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Transcript of Interview with Chris Gorman of
Affairs" on USA Network 8/13/10
New Media Strategies / Electric Artists:
USA Network Q&A Session with Chris Gorham
August 13, 2010/1:30 p.m. EDT
Chris Gorham – Auggie Anderson, Covert Affairs
Moderator Welcome to the USA Network Q&A Session with Chris Gorham. At
this time, all participants are in a listen-only mode. Later we will
conduct a question and answer session. Instructions will be given at
that time. As a reminder, this conference is being recorded. I would now
like to turn the conference over to our host, Mr. Danny Christiansen.
D. Christiansen Good afternoon everyone. This is Danny Christiansen from
New Media Strategies. I’d first like to thank everyone for joining us
for today’s Covert Affairs Q&A Session and start things off by thanking
Chris Gorham for being with us today to answer questions. So, thank you
very much Chris for taking the time. As you know, Chris plays Auggie
Anderson on Covert Affairs, which airs on Tuesdays at 10/9 Central on
USA Network.
In a moment, we’ll begin the Q&A Session. I’d just like to remind all
participants that you will receive a transcript of this session in the
next 24 to 48 hours from either myself or Electric Artists. I’d also
like to remind everyone to please limit yourselves to one question and
one follow-up at a time and then re-enter the question queue later in
the session for any additional questions. This will ensure that we field
as many questions as possible within the allotted time.
I would now like to turn the call back over to our Moderator to begin
the formal Q&A session.
Moderator We do have a question from the line of Troy Rogers,
T. Rogers In the upcoming episodes, it says Auggie is going to be a
handler for the Special Ops unit he used to work in?
C. Gorham Yes, I believe that’s this coming week’s episode.
T. Rogers How will that affect him? Will he have memories of what he
used to do, or how is that going to play out?
C. Gorham Up until now we’ve really seen Auggie helping Annie out. This
is one of the opportunities where we get to see the shoe on the other
foot, where Auggie is having some trouble and he needs to work something
out in this episode and the roles are reversed. Annie helps him kind of
get over his personal obstacles so that he can do his job the way he
used to do it.
T. Rogers How much effort does it take to stay in character so you don’t
do something a blind person wouldn’t do? When they say cut, do you still
try to stay in character when you’re having lunch and things like that?
C. Gorham Oh, God, no. It would take far too long. They don’t give me
enough time. It’s tricky but we kind of work out all of those kinks
during the rehearsal. They give me a little extra time to rehearse these
scenes because we don’t really get a chance to rehearse them ahead of
time so it all happens right before we shoot. They block out a few extra
minutes so that I can figure out the physicality of what we’re doing.
Typically what will happen in a regular scene is the case will rehearse
and then we go away and we have stand-ins that come and stand in for us
while they finish the lighting. Often I’ll just stay there and keep
working on the physicality of what I’m doing and what my actions are
during the scene just to make sure that it’s as accurate as I can get
it. I’ll just stay all the way through the lighting process and keep
working on it.
Moderator Next question comes from the line of Curt Wagner, RedEye Show
C. Wagner So I was looking ahead a little bit and I noticed one of the
upcoming episodes; I see some photos of Auggie, a little bit of racy
photos. I’m wondering what kind of trouble he’s going to be getting
C. Gorham Auggie gets into some pretty deep trouble. I think the
pictures you’re referring to are from the August 24th episode titled,
“Communication Breakdown.” In that episode there is a Russian actor
that’s causing trouble and it turns out to be Auggie’s ex-girlfriend. He
has to go and try and bring her in and get something from her. He ends
up in a lot of trouble because of her. She’s kind of the wrong girl for
all the right reasons, if you know what I mean.
C. Wagner Do you ever have any trouble filming those kinds of episodes
where I guess you’re scantily clad?
C. Gorham Well, thankfully I had a lot of notice so I could work on it,
but really Auggie is former Special Forces and one of the things I did
kind of early on is did some research on the Special Forces and the
training that those guys go through. I’ve tried to emulate that a little
bit, which has meant that I’ve had to get in much better shape than I
had been previously. Just in doing the research and working on the
physicality for this part did most of the work for me.
C. Wagner Now that Sendhil says that you can be in the Heroes movie if
it happens, what role do you want to play?
C. Gorham Well, the fact that he says I can be in it makes me highly
suspect that it’s going to be made, first of all. I’d have to play a new
part. If I had to pick a super power I’ve always wanted to fly. I know
that’s completely cliché, but it’s absolutely true.
When I was in elementary school somebody told me that if I kept my
fingers crossed for 24 hours non-stop that I’d be able to fly at the end
of that 24 hour period. I did it and I remember keeping my fingers
crossed all through school the next day and until I went to bed. Then
that night I actually had a dream that I was flying. In some way I felt
that whoever told me that was telling the truth.
Moderator The next question comes from the line of Jenny Rarden,
J. Rarden You’ve played some of my favorite characters in some of my
favorite shows. My husband and I were both huge fans of Odyssey 5 going
way back then and Jake 2.0. Covert Affairs and your role as Auggie are
both similar as it’s kind of an action drama, but they’re also
incredibly different since he’s a spy and of course who’s now blind so
you don’t get out in the field. Then you were also in shows like Ugly
Betty and Felicity and Out of Practice totally different genre. Do you
have a preference as to what type of show or character you play?
C. Gorham I don’t have a preference. I always try and look for something
that’s interesting and different. I don’t always get a choice as to the
parts that I play, but where I do have a choice I lean towards things
that I have not done before. It’s one of the things that really excited
me about this role in particular, was playing not just a blind
character, which is physically very challenging and very interesting to
me, but he’s complicated.
He’s the tech guy, he’s also a veteran of Special Forces. He’s like the
toughest tech guy you’ve ever met. It’s really what draws me is
something that’s a little different when I get the chance to choose.
Moderator The question comes from the line of Lena Lamoray with
L. Lamoray What has been the reaction that you’ve gotten from your PSA
C. Gorham The reaction that I’ve gotten directly has all been very
positive. I was really honored to do it. I was surprised that they asked
me, but looking back on it I guess it makes sense just because it’s a
high profile character. There are not a lot of disabled leading men
characters on TV, so I think it made sense. It was definitely a worthy
cause. It was an honor for me.
L. Lamoray What can you tell us about Auggie and what it’s like bringing
him to life?
C. Gorham Well, Auggie is a complicated cat. He comes from a military
background and especially coming from Special Forces he’s a specific
type of military guy. He’s very driven; he’s very creative and he’s been
trained to use his brain before his gun. Being blinded was of course an
incredibly difficult and challenging time for him, but I think it
changed him in ways that I think were unexpected to him.
It will be interesting at some point to kind of explore what kind of guy
he was before he was injured, but he’s definitely changed. In fact, in
the episode that airs on the 24th, “Communication Breakdown,” there is
some talk, his ex-girlfriend is in the episode and they actually dated
before he lost his sight. Him being blinded is completely new
information to her and so there is some talk about the type of guy that
he was before he was injured as compared to the type of guy he is now.
The character is based loosely on a friend of the show’s creators, Matt
Corman and Chris Ord, who was disabled and they talk about how it
changed him as a person and how it kind of opened up his life quite a
bit in ways that were very unexpected, but in some very real positive
ways. I think Auggie has had a very similar experience.
Moderator The next question comes from the line of Sarah Fulghum,
S. Fulghum How did you land the role of Auggie?
C. Gorham Getting this part was the very traditional audition route. I
went in and read. The only kind of unusual thing about it is because of
the physicality and kind of the idea that everybody has about blind
people or blind characters is I had a lot of the same stereotypes so
when I showed up to the audition I had sunglasses on and was ready to go
in and rock my Ray Charles.
On the way into the room the casting director told me that they didn’t
want sunglasses and I had to take them off and it kind of threw me for a
loop, as it did a lot of the guys who were going in, I’m sure. I just
kind of had to make something up on the fly. That was a little nerve
After that I kind of settled into what I was going to do for the
audition process. Once I had the part was when the real, the hard work
really began as far as getting very serious about doing the proper
research so that I could portray not only the character, but his
disability as honestly as I can.
S. Fulghum What kind of research did you put into that?
C. Gorham I spent a lot of time with the Canadian National Institute of
the Blind, the CNIB. During the pilot, a woman named Leslie McDonald
came out and worked with me on using a cane, worked with me on sighted
lead, which is how you see Piper and Auggie when they’re walking
together. You’ll see me holding onto her elbow, that’s called sighted
lead, how to do that properly, a lot of just little physical details.
Then I met a man named Randy Fer, who was blinded when he was 20 years
old in a car accident. I talked with him and just observed him for not
only the physical aspects of his disability, but also we talked a lot
about the emotional journey that a person goes through when something
that traumatic happens to them and how they come out of it at the end of
that journey.
When we pick up Auggie at the beginning of the show he’s gone through
that already, he’s not still suffering, he’s not still angry about it;
he’s not still feeling sorry for himself at all. The guy doesn’t have an
ounce of self-pity in him. Then when we started the series I’ve just
continued along those lines meeting with other people who have been
blind since birth, other people who have been blinded as adults,
spending time at the CNIB building doing training on things like getting
around the kitchen and all kinds of little details like that.
Moderator The next question comes from the line of Clyde Johnson,
C. Johnson In a recent show—I think it was episode Auggie had the
interrogation scene—I felt like we saw a little bit of a mad Auggie. Did
the character kind of moved towards that, or expand on that because that
was like his soldier training sort of thing coming out.?
C. Gorham Yes, you know, we see it occasionally. One of his arcs for
this season is that frustration that bubbles up at times of not being
able to get out in the field in the way that he would like to, in the
way that he used to.
He was very good at it. Clearly he’s limited in his ability to do that
now so you see some of that in this Tuesday’s episode you see some of
that struggle because he is actually involved in helping some of his old
buddies on a mission in the Middle East. You see some of that
frustration, but also some of that anxiety and kind of self-doubt as to
whether or not he can still really help his guys out in the way that he
used to.
In the following week’s episode on the 24th you actually get to see him
get out in the field and in many ways he proves that in certain
situations he can still very much function at the high level that he
would demand of himself.
C. Johnson Do you prefer James Bond or Jason Bourne?
C. Gorham I like Jason Bourne. I’m not just saying that because Doug
Liman is my boss. Yes, I love the Bourne movies. When they came out,
don’t get me wrong I love James Bond, too, but the visceral brutality of
the reality of those Bourne films, the humanity of that character are
attractive to me. It’s something that in a lot of ways we try to emulate
on our show.
Moderator The next question comes from the line of Brian Sittner,
Eclipse Magazine.
B. Sittner When you first got your script for the show was your
character originally blind or was that like a last minute thing?
C. Gorham No, he was blind right from the get-go.
B. Sittner What got you interested into the role of Auggie?
C. Gorham Well, he’s a character that’s unlike anything else that I’ve
seen on television. Every procedural show has a nerdy tech guy who lays
pipe and explains things to the audience. I don’t know another show that
has a tech guy who’s not that nerdy, who used to work in Special Forces
so knows about 57 different ways to kill you, is quite a successful
ladies’ man, and also happens to be disabled. It’s a combination that
is, I believe, unprecedented and having the chance to try and bring that
to life, and do it in a way that’s as honest as possible was very
attractive to me.
Moderator The next question comes from the line of Allen Blair, Inside
A. Blair In Jake 2.0, you were the super spy, you were the action hero.
Now you’re the backup. You’re the guy that action hero goes to when he
needs help. What’s it like working from that other angle?
C. Gorham It’s a lot of fun. I think if it were a lesser character, if
Auggie wasn’t so interesting and the writers weren’t doing such a great
job of writing really interesting things for him to do, I don’t know
that I would enjoy it that much, to be honest. With this character on
this show, and particularly working with this actress, being Piper
Perabo, I couldn’t be happier.
In a very practical sense, creatively I’m incredibly satisfied by the
work that I’m doing on this show. Also, I’m a dad, I have three kids. I
love my wife and having this part gives me the days off that Piper
doesn’t get. I use those to spend time with my family that otherwise I
wouldn’t be able to.
A. Blair You mention that we’ll get to see a bit more of an action
C. Gorham Yes.
A. Blair Will we get to see a flashback of him in the Special Forces?
C. Gorham I hope so. I hope we get to see a flashback someday. I think
that would be a lot of fun. We don’t see that this season so we’ll keep
it in mind for season two.
Moderator The next question comes from the line of Jennifer Arrow, E!
J. Arrow Your character and Piper’s character are seemingly fast
friends. She’s gotten many love interests; you’ve got many love
interests. Could they ever be love interests to each other, or is that
totally off the table?
C. Gorham It’s not totally off the table. I think it is a potential
long-term story arc. Like you said, in the short term they both have
very complicated love lives right now.
J. Arrow All right. Potential, we’ll mark that down.
C. Gorham It’s definite potential, yes.
Moderator We have a follow-up from the line of Troy Rogers, Deadbolt.com.
T. Rogers Would you say Auggie is 50% into his tech job and 50% living
vicariously through Annie? How would you rate that?
C. Gorham Auggie loves his job. We should make that very clear. In fact,
there is a line in an upcoming episode where he says, I’m a techno-geek
that gets to play with all the coolest toys in the sandbox and I get
paid for it.
He loves his job. He also loves what he did when he was in the field. In
an ideal world he would have that job back where he can meld those two
things. Having things the way that they are, he’s said as much in one of
the episodes, that sure he harbors some jealousy because he would love
to be out there with Annie.
I think there is some conflict between Auggie and Jai Wilcox, Sendhil
Ramamurthy’s character in the show for a number of reasons, but one of
the reasons is absolutely that Jai gets to go out in the field and he’s
running around out there doing the things that Auggie is very confident
that he could do better, but can’t anymore.
T. Rogers What’s the story behind the Led Zeppelin episode title?
C. Gorham You know the guys love Led Zeppelin. I think it’s going to be
a theme with the show that every season they’re going to pick a
different band and the show titles will be from their play lists, so put
in your suggestions, bands with large play lists.
Moderator A question comes from the line of Allison Ebner,
A. Ebner With Harper’s Island, I know you only received like a script …
so in advance so that the cast is surprised. How does it work with
Covert Affairs? Do you find yourself surprised when you read the script
or do you kind of know Auggie so well now that it all just kind of makes
sense for you?
C. Johnson It varies. We’re often surprised by plot turns. We had a
conversation with Chris and Matt early on because as a cast you get
curious as to what’s going to happen over the course of the season. They
really prefer to keep us in the dark, not that we need to be kept in the
dark, not that we’re going to spoil anything but they just kind of like
giving us the story an episode at a time, like a serial.
There are character things that happen that recur. There are certain
characters traits that at this point we’re very solid in what the
relationships between the characters are so for the most part when it
comes to those relationships we kind of know where they’re going to
live. Plot wise we don’t always know very far ahead of time and it’s
kind of fun. It’s different than in Harper’s Island because there is not
the threat of one of us getting killed off every week.
A. Ebner Now we love trivia on our site and we know you have … this
coming up, which is focused all around a trivia tournament, so what’s
the best piece of trivia you’ve learned while filming that, and also
what’s a piece of trivia about you that maybe we wouldn’t see online?
C. Gorham Oh, boy. This is asking a lot. Okay, here’s one interesting
piece of trivia I learned while there was that in the law school at the
University of Michigan, in the law school cafeteria there is a secret
room and that’s the secret room where they take whenever they get like
the President comes to visit or some big celebrity comes to visit or
speak at the law school, they actually eat at the law school cafeteria
but they get to eat in the secret room, which I got to see and was
really cool.
Then trivia about myself, boy, that’s a good one. Oh, I still have my
retainer from high school. I never lost it.
Moderator The next question comes from the line of Jenny Rarden,
J. Rarden Do you ever wonder just how much of what happens on the show
is similar to how things are in real life in the CIA, the types of story
lines, how things are handled, the inner workings that type of thing?
C. Gorham I do wonder. I get the answers to some of those questions and
some of them I don’t. We actually make an effort on a lot of the little
details on the show we work really hard to make them accurate. For
instance, you’ll never see anyone talking on a cell phone within our CIA
because in the real CIA no cell phones are allowed.
You’ll never see anyone with a purse or a personal bag because those are
not allowed in the real CIA. Instead of garbage cans there are burn bags
under all the desks. Those types of details that the way the top secret
documents are transferred around the CIA in these bright orange, zip up
lockable envelopes, we use the same ones on the show. A lot of those
things we replicate and they’re absolutely true.
There are a lot of facts in the pilot that we used that came directly
out of the CIA that are true. As far as the missions, I don’t imagine
that they work exactly like they do in the show. I’ve been reading a
book called Legacy of Ashes about the history of the CIA, kind of boning
up on my own knowledge of that organization. I think, while I say that
what we do on the show probably doesn’t happen so much in the real CIA,
having read that book there is a lot of crazy stuff that’s happened over
the decades, so even in saying that sometimes we may actually get pretty
close to home and maybe sometimes unintentionally.
Moderator Next question comes from the line of Sarah Fulghum,
S. Fulghum I’ve been gathering, from listening to you on this phone
call, that your personality is closer to Auggie than say that of your
previous character Henry. What do you think are your similarities
between you and Auggie?
C. Gorham Well, Auggie, I mean the kind of guy that Auggie is—the kind
of guy that goes through the military and makes it into Special Forces
and succeeds in that organization has the type of drive and the type of
motor inside him that I honestly don’t have. He is a truly extraordinary
human being.
I think we have a similar outlook on life, I would say, in that trust is
one of the most important attributes that you can have as a person. I
think it’s one of the reasons why he and Annie get along so well. They
instinctively know that they can trust each other and that their
relationship may be the only truly safe relationship that each of them
has in that place. That’s one similarity. I can also keep a really good
S. Fulghum What would you say the difference is between— I mean you
mentioned that you don’t have the same kind of drive with the military,
but let’s just say personality or humor wise. What would be the
differences between you and Auggie?
C. Gorham We both have a good sense of humor. One glaring difference is
that I have very little technical skill when it comes to the computer
world and he is a whiz at it. In that arena we are worlds apart.
Moderator The next question comes from the line of Allen Blair, Inside
A. Blair I’ve just got a question on so far in the series we’ve seen
hints of the CIA politics in their inner workings mostly through Kari
Matchett and Peter Gallagher’s characters. Will we see the internal
politics expanded upon in further episodes; will we see episodes that
are sort of very building focused?
C. Gorham You will see an expansion of some of the internal politics,
for instance, you see Peter’s character, Arthur and my character, Auggie
end up having some interactions that I won’t give away what exactly they
are, but definitely has to do with the inner workings of not only the
political situation in the CIA but kind of the interpersonal
relationships in the CIA, so that stuff is dealt with a little more as
the season goes on.
I don’t believe any of the episodes are solely focused within the
building, but at least for the time being, not off the top of my head.
But, the interpersonal relationships within that building and how the
politics affect those personal relationships is a part of every episode.
It’s a part of the theme of the show, which is essentially how the
personal life and the professional life of being a spy intersect and
collide and intermingle.
Moderator The next question comes from the line of Allison Ebner,
A. Ebner You’re very active on Twitter and have been for a long time,
even before Covert Affairs, and you’re interactive with the fans as well
on there. Have you found any sort of difference with your newfound fame
almost with Covert Affairs now?
C. Gorham You mean focused on a difference on Twitter?
A. Ebner Yes, on the Twitter part.
C. Gorham I haven’t seen a big difference. I think I have a lot of
followers, I guess, but there are many, many people that have hundreds
of thousands of followers, so I think that I really appreciate my
followers because I feel like I’ve got what I lack in quantity I make up
for in spades in quality. There are some really smart people. My
followers tend to be smart, they tend to be funny, they tend to be
witty, and very rarely do I ever have any problems with anybody that I
need to block then. I think I put it on my Facebook page that go ahead
and post stuff on here but just keep in mind that I am married, I do
have kids, so keep it PG.
I think the vast majority of the time they respect that I have a
personal life and I respect their interest in the things that I’m doing,
especially in this show. I’m happy to interact and to kind of give them
a sneak peek and behind the scenes of what we do and how it works.
A. Ebner What’s been your favorite episode so far to film with Covert
C. Gorham That’s an interesting question. There’s been a couple
favorites. I guess my biggest episode is “Communication Breakdown” which
airs on the 24th. It’s a very Auggie-centric episode. It’s the only
episode that I worked every day. It was really satisfying. We got to
really explore Auggie in ways that we hadn’t done before. That’s going
to come back to haunt me. It was a fun episode. Auggie has a fight scene
in that episode and he’s on the run and he’s helping his ex-girlfriend
who is kind of the love of his life and so it’s very big. It’s very
emotional and exciting and that was a lot of fun.
That being said, we’re working on the season finale right now, and
that’s also been a blast and I don’t have any big action scenes in the
finale, but there are just some developments and some character
development and relationship development between Auggie and Annie in
that episode that I think is really strong and interesting.
Moderator The next question comes from the line of Jenny Rarden,
J. Rarden You mentioned your three kids earlier. One thing I have to
mention is my friend’s 13 year old son Ian is a huge fan of you in the
show. Apparently she told him that I was interviewing you soon and all
he could do was drop his jaw and kind of squeal and, “Oh my gosh, he’s
awesome.” He ‘s set to record every week in case he’s not home when it
airs and that type of thing, so if you could say hi to him he’d love
seeing this written up with you telling him hello.
C. Gorham You bet, Ian, hello. Thank you for watching, now do your
J. Rarden Great advice. I have a 12 year old son and I can’t imagine
having your job. How hard is it doing TV with kids, and I know yours are
too young really to watch Covert Affairs, but do they ever come and
visit you on set?
C. Gorham They do come and visit me on set. In fact, I tweeted something
a couple of weeks ago that one of my sons said that I thought was really
hilarious, kind of an insight as to what their understanding of what I
do is. He was sitting at the breakfast table talking to my daughter, who
is 19 months old, explaining to her that she has to eat healthy and get
in shape so that she could be famous and sit. That’s what he thinks I
He’s like daddy works hard at the gym so that he can go to work and sit
because that’s all he sees me do when he comes to work. We’re sitting
around talking, it’s like me and Piper hanging out. Piper comes over and
talks to the kids, Sendhil comes over, they sit down, we talk.
It’s really funny, in fact, I watch Wipe Out with them mostly because
watching people fall down is funny. They told me the other day that they
want me to quit my job and go be on Wipe Out so that they can watch me
on TV.
J. Rarden Well, I’m sure they’ll appreciate it all when they get older
and they’re able to watch.
C. Gorham Yes, yes. They will some day. They really want to see some of
the fight scenes, which they can’t see on this show so I told them that
I’d get out some of the old Jake 2.0 episodes and show them those.
Moderator The next question comes from the line of Brian Sittner,
Eclipse Magazine.
B. Sittner Do you have any funny outtakes that have happened during
filming or like jokes during the filming?
C. Gorham Brian, see the hard part is that I never mess up. I’m sure
there are some. I know there are some. We had one the other day where we
were actually doing Piper’s close up and I messed up and was just
ruining the whole thing and was literally begging them to cut the
camera. Just please cut. Just cut, cut, cut, please. Please, cut the
B. Sittner Like please, please cut it.
C. Gorham Yes, a couple times a day something silly will happen. I’m
hoping they’re going to put together a gag reel for the end of the year,
but we’ll have to wait and see.
B. Sittner Are you semi- … sure that they’ll put some of that stuff on
like a possible DVD or not?
C. Gorham If they make one, I hope they will. I know they always did
that on Betty. I don’t know if that’s something that all shows do. I
think lots of times it just comes down to time and money if they have
time to put it together. Hopefully, yes.
Moderator Now a question comes from the line of Allen Blair, Inside
A. Blair Before you were in Covert Affairs, you were in a few different
shows that were unfortunately canceled before they came to a proper
ending. Is there any show that … do you regret most about not having a
C. Gorham I did a sitcom called Out of Practice years ago that was just
an amazing experience. It was with Henry Winkler and Stockard Channing
and Ty Burrell, who is on Modern Family now, and Paula Marshall,
Jennifer Tilly, and the writers were Chris Lloyd and Joe Keenan. They’d
just come from Fraser and Chris Lloyd is now doing Modern Family. It was
a really, really good show and great writing and a fantastic cast. That
one I was really sorry to see that one go.
Of course, any time a show ends prematurely it’s tough, but then you
move on and I’m really happy that it looks like this show is going to be
on for a while. It’s doing very well and I couldn’t be more pleased.
A. Blair Have you been given any indication if there is going to be
another season or two after this one?
C. Gorham No, we haven’t heard anything, but we have our fingers
crossed. I think the quality of the episodes has been very high and I
think the audience has been responding. The ratings have been great;
we’ve been in the top, last week we were the number five show on cable,
so on a very competitive night, so we’re very happy with how it’s been
Moderator No further questions at this time.
D. Christiansen Ladies and gentlemen that will conclude today’s session.
I’d like to once again thank Chris for joining us and remind everyone to
tune in to a new episode of Covert Affairs this Tuesday, August 17th at
10/9 Central on USA Network.
Also just another quick reminder that you will be receiving a transcript
of this call within the next 24 to 48 hours from myself or Electric
Artists. Thanks again everyone and enjoy your weekend.
C. Gorham Thanks everyone.
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