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Interview with Angie Miller of "American
Idol" on FOX 5/10/13
Final Transcript
FBC PUBLICITY: American Idol Interview Call
May 10, 2013/9:30 a.m. PDT
Moderator: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by
and welcome to the American Idol Interview Call with Angie
Miller. As a reminder, this conference is being recorded.
I’ll now turn the conference over to Katherine Taylor for
opening remarks; please go ahead.
K. Taylor: Hi, everyone; thank you so much for joining us
today for the American Idol Conference Call with Angie. As a
reminder, she’s here to talk about her experience on the
show and her plans moving forward. As always, if we feel
anyone is harping on a particular subject we do reserve the
right to jump in and move the call along. With that being
said, let’s go ahead and get started with the first
Moderator: Our first question today comes from the line of
Mark Stone with Vista Radio.
M. Stone: Good morning, Angie; how are you?
A. Miller: Good morning; I’m good. How are you?
M. Stone: I’m good. Has the shock worn off? I know I’m still
A. Miller: Yeah. It’s worn off a little yeah.
M. Stone: Do you feel that winning Idol would bring you that
much more chance of a successful career or could what
happened last night be even better for you?
A. Miller: I mean yeah in some ways it could be definitely. I
feel like in a way that I’ve already won; like top three is
amazing and the exposure I’ve had on the show and the
journey and everything has been incredible. I really
wouldn’t change a thing, and I’m proud of how far I’ve
M. Stone: Sure. If you could pick one judge to come on board
next year who has never been on the show who would it be?
A. Miller: Oh gosh, that’s such a hard question there are so
many people. I think I said in another interview before that
I think it would be so cool if someone who has been on
American Idol before came on the show as a judge.
M. Stone: Oh like a contestant?
A. Miller: Yeah.
M. Stone: Yeah that’d be a good ideal. Okay. Thanks a lot.
A. Miller: Thank you.
Moderator: Our next question is from the line of Michael
Weinfeld with the Associated Press Broadcast.
M. Weinfeld: Hi, Angie.
A. Miller: Hi; how are you?
M. Weinfeld: I am doing just peachy. What do you think Idol
is going to be missing by not having Randy Jackson there
next year?
A. Miller: Well, I mean he’s been a huge part of the show. I
mean he’s been a huge part of the show, and I feel so
blessed to have been on a year with him to have been a part
of his journey, and I’m grateful he was a part of mine. He
was great for the show, and he’s been a supporter of mine
since the beginning. It will definitely be weird without him
though; he’s the only one who has been here forever.
M. Weinfeld: And now you’ve got the tour to look forward to;
Who do you think is going to be the most fun on the tour?
A. Miller: Oh gosh that’s a hard question, everyone. It’s
like we all get along or really are just family, so the tour
is going to be a blast. We are going to have so much fun,
and I can’t wait to meet all the fans and sing full length
songs and not be judged. It’s going to be a blast.
M. Weinfeld: Just one quick follow up, do you think you might
try to arrange to sing the anthem at Fenway some day?
A. Miller: Yes. I would love that. I would love to sing the
National Anthem at Fenway. Yeah that would be amazing.
M. Weinfeld: We’ll go to Sarah Rodman with the Boston Globe.
S. Rodman: Speaking of Fenway Park, hey, Angie,
congratulations on how far you go. I know you know that
there was a lot of support. You were just here last week and
saw that there is a lot of support here in Boston. I have a
question about it was so interesting to me watching the show
how they were like the piano, the piano, the piano, and I’m
wondering did that get frustrating for you that obviously
that’s a skill that you have in your skill set but that it
seemed so important to them?
A. Miller: Yeah. I mean honestly at first it was upsetting
because I feel like they thought I was only good when I was
playing the piano, and I was like, “I promise you I can be
just as good off the piano.” I had to work and prove that to
them, and I feel like in the end I did. I’m so glad I did
that because I mean I love being off piano just as much as I
love being on it.
S. Rodman: And you were so comfortable and they said—and I
like that you basically said that you were buoyed by your
trip home; that part of that was why when you came out with
the Pink performance. What about it—because you seemed you
did, as the judges said, seemed so much more confident at
that point. What about it built your confidence at that
A. Miller: Well, I just remember being in Beverly,
Massachusetts doing that concert with the thousands of
people there and being on that stage and feeling so free and
just like so in the moment. I remember thinking why don’t I
feel like this on the American Idol stage, and so I really
feel like I just brought that feeling from that concert with
me on American Idol, and I feel like it showed and it paid
S. Rodman: Excellent. Thank you.
A. Miller: Thank you.
Moderator: Our next question is from Tenley Woodman with the
Boston Herald.
T. Woodman: Hi, Angie; how are you?
A. Miller: I’m good; how are you?
T. Woodman: Doing okay. So tell me a little bit about next
week, if you can, you know getting to come back and sing on
the finale? We’ve heard that maybe you and Adam Lambert
could duet. Could you speak to that?
A. Miller: Well, that’s the great thing is that I’m not going
anywhere; I’m still here. I’m going to start rehearsing and
practicing for the finale this week, and I’m so excited. I
don’t know 100% what will be going on yet like what we’ll be
singing and stuff, but I’m so excited just to sing again.
I’ll be singing on the finale and I just really can’t wait.
T. Woodman: And also tell me I saw on your Twitter account
that your whole family has gotten a dream big tattoo. Maybe
tell me a little bit about what their support meant to you
last night, a little bit about the tattoo.
A. Miller: Well, dream big is like a motto of mine; it has
been for a long time now, and probably like a year ago I got
the tattoo of dream big. Throughout this whole competition
dream big has been such a huge part of it, and my whole
family, all of them, surprised me and they all got it
tattooed as well to help support me. I’ve even seen other
places—I have other friends who have gotten it. Just the
incredible amount of support that friends and family have
given me through tattoos it’s like it’s the most random
thing but it means so much because it’s so permanent and
it’s so real. Yeah I love my family and their support is
T. Woodman: Great. Thank you so much, Angie.
A. Miller: Thank you.
Moderator: Next we’ll go to the line of Beth Kwiatkowski with
Reality TV World.
B. Kwiatkowski: Hi, Angie; congratulations on making it so
A. Miller: Hi, thank you.
B. Kwiatkowski: So the home town packages they aired during
Wednesday night’s show really seemed to focus on how much
adversity Kree has seemed to overcome and not to be
disrespectful in any way but it kind of presented her
background as a bit of a sob story. Do you think that
unfortunately played any role in the vote, and if so, does
it frustrate you in any way that given that it is a singing
competition that maybe your elimination wasn’t entirely
based on just talent?
A. Miller: You know I don’t really know about the whole
voting. I know that one week people can be on top and they
can be on the bottom. I don’t know if that so much swayed
the voting or anything, and honestly I don’t really know
about that, but I do know that it did not disappoint me at
all. I love both of those girls, and they both deserve to be
there, and I would never ever be like, “Oh it’s a sob
story,” no; that’s her life, and she’s real and she’s one of
the most genuine girls that I know. Like honestly I love her
so much so yeah I didn’t even really think about that
B. Kwiatkowski: Okay. Great. You clearly seemed shocked by
your elimination. I’m sure you don’t want to come across as
arrogant in any way, but it seems like you had been
expecting to end up in the final two. I guess my question is
was that actually the case, and could you talk a little bit
about where all those tears were coming from?
A. Miller: Well, every Thursday night is always shocking.
It’s always an emotional crazy night, but I mean I did feel
confident in my performances and everything. Like honestly I
was hoping and dreaming to be a part of that finale, and I
really wanted it so of course it was shocking. I wanted it
so badly so it was definitely shocking, but even though it’s
the end of American Idol this is just the start. This is the
beginning, and now I can start planning my future so it’s
exciting at the same time.
B. Kwiatkowski: Great. Thanks a lot, Angie.
A. Miller: Thank you.
Moderator: Our next question is from Jennifer Maurer with
J. Maurer: Hi, Angie; how are you?
A. Miller: I’m good; how are you?
J. Maurer: I’m good. Thanks for taking the time with us
A. Miller: It’s my pleasure.
J. Maurer: I’d like to kind of piggyback on that last
question, and kind of ask you—well, first of all kudos for
even trying to get through that final song last night. I
mean we were all—I think I can speak for everybody—just
dying you know just watching you trying to get through that
so valiantly. What was going through your mind as you
watched kind of the recap video of your time on Idol and as
you tried to sing that final song? What were the thoughts
that were kind of going through your mind?
A. Miller: I still just can’t believe that I was one of those
people; like in the huge arena of thousands of people that I
was one of those people that was like, “Welcome back to
American Idol and started the show off. It’s incredible that
way back then, what seems like years ago, that I dreamed of
being a part of the top three and being able to sing at the
finale. It’s incredible to see this whole journey and how
it’s all happened, and I’m still here. Like I’m part of the
top three and I’m going to be singing on Thursday’s finale
like it’s incredible. It’s an amazing journey.
J. Maurer: And what would you say that you—was there one
thing in particular that you could walk away from this thing
and say you’ve really learned from?
A. Miller: Gosh I’ve learned so much. I’ve grown so much
through this competition. Musically I’ve definitely—I know
who I am musically and as an artist so much more. I mean I
just know what I like and don’t like and what I should and
shouldn’t do or what I should sing about and things like
that, and just as a person as well. I’ve learned so much
about myself and how to deal with things and to remain true
to yourself throughout everything that flows around you.
It’s an incredible growing process this show.
J. Maurer: It’s huge. Well, thank you very much.
A. Miller: Thank you.
Moderator: Our next question is from Paul Leighton with Salem
P. Leighton: Hi, Angie; how you doing?
A. Miller: Good; how are you?
P. Leighton: I’m calling from back in Beverly!
Congratulations on everything.
A. Miller: Thank you so much.
P. Leighton: Have you heard—you know people back here were
obviously very upset last night, have you heard people back
here in your home town?
A. Miller: I have and I have an incredible amount of friends
and family just texting me and calling me. I love Beverly.
I’ve done all of this for my home town so yeah I’m happy to
have made it this far.
P. Leighton: Right. Okay. Great. So what is next for you; are
you going to be on with Jay Leno?
A. Miller: Yes I will be. Yeah I’m excited.
P. Leighton: Great. Is that tonight?
A. Miller: That is tonight yeah.
P. Leighton: Awesome. Okay. Great. Excellent.
A. Miller: So everybody back at home has to watch.
P. Leighton: Great. Great. Okay. Great. And then, what do you
see in your immediate future? I know you have the tour,
right, and then what happens after that? Do you have any
A. Miller: Well, yeah there is the tour, and then I just hope
to get signed and put out an album, put out music that’s
what I want to do first definitely to start. I want to focus
on my music and maybe even go on another tour as soon as
possible, and eventually I want to do acting, like
everything. I just want to do so much.
P. Leighton: Right. Right. Okay. Great. All right. Well, I
appreciate it. Congratulations that was a great time over
the weekend here. People are still talking about it
A. Miller: Amazing.
Moderator: We’ll go now to the line of Andrea Dresdale of ABC
News Radio.
A. Dresdale: Hey, Angie. You’re so talented that you’ve shown
that you can do many different genres of music, but you say
you know yourself much better as an artist now. Can you give
us a hint of what kind of music you’d like to make? There
was some indication that you might want to go in to the
Christian music world. Is that your plan or would you prefer
to like go in a more pop direction?
A. Miller: It’s neither of those really. I’m not going to go
in to the Christian genre. I’m not going to go in to the
pop. I want to have music that has meaning and is real. It’s
real like stuff. I don’t want to sing about just like—I
don’t know. I don’t want to have like dance party music but
at the same time I don’t want to put people to sleep so I
definitely want to incorporate piano and the soulful piano
sound with a lot of edge. I love the rock. If it’s a fast
song it’s more rock as opposed to pop, but I don’t know. I
know the message that I want to send out and I know the
sounds that I want to do and I can’t wait to show it to
A. Dresdale: And did you want to do more original songs this
season? Did you try to do that? Did you think about doing
A. Miller: Oh definitely thought about it, definitely wanted
to. I mean I have more that I want to share, and I’m excited
to in a future album, but I mean the show isn’t over. You’ve
still got to watch the finale.
A. Dresdale: Okay. We’ll be watching.
A. Miller: Thank you.
Moderator: Next we’ll go to the line of Mike Hughes with TV
M. Hughes: Hey, Angie, I wanted to go back to where you said
that you love the two girls so much and they’re such good
people, Candice and Kree, be a little more specific about
that. Tell us a little bit about each of them, kind of what
it is you like about them. What’s interesting about them as
a people?
A. Miller: My gosh honestly I love talking about them. I mean
me and Kree have been roommates since top 20, right. We’ve
been roommates forever. We’re so close. She’s like—I mean I
can’t imagine going through this competition without her.
We’ve been supporting each other so much and it’s weird
waking up in the morning without here there anymore. She’s
like not my roommate anymore so that’s like strange, but I
love her. Candice we’re gotten so close. I mean with the top
five girls we just all go so close, and Candice is—they’re
both so incredibly talented and deserve to be where they
M. Hughes: And if you could just be a little more specific
about their personality; like for instance, people have said
that Kree is like the mother who kind of takes care of
everybody or watches them. Just be a little more specific
about what makes those two interesting people or nice
A. Miller: Kree really is like—she’s like a mom; she really
is. I mean I wake up in the morning sometimes and she’s
like, “Do you want breakfast? What do you want?” I’m just
like, “Kree—”. She’s so nice and she never thinks about
herself, so selfless. Candice is just the funniest person to
be around. I wish America really like could just sit in a
room and talk with her for like five minutes because they’d
understand how hysterical she is. I feel so blessed to have
made it this far with these two girls in the top three.
M. Hughes: Super. Thanks a lot.
A. Miller: Thank you.
Moderator: We’ll go to the line of Marnie Brodersen with
M. Brodersen: Hi, Angie.
A. Miller: Hi.
M. Brodersen: I wanted to ask you a little bit about Mariah
Carey. What was it like to do the background vocals with the
three of you and Mariah?
A. Miller: I can’t believe it. I can’t believe that I was in
a position where Mariah Carey was coaching me. Like her
being able to give me tips in the studio and stuff like I
mean I really can’t believe that happened. I never thought
that would happen in a million years.
M. Brodersen: Oh yes. Yes, darling. And then, I saw that you
did a lot of Jessie J. Who would you say is your biggest
musical influence and maybe who would you love to do a dream
duet with?
A. Miller: Definitely a huge musical impression of mine 100%
Jessie J. I mean like I was saying earlier I love the
soulful sound with like the edge to it, and lots of her
songs have that, and I’ve done lots of her songs on that
show. They’re such soulful beautiful songs. They have this
certain amount of edge and grit to it that I love, and so
she’s definitely a huge musical influence. I would
absolutely love to do a duet with her one day that would
just be amazing.
M. Brodersen: It could happen. Well, good luck. Thank you so
A. Miller: Thank you.
Moderator: Our next question comes from the line of Jamie
Ruby of Scifivision.com.
J. Ruby: Hi, thanks for taking the time to talk to us today.
What’s like one of the best pieces of advice you got from
the judges?
A. Miller: I think what really sticks out to me when I think
of everything that they’ve said is that they didn’t just
appreciate like my voice or just me, whatever, but they
appreciated just the artistry and the songwriting and
knowing that I know who I am as a person. I love how they
really appreciated that and they stressed that was important
to never lose your songwriting and who you are and what you
stand for. I think that’s what stuck out with me the most.
It wasn’t really a critique but it was just them saying,
“Thank you for being that way, keep being that way,” and
that meant the world to me.
J. Ruby: Great. Do you know if you’re going to get to sing
one of your own songs at the American Idol tour?
A. Miller: I don’t know but I really, really hope so because
that would be amazing.
J. Ruby: Yeah. I think your originals are really great and
I’m sad to see you go. I thought you were going to make the
top two I’ll just say that.
A. Miller: Thank you.
J. Ruby: Thanks a lot.
Moderator: Next we go to the line of John Lachonis from
J. Lachonis: Hey, Angie; how you doing?
A. Miller: Hi, I’m good; how are you?
J. Lachonis: Great. Great. I’m wondering if you could
describe for us what those first few moments were like back
stage after the results.
A. Miller: I think it was just a feeling of wow okay. This
really happened okay. I’m off the show. This is what it
feels like. You know it’s just kind of … well, that just
happened, time to just move on and start thinking about the
future. I didn’t want to dwell on how sad I was or whatever,
but I think that first initial thought was, “Okay. I just
got voted off. What’s next? What’s the future going to
hold?” That was like the first thought.
J. Lachonis: Did you three amongst yourselves have any
predictions or where you just kind of going with the flow as
far as who the final two were going to be?
A. Miller: Oh no we were not—we don’t want to get our heads
all wrapped up in who is going to get voted off, blah, blah,
blah. We just relaxed Wednesday night. We were just like
whatever happens, happens. We all love each other no matter
J. Lachonis: Great. Well, thanks and good luck in the future.
A. Miller: Thank you.
Moderator: Our next question is from Bill Pinella with UT San
B. Pinella: Hi, Angie. Let’s talk a little bit about the show
first. I presume before you went on you actually watched the
show on television like all of us have.
A. Miller: Yes many years since I was like eight.
B. Pinella: Okay. Combine that now with the perspective you
have of having been on it and with all the talk about the
changes that are coming. Remember this thing that they used
to do, Idol Gives Back, do you think they should bring that
A. Miller: Oh that would be amazing. I remember that. I would
have loved to do that definitely.
B. Pinella: And one final thing this summer tour did you ever
see the summer tour yourself?
A. Miller: Last year, last year is the first year I did, and
that’s like the first time I ever saw Colton Dixon do ‘Never
Gone’ and that’s like what—I’m so glad I was able to do that
on the show. That’s was an amazing thing going to watch the
live tour.
B. Pinella: Well, good luck and I’m looking forward to seeing
you on the tour.
A. Miller: Thank you so much.
Moderator: Next is Natalie Miller with the Beverly Citizen.
N. Miller: Hey, Angie.
A. Miller: Hi. Hello, Beverly.
N. Miller: It’s nice to talk to you. Thanks for taking the
time. Basically, we were obviously in shock last night, all
of us here. I’m wondering just what your favorite moment was
on Idol.
A. Miller: Favorite moment ever on Idol is still way back in
Hollywood Week when I was able to do my original song ‘You
Set Me Free.’ I feel like—I mean there was the audition and
a few rounds before that, but I feel like that was the
moment that it really started for me, and I was able to show
right away America who I was as an artist, as a songwriter.
That’s when everything changed for me and I was just like,
“Wow. Maybe I really do have a chance of making it far in
American Idol.” That’s where it all started.
N. Miller: I’m also just wondering if you have a message for
all of your fans here in Beverly.
A. Miller: Oh my gosh I can’t believe that I was there a few
days ago, that’s so crazy, but I mean I just want everybody
at home to know that just thank you. I mean thank you so
much for supporting me and bringing me this far. I still
can’t believe I’m a part of the top three, like it’s
incredible, and just thank you so much, and I can’t wait to
visit home again.
N. Miller: Do you know when you are going to be coming home
or just not until the tour?
A. Miller: I have no idea but I am excited to go to the tour
in Boston. I can’t wait for that show.
Moderator: We’ll go to the line of Sarah Rodman with the
Boston Globe.
S. Rodman: Hi, back again. You mentioned Jessie J and Colton,
and I was curious I know Colton tweeted at you last night. I
was curious if you had corresponded with Jessie at all.
A. Miller: When I did her song ‘Who You Are’ on the show she
did tweet me and she said like, “I’m so incredibly proud,”
or something like that so that was awesome. But she hasn’t
in like the past 24 hours, but I would love to get in touch
with here that would be amazing.
S. Rodman: And I know that you probably can’t tell us this,
if it’s the case, I’m guessing it isn’t and you wouldn’t be
able to control yourself, but there’s no chance that you
guys are playing together on the finale next week is there?
A. Miller: I mean I would die if I was able to sing with her.
Like that would just be the most incredible thing ever and I
hope it happens.
Moderator: We will go now to the line of Beth Kwiatkowski
with Reality TV World.
B. Kwiatkowski: A lot of viewers interpreted the judges’
Wednesday night comments to be that Candice was basically a
shoe in for the finale and Kree and yourself would be kind
of be competing for that other spot. Did you also feel that
way after the show?
A. Miller: Yeah. I mean Candice killed it. She did amazing. I
mean I knew that she was going to be in the finale like
obviously, and so yeah I think it was between me and Kree,
which was terrible because we both—I mean she’s like my best
friend in the competition so it was just like it just stunk
that we had to beat each other. I really am so proud of them
for making it.
B. Kwiatkowski: Okay. And Jimmy had suggested that you should
have played the piano for your rendition of ‘Sorry Seems to
be the Hardest Word’ Wednesday night, and that you could
have had a “moment” with that if you had. It sounds like you
kind of think that might have affected both coming in for
you. Do you think choosing not to play the piano kind of did
you in, I guess, like maybe you needed that moment to get in
to the finale that Jimmy had described or do you see that
perspective at all?
A. Miller: No I don’t think so. I don’t think I needed to
play piano for it. I mean he still said that I was the
favorite of that round so I mean it’s kind of confusing. He
said I was the favorite of that round, but then he says, “Oh
she should have played piano.” I don’t know it’s kind of—I
don’t think it would have made that much of a difference.
Plus if I played it I just didn’t know that song well enough
to play it. I probably would have screwed it up on piano so
I didn’t want to play it and be too concerned about piano.
B. Kwiatkowski: Okay. Thank you, Angie.
Moderator: We’ll go now to the line of Mike Hughes with TV
M. Hughes: Angie, Randy uses the phrase a lot of putting a
little church in to the song, you know getting a little
churchy feeling in to it, and he uses it a lot for Candice,
but you’ve actually sung more church than anybody I think. I
mean your folks are both pastors. You sung a lot. Is there a
… that influenced you that you put church in to your music,
and is it different from the way that Candice puts church in
to her music?
A. Miller: I definitely feel like it because I don’t have the
gospel bit power house voice, which is a lot of like, you
know, that’s just I think what lots of times Randy is
talking about when he says, “Church.” I just don’t have
that. I think for me it’s more—it’s less the sound. It’s
less the church sound and it’s more the meaning. I
definitely have done—I mean I’ve done Colton Dixon ‘Never
Gone.’ I’ve done ‘Love Came Down’ by Kari Jobe and those are
worship songs, but they’re not like in your face like Jesus
songs. They’re subtle and that’s what I want to do. I don’t
want to shove Jesus down people’s throats; I just through
actions and through meaning and words being able to show
that subtlety.
M. Hughes: Okay. Cool and just one other related thing
because you grew up—your folks preach in Salem itself and
you live near Salem. How much of the history of that place—I
mean there’s just such a huge history of religion and
American history and everything else there did that affect
your growing up or are you … sometimes by the things that
happened up there?
A. Miller: No not at all. It doesn’t affect me at all, and if
anything I’m so proud of where I’ve come from, and I love my
parents. They’re the best and they’re so supportive, and
they just recently started that church, remix church this
past September. I’m so proud to be a pastor’s kid and I love
them, and I can’t wait to go visit because I haven’t been
there in a long time.
K. Taylor: All right. At this point we’re going to wrap up
the conference call for today. Thank you, everyone, for
joining us. As a reminder the American Idol finale airs next
Wednesday and Thursday on FOX and photos can be found on
FOXFlash.com. At this point, I’m going to turn the call back
over to Angie for final remarks.
A. Miller: Thank you all so much, and I really am so blessed
to be a part of the top three. It really blows my mind, and
I can’t wait to sing at the finale on that stage, and I
can’t wait for the tour and just to see what happens with my
future. I know that this is just a start. It’s a launching
pad, and just thank you to everyone who supported me and
voted for me. It means the world.
Moderator: With that, I’d like to thank you for your
participation today. We thank you for your participation and
for using AT&T. You may now disconnect.
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We need more episode guide recap writers, article
writers, MS FrontPage and Web Expression users, graphics designers, and more, so
please email us
if you can help out! More volunteers always
needed! Thanks!
Page updated 9/17/13