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Interview with Cristián de la Fuente of "Haven" on Syfy 8/29/11
Syfy Conference Call
Cristian de la Fuente
August 29, 2011
1:00 pm CT
Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by and welcome
the Haven conference call.
During the presentation all participants will be in a listen-only mode.
Afterwards, we will conduct a question-and-answer session. At that time
if you have a question, please press the 1 followed by the 4 on your
telephone. If at any time you need to reach the operator, please press
star 0. As a reminder, this conference is being recorded on Monday,
August 29, 2011.
I would now like to turn the conference over to Erica Rubin, from Syfy.
Please go ahead.
Erica Rubin: Hi, everybody. Thank you so much for joining today. We are
joined by Cristian de la Fuente who is guest starring on this Friday’s
episode of Haven.
If anyone would like a transcript of this call, please let me know and
it should be available 24 hours after the call is completed.
And without further adieu, I’ll turn it back over to the moderator who
will take the first question and thanks again everybody for joining.
Operator: Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, if you’d like to register for
a question, please press the 1 followed by the 4 on your telephone.
You’ll hear a three-toned prompt to acknowledge your request. If your
question has been answered and you would like to withdraw your
registration, please press the 1 followed by the three. If you’re using
a speakerphone, please lift your handset before entering your request
And our first question comes from the line of Jamie Ruby from
Sci-FiVision. Please proceed.
Jamie Ruby: Hi. Thanks for taking the call today. Hello?
Cristián de la Fuente: Hello, yes.
Jamie Ruby: Hi, thanks for taking the call.
Cristián de la Fuente: Oh, no, thank you.
Jamie Ruby: So, can you just kind of talk about your character tonight?
I mean, it seems like definitely a strange one to play.
Cristián de la Fuente: Yeah, it was a great challenge and I don’t want
to give too much about the character because there’s going to be a lot
of surprises that you’re going to find out during the episode. But, it’s
not your evil twin, but it’s that incarnation of all your bad thoughts
that one day you wake up and you’re facing them. All your thoughts are
materialized in a person that looks exactly like you and you’re
confronted to them.
Jamie Ruby: Okay, it sounds very interesting. So, how did you start
working on Haven? How did that all happen?
Cristián de la Fuente: Well, I met the producers of the show a while ago
and we were working on other stuff with them, and then one day we were
talking and they say, “Oh, we have this idea of this character that
would be great for you to play.” And when they described the character
to me it was a great challenge and I was like, “Oh, let’s do it right
I’ve never played myself twice and it’s a great challenge.
Jamie Ruby: Okay. And then lastly, how would you compare this to your
role in In Plain Sight? What’s like different, challenge-wise and
Cristián de la Fuente: Well, the biggest challenge is, in In Plain Sight
I had to act with Mary McCormack and here I was acting with myself, so
talking to yourself is kind of a challenge. And doing all the scenes
more than twice, because you do it all from one character and then you
do it from the other character.
And then, always have in mind and being very careful that you’re not
confusing them, especially in Haven as they both were raised the same
way and they were almost twins. To be able to understand, “Okay, now I’m
playing one Cornell, and now I’m playing the other version of Cornell,”
so being very focused in trying to not confuse the characters.
Jamie Ruby: All right. Well, thank you so much.
Cristián de la Fuente: Thank you.
Operator: Thank you. And our next question comes from the line of
Tiffany Vogt with the TV Addict. Please proceed.
Tiffany Vogt: Hi, Cristian.
Cristián de la Fuente: Hi, how are you?
Tiffany Vogt: I’m doing very well. Thank you for taking our call.
Cristián de la Fuente: No, thank you.
Tiffany Vogt: So, at the end of the last episode of Haven they gave us a
sneak peek into your episode tonight, and we saw that Cornell was
actually, it looked like, he’s about to kill himself. So is what bad
Cornell is doing to good Cornell, is that really happening?
Cristián de la Fuente: Well, yeah. As you know, we call them in order to
make a difference that it’s easier, like the good Cornell or the bad
Cornell. But at the end we realize that the good Cornell is not that
good, but let’s try to keep it simple so the good Cornell and the bad
When the good Cornell wakes up and realizes that the bad Cornell is
trying to do something that he doesn’t want to happen because it’s
something that he’s been keeping as a secret, and he doesn’t want that
secret to go out or to really deal with it.
Many, many times in life we have things that we don’t deal with, but all
of a sudden this good Cornell one day wakes and he has this version of
him that wants to do all the things that he hasn’t done and wants to
really face all the problems that he hasn’t been able to face. So,
that’s when he gets scared and he starts to kill his versions.
Tiffany Vogt: Okay. And what inspired you to take on such a
controversial role on Haven?
Cristián de la Fuente: Well, as an actor you always want challenges. My
first challenge was to come all the way from Chile and start acting in a
different language. That was my first challenge. When I did that then I
started doing drama. When I did drama then I wanted to do sitcoms. And
then, do different roles and then go back to Spanish, go back to
And then, when this character was presented to me and they told me about
it, it was a great challenge. It was something that I’ve never done.
I’ve never been able to play two characters at the same time and acting
with myself, which is something that is, thanks to technology now, it’s
very easy to do. But, it’s something that you don’t get to do very often
unless you’re living with a mirror.
So, it was a great idea and a great experience, and I’m very happy I was
able to do it.
Tiffany Vogt: Good. Good. Well, thank you.
Cristián de la Fuente: Thank you.
Operator: Thank you. And our next question comes from the line of Jamie
Steinberg with Starry Constellation Magazine. Please proceed.
Jamie Steinberg: Hi. It’s a pleasure to speak with you again.
Cristián de la Fuente: Hi. How are you?
Jamie Steinberg: Good. You’re joining a cast that’s pretty well
established already; did you find there was chemistry right away though
with the cast members?
Cristián de la Fuente: Yeah, I met Eric (Balfour) a while ago, a couple
of years. I met him in another set that he was visiting, so when I
arrived to the set he wasn’t a complete stranger. But as you said, it’s
a cast that has a chemistry between them; they’re all friends.
The fact that they’re all living far away from Los Angeles in Nova
Scotia, it’s something that, you know, you all create like kind of a new
family out there, and everybody was really nice. I was very happy, not
only with the cast, but the crew and everybody. The first day, of
course, you feel like the new guy, but then after a week I was like part
of them and I didn’t want to leave.
Jamie Steinberg: And you’re a part of the social networking site,
Twitter, why is that such an important place for you to talk about new
roles like yours on Haven?
Cristián de la Fuente: Well, I realized that as an actor, unless you do
theater you don’t have feedback or you don’t have a relationship with
the audience, because you know everything you do is on the screen and
people see it and you don’t get feedback.
With Twitter and with all the social tools that now are on the Internet,
it’s a great way to keep in touch with people that see your work, and
get their feedback, and have this kind of virtual friends that they
follow you through your life and you follow them. And it’s kind of cool
because in the journey in life you’re doing it with a group of people
that are going with you, so it’s a lot of fun.
Jamie Steinberg: What do you think it is about Haven that keeps people
tuning in?
Cristián de la Fuente: Well, when I saw the sneak peek of this weeks’
episode and the promos that they have, you realize that Haven taps into
that magic and unknown world that we never see, but it may exist or it
may not, but it’s always a surprising world. Everything has a surprising
twist and everything is unpredictable. In life, many times things are
very predictable, but in Haven nothing is predictable.
Jamie Steinberg: Great. Thank you.
Cristián de la Fuente: Thank you.
Operator: Thank you. And our next question comes from the line of Troy
Rogers with Deadbolt.com. Please proceed.
Troy Rogers: Hi, Cristián.
Cristián de la Fuente: Hey, how are you?
Troy Rogers: Good. How was the experience of Haven different than what
you envisioned before you go on set?
Cristián de la Fuente: Well, I’ve never been in a set like that. When
you are working with green screens and you are working with somebody
that is supposed to be you, and then you’re going to replace that
somebody. The whole mechanics of how the show had to happen in order for
us to see what ended up in the screen, that I’m doing both characters
and they’re both interacting, that was completely different from
anything that I’ve done in my life.
Troy Rogers: Okay. Well, with that being said, in what ways did you
relate to Cornell in order to play him effectively?
Cristián de la Fuente: I’ve always said that we as human beings, we are
a mix of many characteristics. We all have our crazy side, which in a
way for us, let’s say, so 10%, for other people it is 90%. You all have
that mix of personalities and that mix of characteristics that make your
personality unique and different from somebody else.
So, when I played one Cornell my - the mix of characteristics was in one
way, and then when I played the other Cornell it was the complete
opposite. So, all the craziness that I have, all the things that,
sometimes you think about doing and you never do, all the personalities
that you are not you play them.
Troy Rogers: Sounds like fun.
Cristián de la Fuente: Yeah.
Troy Rogers: One other quick thing and I’ll let somebody else jump in;
can you talk about what it was like to travel to Nova Scotia to be in
Cristián de la Fuente: Well, Nova Scotia I’ve never been there and it
was great. I never ate so much lobster, because they eat lobsters
morning, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and the place reminded me of the
South of Chile, where I’m from. It’s a very beautiful place and people
are very friendly, and it’s a very beautiful place to travel to.
Troy Rogers: Excellent. Thanks again.
Cristián de la Fuente: Thank you.
Operator: Thank you. And our next question comes from the line of
Patricia Prieto with La Opinión Newspaper. Please proceed.
Patricia Prieto: Hi, Cristián. How are you? This is...
Cristián de la Fuente: Hey, good. How are you?
Patricia Prieto: ...Patricia Prieto from La Opinión. It’s funny that you
mentioned Chile. I was thinking about that. My question is, how do you
feel to be (one of the) Latino actors in this popular (series)?
Cristián de la Fuente: Every time that they put a, especially in this
show with Cornell, it’s not Gonzales and it could have been played by
anybody. I’m very happy because that means that TV and film is opening
to really embrace Latinos, not as the Latino character. “Okay, I’m going
to play the Latino drug dealer. I’m going to play the bass boy. I’m
going to play the gardener. I’m going to,” no. All the characters that
people always think, “Oh, that’s the Latino,” or to play the Latino
because he speaks Spanish.
No, I’m happy when on TV you see a cop, you see a business man, a
killer, a serial killer or any character that could have been played by
a Latino, by an American, by European, or by an Asian. That means that
TV is opening to embrace Latinos as we really are, because here Latinos
come in different shapes, forms, and careers.
Patricia Prieto: Yeah, (definitely). In your personal life, do you
believe in sort of natural phenomenons? Do you have any experience...
Cristián de la Fuente: You know, I’ve...
Patricia Prieto: ...or something like that?
Cristián de la Fuente: ...never had a supernatural experience. My wife
had had a couple and instead of believing that my wife is crazy, I’d
rather believe that they exist.
Patricia Prieto: But in Chile, they say in (unintelligible) - they say
in (unintelligible) the front (unintelligible) that you are - they have
like (these long histories) and (it’s on a)...
Cristián de la Fuente: Oh, no. In Chile there’s many histories and
there’s many things that happen and I’ve never had one but if many
people had experienced them I tend to believe that they exist.
Patricia Prieto: Yeah. Okay, thank you so much for your time.
Cristián de la Fuente: Thank you.
Patricia Prieto: Thank you.
Operator: Thank you. Once again to register for a question or a comment,
please press the 1 followed by the 4 on your telephone.
And our follow-up question comes from the line of Jamie Ruby from
Sci-FiVision. Please proceed.
Jamie Ruby: Hi again. So, how did you get started in acting?
Cristián de la Fuente: Well, I started acting when I was 18. Wow, so
that’s 19 years ago, in Chile. Since I was a kid I always wanted to be
an actor and growing up in a very traditional family my dad wanted me to
be an engineer, because they always say that if you have a degree you
can be somebody in your life. If you don’t have a degree you’re nobody,
that’s how my father’s mentality was.
So, I went to college to be an engineer, and then one day I woke up and
I say, “Why do I want to spend five years of my life to earn a degree
that I’m never going to work. That I’m never going to us it,” you know?
It’s going to be hanging on the wall and - so then I had a conversation
with my dad. He wasn’t very happy about me being an actor, but he, and
especially my mom, supported me.
And then, that’s when I started following my dream when I was 18, and
thank God now 19 years later I’m still working as an actor. So, I
haven’t had to go...
Jamie Ruby: Well, good.
Cristián de la Fuente: ...back to study to be an engineer and work as an
Jamie Ruby: Yeah, that’s good. All right, what’s something that your
fans would be surprised to know about you?
Cristián de la Fuente: That’s an interesting question. I think probably
what people don’t know is I’m addicted to adrenaline. When I was living
in Chile I was a firefighter. Now, I’m a Lieutenant to the Chilean Air
Force and I fly with a (robotic) team. I do water ski and I do a lot of
sports that, require a lot of adrenaline, so that’s kind of something
that moves me. And probably the adrenaline comes from also every day
trying to face a challenge and always trying to challenge myself, and
not being comfortable in a way that life gets boring because it gets in
the routine of daily routine.
Jamie Ruby: All right. Do you have any other projects coming out besides
Cristián de la Fuente: Well, there’s a series for HBO Latin America that
premieres September 4 that we produced in Chile with my production
company. It’s a series done in Spanish, but for all Latin America and
for the U.S., and I’m very proud because there also I have a role that I
play. I play a politician, but what’s really made us proud is it was the
first action series produced in Chile for HBO Latin America. So, we’re
happy that they’re producing stuff in my country also.
Jamie Ruby: And what’s the name of it, I’m sorry?
Cristián de la Fuente: It’s called Profugos.
Jamie Ruby: Okay, thank you so much.
Cristián de la Fuente: Thank you.
Operator: Thank you and we have another follow-up question from the line
of Tiffany Vogt with the TV Addict. Please proceed.
Tiffany Vogt: Hi again, Cristián.
Cristián de la Fuente: Hey.
Tiffany Vogt: So, how would you feel if you’re offered a reoccurring
role on Haven? Would that be something you’re interested in or are you
committed to other projects?
Cristián de la Fuente: No, right now I’m not committed to anything and
the only one that I’m committed to is my wife because if not she will
kill me. And work-related I’m always open to new challenges and new
things, and Haven would be great because it’s a great set and a great
crew and I really liked everybody working there.
Tiffany Vogt: Yeah. Yeah. And what will you remember most from working
on the Nova Scotia on the show?
Cristián de la Fuente: Well, I remember how we celebrated the day. I was
there ten days and it was one day that it was sunny, but we were all
celebrating. And I think it was a day and a half so that was in the
winter, and in the winter...
Tiffany Vogt: Yeah.
Cristián de la Fuente: ...most of the time it’s raining or cloudy, but
we had that day of sun and we were all dancing and happy.
Tiffany Vogt: And so, do you prefer that weather or would you like to
stick with the Chilean warm weather?
Cristián de la Fuente: Well, I like warm, I like sun, and California is
Tiffany Vogt: Yes. Yes. Okay, great. Thank you very much.
Cristián de la Fuente: Thank you.
Operator: Thank you. And our next follow-up question is from the line of
Jamie Ruby from Sci-FiVision. Please proceed.
Jamie Ruby: Hi, again. Maybe this - you might have just answered it, I
was going to ask what kind of was your favorite moment working on the
show, and you sort of just talked about that. So, how about - what was
your like favorite scene that you filmed?
Cristián de la Fuente: Favorite scene is probably the last scene that I
had that, I’m not going to spoil what happened at the end, but it’s a
great scene where between me and myself, which just sounds crazy to say,
but it was a scene with me and how the twist of what the decision that
both Cornells have to make and what’s the result of that decision.
Jamie Ruby: All right. And then, what do you think you’ve learned about
yourself since you worked on Haven?
Cristián de la Fuente: That probably there’s a bipolar part of me that I
didn’t know, because it was easy...
Jamie Ruby: Okay.
Cristián de la Fuente: ...to talk to me.
Jamie Ruby: All right. Well...
Cristián de la Fuente: Yeah.
Jamie Ruby: ...thanks so much.
Cristián de la Fuente: Thank you.
Operator: Thank you. And we have another follow-up question from the
line of Tiffany Vogt with the TV Addict. Please proceed.
Tiffany Vogt: Thank you. Cristián, who - what other character did you
interact with the most on Haven, besides just your two characters of
Cristián de la Fuente: Well, everybody of the show with Emily, with
Lucas, with Eric, but Emily probably there - I had a little more scenes
than with the rest.
Tiffany Vogt: Okay. And can you tell us a bit about which part you
enjoyed playing more? Did you - I mean, you mentioned the bit about...
Cristián de la Fuente: Of course, the...
Tiffany Vogt: ...(how the good one would play the bad).
Cristián de la Fuente: ...bad Cornell. We...
Tiffany Vogt: You enjoyed playing the bad character.
Cristián de la Fuente: Of course. We always have to be good in life. You
can’t run a stop light. You can’t speed. You can’t eat too much of
anything. You always need to measure, and because you have to interact
with society with yourself there’s a lot of rules that we have.
But Cornell, the bad version of Cornell, doesn’t have any rules, so it’s
great to play that little craziness that we have and do things that you
would never do.
Tiffany Vogt: Okay. And beyond the police force of Haven, were you
interacting with any of the other characters on the show, the Reverend,
or any of those characters?
Cristián de la Fuente: No.
Tiffany Vogt: No, okay.
Cristián de la Fuente: No. Just with myself, that was a lot.
Tiffany Vogt: Okay, and was the storyline mainly based on your
character? There weren’t any other storyline plots going through this
Cristián de la Fuente: Well, there’s also something that happens with a
kid, but that kid is kind of related with me.
Tiffany Vogt: Okay. Okay, great. Thank you.
Cristián de la Fuente: Thank you very much.
Operator: Thank you and there are no further questions at this time.
Erica Rubin: I want to thank everybody so much for joining today. Thanks
especially for Cristián - to Cristián de la Fuente. Please remember to
tune in to Haven this Friday.
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