s out in the field with Annie. Because there
are times in the field where you have a little downtime and you just
have a little chat. And I think those are the times where you see,
where you learn more about Jai.
Now, what makes
that more tricky is the audience already knows what Jai, like one of
his missions is to get close to Jai, so when he’s talking to Annie
and kind of revealing stuff about himself or trying to find out
stuff about her, how much of it is real and how much of it is part
of his mission and that’s, again, that’s been the tricky thing for
me is how much to give away in these conversations that I have with
And it’s kind of
the most fascinating and difficult and frustrating part of playing
the character, which I love all three of those things. Like, it’s a
good thing to have all those things happen in one character when
you’re playing it because you don’t want it to be easy. You don’t
want it to be a cakewalk, like something you could do standing on
your head. I’m having to work really hard at it.
C. Johnson Since you came to the
show kind of late, how long did it take you to find your groove, to
be relaxed on the show and everything like that?
S. Ramamurthy To be honest, like probably
not until the sixth episode. Yeah, it took a while because, you
know, they were forming the character as we were shooting it really
because, again, the character was a different person before. This
character is fulfilling the same role and has a lot of the same
character traits as the Conrad character from the pilot, but it is a
different character.
And so, once
they cast me they were actually kind of writing the character to fit
me, Sendhil Ramamurthy, and so that took a little bit of time and
there are definitely some growing pains and there are a couple of
things that I look back and I think, oh God, I wish I had done that
because now I know this and I would have done it differently, but
that’s just the way it goes in series television and I just feel
fortunate to be a part of it and all that stuff gets ironed out and
I think it takes a few episodes to settle in because in that second
episode and the third episode where I appear, I think I only worked
one day on the second episode and I think I worked three days on the
third episode. It took me a while to find my groove, definitely.
Moderator The next question comes
from the line of Michelle St. James with Daemon’s TV.
M. St. James I’m wondering why Arthur
chose you to get close to Annie. Does Jai have some sort of history
with the mysterious Ben Mercer that makes him a good choice? Or is
it just that he is so good at getting under other people’s skin and
is such a good operative in his own right?
S. Ramamurthy Aren’t you a clever girl,
Michelle. I’m not going to answer that question in any way that
you’re going to find satisfying. I’m going to just say that upfront
right now, but yes. That’s my answer. There’s a lot, like I said,
there’s a lot there, which is why I’m so excited to play the
character. My parents, actually, were talking to me the other day
and they were like, “What the hell is your guy doing? I don’t
understand. What’s happening? He’s like kind of there, but not
And I was just
like, “Just relax. It’ll come out.” And, again, that’s probably
one of the frustrating things for viewers of series television is
you want all the answers right away, but then you don’t. You want
something more and from a writer’s point of view, they don’t want to
burn through too much story. They’ve got to crank out 13 episodes.
So, the one
thing I would say is it’s a very slow burn for the Jai Wilcox
character and as far as, you can probably tell how much I’m trying
not to answer your question, there are definitely things in Jai’s
background and what he was doing prior to arriving at Langley that
make him a really, well, the only choice to be dealing with Annie
and the Ben Mercer situation.
M. St. James Is the spying leak story
line going to be wrapped up soon, or is that going throughout the
entire season?
S. Ramamurthy That is something that I
think definitely kind of goes through and it grows in importance
throughout the entire season. And I don’t even know whether it will
be resolved or not resolved by the end of the season. Again, should
we be lucky enough to go more seasons, it could be something that is
further explored.
If you could
read the 12th episode, which is sitting on my kitchen table right
here and I’m looking at it, you would know that there’s an opening
there for it to continue should the writers decide to go in that
Moderator The next question comes
from the line of Rosa Cordero with Accidental Sexiness.
R. Cordero For the record, I
tweeted out that you said that Chris Gorham would be in the Heroes
movie. He just re-tweeted it for the win, so he’s very excited.
S. Ramamurthy Oh, good. Now I’m going to
have people from NBC calling me saying, “What the … are you doing?”
I’m going to be getting e-mails from Tim Kring in about five
minutes. My BlackBerry is going to light up.
R. Cordero Well, we’re really
enjoying seeing Chris and your co-star Ann Dudek and Peter
Gallagher. They’re all on Twitter. We only hear about you through
Wendy Lynn. So, when are you going to make the move to Twitter? We
want to hear from you.
S. Ramamurthy You can hear from me by
talking to me right now. The Internet scares me. I’m not very
Internet savvy, to be honest. I’m not very computer savvy. I’m not
a big Web surfer. It’s just not something I do. I can’t see why
anybody would be interested in what I’m doing during my day. Like
I’m having a coffee at the coffee shop; like, who cares?
R. Cordero Well, we care, like when
you’re listening to Enrique Iglesias at the gym.
S. Ramamurthy After I said that, I just
realized what a giant mistake that was because I shall never hear
the end of that.
R. Cordero And I sent it out to Twitterverse, so I’m sorry.
S. Ramamurthy Of course you would. I
would be disappointed if you didn’t, quite frankly. Because that’s
a nice embarrassing bit of detail. But no, I wouldn’t count on
seeing me on Twitter any time soon. But what I do do, if I have
something that I, on the rare occasions when I do have something
that I want tweetered, how do you say it?
R. Cordero Tweeted.
S. Ramamurthy Tweeted. On the rare
occasion when I want something tweeted out I pop Wendy a text and
she tweets it out for me.
R. Cordero Okay, well, maybe you’ll
change your mind in the future, but we’re loving you on the show.
S. Ramamurthy Well, thank you very much
and maybe I will change my mind. You never know; you can sometimes
teach an old dog new tricks.
R. Cordero Yes, I’m going to have a
chat with Chris. I’m sure he can get you going.
S. Ramamurthy Oh, he’s been working on me
and Piper already, don’t you worry about that.
Moderator The next question is
from the line of Scotty Coppage with Cinemaniac.
S. Coppage How much access do you
guys have with the real CIA?
S. Ramamurthy The guys who did the pilot
had access to the CIA. Like I said, I didn’t do the pilot so I had
no access to the CIA. I had questions, obviously, once I came on
board and through Piper and Chris who had had; Valerie Plame, was
our CIA advisor on the pilot, and so they had access to her and were
able to ask her all sorts of questions.
And I know that
Piper went to the CIA before starting shooting of the pilot and met
with them and got to meet with a CIA agent that was her age who was
kind of her and got to ask her questions to help her with the role.
And that’s one of the disadvantages. You’re certainly at a
disadvantage coming into a show and not being in the pilot. I’m not
going to sit here and pretend that you’re not.
Because it’s
hard to come in, and my character is really coming in the fourth or
fifth episode of the season and so it makes your job a little bit
more difficult, but challenge is good. I’m into that. And,
hopefully, should we get another season I already spoke to the
creators of the show, Matt and Chris, and said I would love actually
some access to the CIA to be able to speak to somebody or to go down
there, especially for this character because he is CIA royalty.
It’s his second
home. He’s been surrounded by the CIA from birth really and it
would be really helpful to me to have that time at the CIA, but I
flew straight from London from the premiere of my movie to start
shooting on Covert Affairs. There was just no time from the time I
was cast to starting shooing on Covert Affairs to meet with them.
S. Coppage Have you done any
research or do you want to do any research on CIA just to help get
your character beefed up or anything?
S. Ramamurthy Yes, we have definitely done
all that and learned. The CIA is about protocol and so a lot of the
questions that we’ll have are about the protocol. Okay, what would
a CIA operative be doing in this situation? What are the steps?
Everything has to be run up the ladder, you know, run up the flag
post and what are the steps to get what you need done? Even the
littlest things, you can call it bureaucracy I guess if you want.
There are certain things that need to be done and Jai is very
conscious of the hierarchy at the CIA, of the protocol of the CIA
and I think, and this is one thing, another thing one of the
bloggers asked me this question.
It’s one of the
things I’d like to see explored in future episodes and seasons, is
Jai’s pretty by the numbers as far as following the rules and all
that and I’d like to see there be some instances where he’s faced
with maybe having to do something, that yes is “wrong” but will
accomplish something that he knows is right and I’d love to see what
decision he makes and how he goes about making it to do that. And I
hope that’s something that we get to explore and it may be something
that we get to see in the finale. We just got some pink pages, so
we’ll see. It’s something I brought up already, so we’ll see.
D. Christiansen At this time we are going
to take one last question. Thank you.
Moderator And that question is a
follow-up from the line of Curt Wagner with RedEye’s Show Patrol.
C. Wagner So you say it’s a very
physical role, are you going to find that Jai has any kind of super
S. Ramamurthy I think I’m done with that
for a while. I’m very grateful to the sci-fi fan base for all the
support that they’ve given me and Heroes throughout the past few
years, but I think I’m going to pump the brakes a little bit on the
sci-fi super strengths, walking through walls, being indestructible
cheer leader, which I tend to be on my days off and take a step back
and try and be a kick ass CIA operative for a while; kick ass spy
sounds like a nice little change.
C. Wagner A Twitter follower asked
why you were sporting a professor beard last year? They were
S. Ramamurthy Professor beard?
C. Wagner Now, I don’t know if
that’s true or not, but they apparently saw some photo of you in a
professor beard.
S. Ramamurthy I did grow a beard there for
a while. Oh, professor as in my character on Heroes. There was a
whole storyline that I kind of pitched for Dr. Suresh to the writers
of Heroes and I’m not going to go into it. It involved being a
mountain man with a grisly beard and I thought it was really fun and
cool. They didn’t and I showed up on the set and they were like,
“Shave immediately.” And that’s kind of what happened. And I
actually did press where I said that the beard was part of the story
before they wrote it so that they would be forced to write it and
they so weren’t forced to write anything. They’re like, “Sendhil,
go to make up and have Wendy shave you. That’s it.”
D. Christiansen Ladies and gentlemen, that
will conclude today’s session. I’d like to once again thank Sendhil
for joining us and remind everyone to tune into an all new episode
this Tuesday, August 10th at 10/9 Central on USA Network.
Also, just
another quick reminder. There will be a transcript sent out of this
call within the next 24 to 48 hours from myself or Electric
Artists. Thanks, again, everyone and enjoy your weekend.
S. Ramamurthy Thanks a lot, everyone.
Thanks for chatting and please come and visit the set soon,
hopefully on a day when I’m there.
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