Here is the our interview. I hope you
enjoy it!
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this link and save it to your computer. It should work
better that way! It's only about 22 minutes long.
1. How did this role come about?
I had worked with the production group before on another
movie, and I think from that, they said, "We've got a great
script that we think would be perfect for you, so if you're
interested, take a read and see. I just thought that this
was such a fun opportunity that I jumped at it.
2. I was surprised they called it "The Husband She Met
Online" because they got married so late in the movie. Do
you know if this title was something they planned for it all
along or a last minute name?
No, they knew, because it's part of the series. They've
got "The Boy She Met Online," "The Wife He Met Online," "The
Girl He Met Online," so it's part of that whole series that
they do. I know that they have other ones. There are the 17
series, "Missing at 17," different titles that involve that,
so they have the series that are really popular for them and
do very well in the ratings, with the fans, and the people
really connect with them. So, that's how that came about.
3. What attracted you most to the role?
When I read it, I just really liked the idea of the story
because of what's going on as far as social media and the
way people are meeting people, and how you can portray
yourself as one thing but maybe you're not, and just as a
reflection of what's going on in society. Not that everybody
is crazy in society. I certainly don't mean that, but just
the fact that you never really know who you're dealing with.
With a lot of the social media, you can kind of put out the
image that you want, so I found it really intriguing and
interesting; and I also have friends who are saying, "Oh, I
never know how to meet people anymore. I'm thinking about
trying one of those online sites. I don't know if they
really work." I just found the whole thing really
interesting as a reflection of what's going on today.
4. What do you think viewers will enjoy most about the
Well, I feel like, for the Lifetime audience, they're
just gonna love it, because it's that same exciting
intrigue, keeping you on the edge of your seat, never
knowing what's really gonna happen, but you know something
is gonna go horribly wrong. I think that's what Lifetime
viewers come to love and expect about the movies, is that
you know you're in for some sort of crazy, and you know it's
gonna be a really good ride. I think that's what it is. I
feel like, you know, you've got the wonderful tender moments
that Lifetime is so good at, and you've also got the
edge-of-your-seat "Oh, my gosh. No. Is this really gonna
happen?" type moments, as well. So, I think it's the perfect
balance of getting invested in these characters, liking
their chemistry, liking their relationship, rooting for
them. I think that's the other thing about the Lifetime
audience, they're always rooting for them. They know
something horribly wrong is gonna happen, but they keep kind
of hoping in a way that it won't, but then it does, and they
think like they knew that was gonna happen, and they loved
watching it anyways. So, I feel like the emotional
connection that the characters have with one another and
then the craziness that ensues.
5. Was it fun working with Jason?
Oh, we had such a blast. He is such an amazing guy. He's
got so much energy. The thing that I loved about working
with him is that he really was on top of it, wanting to
really do the character justice, and do the story justice.
He really just dives in and goes, "Ok, then, why is this
character thinking this way? Why is this character behaving
this way? What is instigating some of this stuff?" instead
of just kind of playing it at face value. He really was
diving into it, and it just made it so much more fun to work
with him, be on set, and work on the movie. I felt like we
created, together as a team, even more than what was written
that we had put into it ourselves, so it was a lot of fun.
6. How long did it take to shoot?
We were there about three weeks, maybe just a little over
three weeks -- really quick.
7. Anything else you'd like to tell us about the movie?
The girl, Christa, who played my roommate, she was
amazing to work with. She was so much fun. I felt like
immediately we connected like we had been friends for years
and years, so we would always be cracking up on set and
having fun together. I feel like that helped carry over into
the relationship as far as what you see on screen again, the
chemistry between us. And there were times when the director
would be like, "Okay, you two, we're getting ready to roll.
Enough, calm down!" Because we'd be just giggling, doing
little dance-offs, or funny faces, whatever, so we were
having a blast. I thought we needed something for an outtake
reel. I don't know if they'll ever do anything with it, so I
was kind of doing funny little shtick with my dead
boyfriend's dead body when I found him dead, doing like a
little CSI caper thing with it, so it was kind of funny.
When I read the script, I remember getting to the part about
the dog where he said, "We can just tie him up to the bumper
or throw him out of the car and maybe somebody will find him
and save him," and I remember getting such a pit in my
stomach reading that and thinking, "This guy is so evil;
he's not even human; he has no human compassion,
capabilities, emotions, anything. He's just like dead
inside." And then, when I found out toward the end, I was
like, "Thank God. Oh, thank God for the dog." And I knew
everybody was gonna be upset about that, too, because I
think that's such a natural reaction that you think, "Oh, my
God. Can somebody actually do this to an animal? What are
they capable of?" Isn't it funny how everybody gets upset
about animals sometimes more than people. You know, he
killed his ex-girlfriend in the opening scene, but
everybody's more worried about the dog.
8. I enjoyed your work on Dawson's Creek and Criminal
Minds. What was it like going back to Criminal Minds again
this year?
Oh, so much fun. The episode aired last night, and I was
so happy with it. It looked beautiful, because it was set
back in the '30s, 40's times, so visually it looked
beautiful, emotionally it was beautiful, and it was so much
fun to just go back to that family and reconnect with them
after having been gone for a couple of years. We got so much
amazing feedback from the fans about how excited they were
to have me back and see Haley and Hotch back together again
and reconnecting, so it was such a wonderful surprise to get
that phone call that they were bringing me back this year. I
had a blast. I didn't want it to end. I said, "Ok, Virgil
(he was the one who wrote the episode), so what are you
thinkin' here? Should I come back and help Hotch with cases
in a dream state, kind of sprinkled throughout the year? Any
big cases I can come back and help him from beyond?
9. Do you prefer playing good guys or a really bad girl?
What's your favorite to do?
You know, crazy is always fun. It's such fun to play the
crazy one, and it's really fun to play bitchy ones, too, but
honestly, I really like to be able to change it up. I think
too much of anything you might kind of get a little bored of
it -- always being the bad girl or always being the good
girl, but I think being able to dip your toe in this water
and then dip your toe in that water, you get to have so much
more fun.
10. Do you stay in touch with any of the DC cast?
You know, randomly, periodically. Everybody's got such
crazy, different, busy lives, so every now and then, we'll
reach out to one another or run into each other randomly.
11. What other projects do you have coming up?
I have an independent film -- a short film that's been
making different festival appearances, and I think we're
still waiting to hear on other festivals. That one's called
"The Lift." It's a short film set in the '20s. I can't say
what it is, because it might give away. I'm a woman who's a
suffragette, and I'm driving across the country, and I pick
up a male stranger, and an interesting relationship ensues.
So, again, things aren't what they seem, and then I find out
at the end of the short that this guy, who I thought I was
kind of teaching a lesson to, could, in fact, end up
teaching me a big lesson in the end, so it was an
interesting film.
12. You've done a lot of different types of TV shows,
commercials etc. what else would you like to do?
You know, it's funny. I was talking with a friend the
other day, and we were thinking that maybe we should come up
with some ideas and do some writing together, so we'll see
what happens with that. I've got some ideas that keep
popping into my head for children's books, so I'm playing
around with that idea, so definitely something creative. I
love acting. I love what I do. I'm not interested in leaving
acting, but, at the same time, I'm also looking at other
things that would be great creative outlets.
13. I've always loved your name. Is Meredith a family
No, it's not. My parents were going to name me Megan,
Melissa, or Meredith. One of them liked Megan, one of them
liked Melissa, but neither of them liked the other, and they
both agreed on Meredith.
14. Do people always ask you if you're named after
Marilyn Monroe?
A lot of times, they'll say, "Oh, are you related?" And
you know, she was Norma Jean Baker. Marilyn Monroe was her
stage name, so I always laugh, and I say, "No, no." No, they
didn't name me after her. I think it's just our last name
happens to be Monroe, and they liked Meredith, and they
chose it. Um, but a lot of people will, without realizing
it, call me Marilyn. And they go, "Oh, my gosh. I'm so
sorry. Meredith, Meredith, I mean Meredith."
15. What are some of your favorite TV shows to watch?
Well, I love "The Americans." I really like "Homeland." I
was so sad to see "Dexter" go. Ah, that was a good one. Um,
and "Breaking Bad." Loved "Breaking Bad." "Modern Family" is
fun. "Grimm." I love "Grimm." Yeah. That's coming out, I
think, this month will be starting out the new season, and I
love that. My friend, Bree Turner, is actually one of the
actresses on that show. Oh, "Nashville" is fun. So, I kind
of have an eclectic taste between fantasy-type stuff and
hardcore gritty drama, and then you need your laughs, too.
16. Anything else you'd like to tell your fans?
Thank you so much for always watching and reaching out to
me on Twitter, and I hope that you enjoy the movie.
You can find Meredith online at
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