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Interview with Mehcad Brooks of
"Necessary Roughness" on USA Network 1/16/13
I really love this show and have seen every
episode. I'm not a football fan, but it's a great soap opera
as well as being about sports. Mehcad Brooks does a great
job playing Terrence King, arguable the most colorful of the
many colorful characters on this show. He seems very
adept at doing both comedy and drama. I hope the show comes
back next year, and I look forward to seeing more of it! He
was just as likable on this call as he is in the show, even
though he was coming down with something.
This was a funny call to be on because weird
things kept happening. I think they were having trouble with
the phone lines, for one thing. There were many blocks of
silence. Two or three of the interviewers had thick accents,
so it was hard to understand them. Poor Mehcad was sick...
it was a comedy of errors!
Moderator: Global Crossing Conferencing
January 16, 2013
3:57 pm CT
Woman: Hi everyone. Thank you for joining today’s call with
Mehcad Brooks. Mehcad plays New York Hawks football player
Terrance King in the USA series Necessary Roughness.
Necessary Roughness returns next Wednesday, January 23rd,
10:00, 9:00 Central on USA Network. We welcome your coverage
to coincide with that date.As a reminder, please ask one question at a time and we’ll
make sure we come back to you for any additional questions
if time permits.
At this time I'd like to welcome Mehcad. Thank you for
joining us today.
Mehcad Brooks: Hey guys.
Woman: Operator, please open the floor for questioning.
Operator: Yes.
So ladies and gentlemen if you'd like to register a
question, please press the 1 followed by the 4. And, our
first question comes from the line of (Alessandra Bechetto)
with Accidental Sexiness. Please proceed.
Alessandra Bechetto: Hi.
Mehcad Brooks: Hi.
Alessandra Bechetto: Actually as we say here, ciao Mehcad.
Come stai? Just to throw in a little Italian, you know.
Mehcad Brooks: I'm sorry. My phone’s breaking up badly. Say
Alessandra Bechetto: I said that as we say here, we would
say, “Ciao, Mehcad. Come stai,” because that’s what I'd say
in Italian.
Mehcad Brooks: Oh, really.
Alessandra Bechetto: More line for TK you know, to use on
chicks. Not that he needs more, but still.
Mehcad Brooks: Yes. Yes.
Alessandra Bechetto: So in the winter premier episode, TK
has many great scenes with Matty D, as they call him in the
winter premier episode, and one of these scenes prompts him
to actually be the one dispensing advice for once rather
than receiving it. And while it happens in a humorous way, I
think it could be a sign of an attitude change inside for TK.
Are we going to see more of that in the final upcoming
And if so, how would you as an actor like to see that factor
in next season?
Mehcad Brooks: Are we going to see more of TK playing a role
where he gives advice are you saying?
Alessandra Bechetto: No. I mean the fact that he gives
advice instead of receiving it could be a sign of an
attitude change for him.
Mehcad Brooks: Yes, it is.
Alessandra Bechetto: So, are we going to see an attitude
change? And if so, how would you like to see that factor in
next season?
Mehcad Brooks: TK - you know when we first met TK, you know,
he had a lot of growth to do. And then as the season’s
progress, so does he as a character. And his growth, you
know, sort of is helped along with you know characters like
Matty D, and Nico, and Dr. Dani obviously, and later on
But yes, he begins to grow up a little bit and I think that
that starts to you know become very apparent after you know
his realization that he’s an addict and the drug addiction
and going to rehab and so on and so forth. So yes, there is
a lot of growth that you do see from TK coming up very soon.
And as an actor, it’s interesting to play because you know -
like I think in - you know in all of our lives, we - when we
grow up, we have you know relapses you know with
responsibility. We have relapses with you know our past
selves, and TK’s no different. So you know, he’s just a
little more extreme than most of us.
So, it’s fun to play as an actor.
Alessandra Bechetto: Okay. Yes.
So you think it will factor in next season too because this
will go on?
Mehcad Brooks: Yes. You know, he has to move on to different
things. You know, it can’t just always be you know he’s
either good at football or bad at football you know
temporarily. So it has to be - you know, where does he go
from here? You know, like he’s a future Hall of Famer. He’s
got a lot of things going for him, and you know, he has to
start looking at his life beyond his career and what’s in
store for the future, and what’s in store for his own
And so you know, that becomes a struggle like it is for
everybody. But, you know, more so for him because of his
past and you know where he is in his present tense.
Alessandra Bechetto: Thank you.
Mehcad Brooks: You're very welcome. Grazie mille.
Alessandra Bechetto: There you go.
Mehcad Brooks: Also, can I say to all - the entire forum
that I apologize for the wait, but there was a problem with
the phone system. So it wasn’t me and it wasn’t you guys,
but you know we can blame technology. But, thank you guys
for waiting.
Operator: Thank you.
And our next question comes from the line of Jamie Steinburg
with Starry Constellation Magazine. Please proceed.
Jamie Steinburg: Hi.
Mehcad Brooks: Hello, Jamie.
Jamie Steinburg: (Unintelligible).
Mehcad Brooks: My pleasure. Excuse the voice. I'm just
getting over the flu.
Jamie Steinburg: It’s okay. And my only Italian is buon
Mehcad Brooks: Buon giorno. There you go. Pretty good
Jamie Steinburg: Was there anything - thank you.
I was wondering if there’s anything about TK that wasn’t
originally scripted for you but you felt added to the
Mehcad Brooks: Initially - okay, so - I mean, yes. There’s a
lot. And the thing about that is you know whenever there’s a
pilot script, the character is fairly bare bones as to where
that character’s going to go, right? But I was lucky enough
and blessed enough to be part of a series - you know, still
am part of a series that - you know, where the creators have
very little ego.
And you know, they - what they do is they hire the actors to
do you know their jobs in sort of finding where this
character is going to go and sort of collaborating with
their you know extensive ideas.
And so yes, TK was written pretty different when I first
read it, and then we had a few conversations and a few
debates, and you know it got to the arguing stage which is
good. But you know, we agreed that this - he’s got to be a
lovable sort of you know asshole. He’s got to be a lovable -
a sort of guy that you love but also you know love to hate
in some ways as well.
So yes, and he kind of wasn’t that. At first, he was just
kind of a guy that you sort of hated. And you know, so I'm
glad that my ideas were listened to and I'm glad that - you
know, that we were (unintelligible) for each other and that
we were collaborators rather than just sort of you know
treating the actor as an employee.
And you know, sometimes that’s a good thing because you know
the actor does not know what’s good for the character. But a
lot of times, it works the other way where the actor can
bring things to the character.
Jamie Steinburg: Great. Thank you so much for your time.
Mehcad Brooks: My pleasure.
Operator: And our next question comes from the line of Suzanne Lanoue with TV MegaSite. Please proceed.
Suzanne Lanoue: Hi. It’s nice to speak with you.
Mehcad Brooks: My pleasure.
Suzanne Lanoue: I enjoy your work on the show and you’re good
at playing an asshole, if I can say that.
Mehcad Brooks: Thank you.
No, of course. No, I mean...
Suzanne Lanoue: (Unintelligible).
Mehcad Brooks: If you think I'm an asshole, I'm doing my
Suzanne Lanoue: No. No. You're a charismatic asshole, so it
Mehcad Brooks: That’s what I'm going for. I'm going for the
(charasshole). I don’t know how you blend those two words.
Suzanne Lanoue: That’s all right.
I was wondering since you play a football player and you
have a basketball background, but your father was a football
player, do you think - what is it do you think that brings
that background into your character in getting roles?
Mehcad Brooks: Brings the football background?
Suzanne Lanoue: Football and sports in general.
Mehcad Brooks: I'm sorry. So are you asking how it fits into
my character or how it fits into my life period?
Suzanne Lanoue: Well both, yes.
Mehcad Brooks: Well it fits into the character pretty
obviously in the fact that you know like you - you know,
basketball and football both takes a lot of coordination and
dedication and practice, and you know that’s - you know, you
hate to lose, a competitive nature, you know striving to be
better every day, but that’s what sports is you know about.
At least you know at the non-professional level, a lot of
these guys get to a certain level and they get comfortable
you know when they’re getting paid millions of dollars and
they just don’t want to get hurt.
But you know, when we start as kids we just want to get
better, and better, and better, and that - I think TK has
that aspect to him, and all the greats do. You look at
someone like Kobe Bryant or you know like someone like Tom
Brady or you know I think you know down the line Victor
Cruz, or if you look at these guys and you know they have
that sort of childlike aspect to them where they just want
to be a better player than they were yesterday.
And as far as that applies to in my personal life and my
professional life, me as a person it’s the same thing. You
know, it’s that competitive nature and it’s that refusal you
know to accept you know, a loss over time. And that you know
sort of applying that same dedication, that same you know
structure of how to win to you know a career that’s you know
very hard to obtain.
You know, there’s millions of people who want you know a few
hundred roles, and like that’s difficult. And like you know
so when you're coming - I'm from Central Texas and you know
had no sort of background in the arts, and my family is you
know all academia. And so it’s like you know for me coming
off the plane in ’99 it was like, “Okay. What do I do?”
And so the only thing I could do was apply what I had
learned in sports and academia and sort of apply myself and
be competitive and not - but mainly, compete against myself.
Like compete against the actor I was yesterday. Compete
against the person I was yesterday and try to be better than
Suzanne Lanoue: All right, thanks. Well, I'll let somebody else
get a question and I'll get back in line.
Mehcad Brooks: No problem.
Suzanne Lanoue: Thank you.
Operator: And our next question comes from the line of
Meredith Jacobs with TheExaminer.com. Please proceed.
Meredith Jacobs: Hi. Thanks for being here.
Mehcad Brooks: Hi, Meredith. My pleasure.
Meredith Jacobs: Hi. How are you? How are you?
Mehcad Brooks: I'm good. I'm very well sans the cold.
Meredith Jacobs: So can you talk about what’s coming up for
TK when he returns to the team and what it means for his
struggles with sobriety?
Mehcad Brooks: No.
I'm just kidding.
TK coming back to the team is a little difficult at first,
you know, because one, the most important thing I think that
somebody who’s battling addiction is not - you know, it
can’t be their job. It has to be you know their happiness
and their sobriety. And you know, I'm dealing with that in
my family right now, so I know what that’s like firsthand.
Like you know, it’s tough.
And it’s also kind of tough to get through to people like
that, who are looking for excuses you know to sort of - you
know, to relapse and looking for excuses you know to shift
blame, and so on and so forth.
So it’s tough - it’s a tough road to travel for TK when he
comes back into something that’s such a high competition
level. Not to mention they’ve - the New York Hawks have
hired a star wide receiver in his absence, you know, just in
case TK you know can’t pull the cart up the hill.
And this guy’s great. You know, he’s scoring touchdowns left
and right, and TK’s like kind of burning inside, you know,
and wanting to get back to the field but he’s lost a bit of
his step. He’s been in rehab. He’s had you know some time
off from the field. He really hasn’t been training the way
that these other guys have, so it’s a very difficult
transition to get back into it for him.
And - but you know, in Terrence King fashion, he does what
he can and I want to say he prevails, but you’ll have to
wait and see.
Meredith Jacobs: All right, great. Thanks.
Mehcad Brooks: You're welcome.
Operator: And our next question comes from the line of Tina
Charles with TV Goodness. Please proceed.
Tina Charles: Hey there.
Mehcad Brooks: Hi, Tina.
Tina Charles: Hey.
One of my favorite parts of Necessary Roughness is obviously
the relationship between TK and Dr. Dani. Why do you think
this is a relationship that’s so successful? And, what are
we going to be seeing between those two characters over the
next few episodes?
Mehcad Brooks: I think it’s a - well first of all, thank you
very much. I think it’s a successful relationship because
they’re two fish out of water and they kind of come into
each other’s lives when they both need each other.
You know, Dr. Dani’s like a newly single parent and she’s
kind of like getting back into the dating world, and she’s -
you know, and she’s you know trying to figure out love for
the second time in her life. And you know, she’s in this new
you know high-powered sort of male-driven world of pro
football and pro athletics.
And, TK is in some ways a very unlikely perfect liaison to
all that. You know, just sort of you know catching her up on
what’s going on in the world, you know outside of being a
homemaker right. And so he sort of eases her transition into
this - I think it’s this sort of fish out of water context,
and then she also does this for him. Like he’s this guy who
really needs some guidance in his life and you know hasn’t
been able to listen to anybody and hasn’t had a positive
female (unintelligible) life.
And so when he finally is confronted with one, you know,
they bump heads and they make friendships, and they - you
know, they have power struggles and so on and so forth. But
I think he’s probably - she’s probably the only person that
TK actually loves and respects in a way where he’ll listen
to her.
So there is that relationship sort of like almost at the
buddy cop relationship you know.
Tina Charles: Totally.
Mehcad Brooks: And even though it’s really, really unlikely
between the two of us you know physically, but it bodes the
same. So I think it’s a familiar relationship that people
understand and they want to see because we’re so different
but we get along.
Tina Charles: And so what are we going to see with them over
the next few episodes?
Mehcad Brooks: You're going to see TK sort - you know,
struggling with is sobriety, Dani helping him with that.
Dani sort of you know figuring out her love life and
figuring out her professional life, and TK making that more
difficult, as he tends to do.
Tina Charles: Like only TK can do.
Mehcad Brooks: Like only (unintelligible) can do, you know.
And you know, he’s an acquired taste, but you know I - you
know, Dani’s thinking that he’s right and she loves him, so
it is what it is.
Tina Charles: Great. Thank you.
Mehcad Brooks: You're welcome.
Still there?
Woman: Operator, are you still on the line?
Mehcad Brooks: I'm sorry. Was my last response so awful that
people went off?
Operator: It shut off again.
Hi. Sorry about that.
So our next question comes from the line of Renier Palland
with Celebrity Laundry. Your line is live.
Renier Palland: Hi. Thank you for speaking to us today.
Mehcad Brooks: My pleasure.
Renier Palland: My question is what are the biggest life and
career lessons you've learned on Necessary Roughness?
Mehcad Brooks: I'm so sorry. I'm having - I'm hearing like
every other syllable.
Renier Palland: Sorry.
Mehcad Brooks: You there?
Renier Palland: What life and lessons you learned on the set
of Necessary Roughness?
Mehcad Brooks: What are the lessons I've learned on the set?
Renier Palland: The - your life lessons.
Mehcad Brooks: Can anybody hear his full statement? It’s
either my phone or his phone breaking up pretty bad.
Renier Palland: What are the biggest life and career lessons
you learned? Did you hear that?
Mehcad Brooks: Oh, biggest life and career lessons I've
learned on the set?
Renier Palland: Yes.
Mehcad Brooks: Is that correct?
Renier Palland: Yes.
Mehcad Brooks: Okay.
Hello? Is that correct?
Renier Palland: Yes.
Mehcad Brooks: I'm not really hearing anything. Sorry.
Renier Palland: Yes, that’s correct.
Mehcad Brooks: Okay, cool. All right, buddy. There you are.
The biggest life...
Renier Palland: Sorry.
Mehcad Brooks: No, it’s okay. It’s technology once again.
The biggest life and career lessons I've learned on the set
of Necessary Roughness. You know, the biggest life lesson I
learned is probably also the biggest career lesson that I
learned, and it’s probably one in the same, is that no
matter what it is and no matter what it is you're doing, and
no matter how it is you may feel day-to-day, never take you
know something that you love for granted.
And you know, I love this show and I love being on it. And
you know - but when you're in the thick of things sometimes
and you know 14-hour days and so on and so forth, you know
you can start taking it for granted.
And then when we had this - we had a little - you know I
don’t know if you guys knew about it, but we had a little
scare where you know we didn’t know if the show was coming
back or not, and that was really hard on me. That was really
tough on me, and then I was sitting at home wishing for
these 14-hour days and these - you know, and these
situations that were less than you know glamorous and...
You know, so I think I just really learned you know, even
this - you know, this far into my career, just don’t take it
for granted, you know, because it could be gone tomorrow.
Operator: And our next question comes from the line of Sammi
Turano with TV Grapevine. Please proceed.
Sammi Turano: Hi. Good afternoon. It’s so good to speak with
you again.
Mehcad Brooks: My pleasure. How you doing?
Sammi Turano: I'm good, thank you. And my question for you
is what kind of research went into the whole addiction and
rehab storyline with TK? Did you do any kind of special
research for it?
Mehcad Brooks: Oh, my God. I did. I went on like a six month
drug binge, and it was crazy.
No, I'm kidding obviously.
I - no, I have a couple family members, you know, who are
battling with addiction, one I'm not very close to, the
other one I'm actually very close to. And so you know like I
said, I've seen it firsthand and it’s very tough.
And you know, it’s - you know, you don’t have to do that
much research when it’s right there in your family to tell
you the truth, and you know it’s been a long road for my
family in that regard. And, I just kind of knew how to
portray it accurately and also how to respect you know what
people were actually going through.
Sammi Turano: Well, that’s incredible. Well, thank you and I
hope you feel better.
Mehcad Brooks: Thank you. Yes.
Operator: And our next question is a follow-up question from
(Alessandra Bechetto) with AccidentalSexiness.com. Please
Alessandra Bechetto: Hi again.
Mehcad Brooks: Ciao. Ciao. Ciao.
Alessandra Bechetto: It’s me again. Ciao.
So I just wanted to see if you can give us a little pointer
about what’s coming up in that I know that TK will never
(unintelligible) in real life. But, I know that there’s a
moment in upcoming episode when he thinks he can get
straight and behave, and talks like someone right out of a
(unintelligible) movie or something like that.
Is that going to work out for him or not? Does he obtain
what he’s looking for?
I didn’t go into details, so it’s just you know...
Mehcad Brooks: Wait. So - okay, so the question is is it
going to work out that he starts trying to...
Alessandra Bechetto: He is - this attitude, he puts on a
different - yes.
Mehcad Brooks: Right.
Alessandra Bechetto: That he puts on a different attitude
and does it work or not?
Mehcad Brooks: You know, TK always tries to turn over a new
leaf, and that’s the thing about him. It’s like you have to
love the guy because he’s always trying, right?
But at the same time, there’s a difference between trying
and actually believing and doing. And I think he learns a
lesson between you know, trying to do something and actually
saying, “You know what? Here are my actual limitations. Here
are my actual - you know, here’s the truth, here’s my
reality, and this is what I have to deal with. And you know
I'm going to do it. I'm going to do this.”
You know, basically the same way he made it to professional
football. He didn’t try. You know, he had to apply himself.
He had to actually get there. You know, in the same way that
all of you guys made it to this point in your careers where
you're you know professional writers and journalists. You
know, you guys didn’t try, you did it.
So you know, we all understand the difference between trying
and doing, and so far TK’s been trying which is why he fails
a lot. And so he’s going to have to learn a harsh reality
between the difference of trying and doing, so - very, very
Alessandra Bechetto: Okay. But yes - but that’s what makes
him charming though, right?
Mehcad Brooks: Right. It’s a - there’s a difference between
being childlike and childish, and being childlike is not
taking no for an answer and doing, and doing, and doing and
getting better at what you do.
Alessandra Bechetto: Exactly.
Mehcad Brooks: Being childish is like, “Well, I'm going to
try,” you know. And sort of sugar coating that pill for
yourself and lying to yourself and saying, “Well, this is -
you know, this is why this is not happening.” So, he’s got a
bit of both. He’s got to learn some lessons.
Alessandra Bechetto: Okay. Sounds good. Thank you.
Mehcad Brooks: But you know what? I can tell you this; he
does have a very - to satisfy your question, he does have a
very, very selfless moment coming up in the finale.
Alessandra Bechetto: Aw. Sounds great.
Mehcad Brooks: Yes. You have it good for our boy.
Alessandra Bechetto: Yes. Well, he deserves it. He’s been
through thick and thin this season, seriously.
Mehcad Brooks: Yes. Yes, he has.
Alessandra Bechetto: So yes, good to know that. That’s a
great tease. Thank you.
Mehcad Brooks: Well, thank you.
Operator: And our next question is a follow-up question from
Susan LeNew with TV MegaSite. Please proceed with your
Suzanne Lanoue: Hi again.
Mehcad Brooks: Hi.
Suzanne Lanoue: Thanks for being with us when you've been so
sick. I know that’s awful.
Mehcad Brooks: Oh, no. No problem. No problem.
Suzanne Lanoue: Hope you get a lot better out there.
I was wondering, we have a new - or maybe not a new
character this season, but somebody who gets more time and
more focus, Marshall Pittman’s daughter. And I was wondering
if you can tell us if TK has much of a relationship with her
this season? If there’s a lot of interaction or anything?
Mehcad Brooks: Yes. They start to build a mutually
(unintelligible) relationship. She - you know, she struggles
with addiction as well, and like - so they kind of bond a
little bit over that, but she’s not taking her recovery as
seriously as TK is.
And you know, some things - they do start hanging out a
little bit and you know - you know one thing leads to
another and then there’s an opportunity, you know, for TK to
cross the line - and I'm not going to say that he does, but
you know it’s definitely a good career move for him if he
But you know, we start to get a little insight into how much
that he’s changed based on this relationship.
Suzanne Lanoue: Oh, that sounds great. I look forward to that.
Thank you very much.
Mehcad Brooks: Sure.
And Shannon - and Danielle’s a fantastic actress and I had a
great time working with her. She’s fantastic.
Suzanne Lanoue: Okay. Yes. She’s sounds great on the show - the
episode that I saw she looked great.
Mehcad Brooks: Wonderful.
Suzanne Lanoue: Thank you.
Mehcad Brooks: My pleasure.
Woman: Operator, we have time for one more question.
Operator: Yes.
And the last question comes from the line - it’s a follow-up
question from Renier Palland with Celebrity Laundry. Please
Renier Palland: Hi Mehcad, I hope technology doesn’t cut out
My question for you is what moment in your acting career
stand out as the most memorable?
Mehcad Brooks: In the past couple of seasons what moment
stands out as the most memorable?
Renier Palland: In your acting career.
Mehcad Brooks: Oh, in my acting career.
Renier Palland: Yes.
Mehcad Brooks: Man.
Oh, man. That’s interesting. That’s a good question. I've
never been asked that question, but I'd have to say - I
would have to say you know winning a SAG award - SAG
Ensemble Award with Desperate Housewives. That was amazing.
That was just the greatest feeling. And just to know that
you're a part of something that - you know, that people
appreciated that much and that your hard work, you know,
didn’t go unnoticed, which is great you know.
And then I'd have to say - God, that’s interesting.
You know what? I - to be completely honest, it would have to
be when I found that we got the Season 3 pickup because you
know at a certain point I had just kind of given up on it
and said you know, “Hey. Had two great seasons and that -
you know, it is what it is,” and like I hadn’t really had a
show work out past two seasons yet, and that was like a big
wall for me.
So I was like - when I got that call, like I was jet lagged,
getting tired because I'd been traveling around, but I was
like - I didn’t care where I was. I started screaming and
like, “Yes! That’s right.” So, that was a big moment too,
you know.
And it’s also nice to know that this far down the line - you
know, I've been doing this you know professionally for ten
years, that you can still have you know moments that are
surprising and unexpected, and just completely full of
satisfaction and elation. You know, just - it’s great.
Woman: All right, great.
Well, we just want to just thank everyone again. We
apologize for the glitch on the - with the phone system
earlier. And of course, thank Mehcad for his time.
Mehcad Brooks: Which I'd like to say because of that, if you
guys - I have time for two more questions if you guys want
to, because I feel like I gypped you.
Woman: Sure.
Operator, do you want to open the floor back up for
questioning? We can take two more.
Operator: Certainly.
And ladies and gentlemen if you'd like to register a
question, please press the 1 followed by the 4.
Mehcad Brooks: Sorry. I didn’t mean to cut you off like
that. I just thought...
Woman: No. All good. That’s great.
Operator: And we do have a follow-up question from
(Alessandra Bechetto) with AccidentalSexiness.com.
Woman: Great. Wonderful.
Mehcad Brooks: Cool.
Alessandra Bechetto: Hello? Hello?
Mehcad Brooks: Hello?
Alessandra Bechetto: Well, I go again. We’ll have another
go since we can ask you one more question.
Mehcad Brooks: (Unintelligible).
Alessandra Bechetto: My question is how do you think TK’s
relationship with the different members of the team should
develop based on the changes he is going through?
What I mean here is that we are seeing in the return episode
that he is finally being more open with Matt. Is that going
to happen with Nico too? Is his relationship with the coach
and with his teammates going to change too because of how he
changes? And what kind of impact does it have on the team
and on TK?
Mehcad Brooks: Well, TK is a bit of a closed book you know
in many ways. But there’s a moment when one of his
teammate’s bravery - or sorry, or - I'm just - I'm on what
do you call it - antibiotics, so my mind’s not working as
fast as it normally does.
Alessandra Bechetto: That’s fine.
Mehcad Brooks: Like, he gets shown an example of bravery by
one of his teammates who - you know, who actually comes out
of the closet. And I won’t say who it is. And he basically
opens up about who he is as well and the things that he has
to work on, and things that he has to fight for in his life
as well. And you know so he does open up. He does open up a
little bit and (unintelligible) starts to become somewhat of
a different person.
Alessandra Bechetto: Okay. So this is interesting.
Does he hit on the other guy while he’s at it?
Mehcad Brooks: Say again?
Alessandra Bechetto: I said does he hit on the other guy
while he’s at it? Because you know TK will try anything.
Mehcad Brooks: Well once. (Unintelligible). So yes, they
actually begin a sorted love affair that lasts until Season
Alessandra Bechetto: Okay, thank you.
Mehcad Brooks: You're welcome.
Operator: And there are no questions at this time. I'll turn
it back to you.
Woman: Okay, great.
Well again, we just want to thank everyone, and then also of
course thank Mehcad for his time today.
As a reminder, Necessary Roughness returns next Wednesday,
January 23rd, 10:00, 9:00 Central, on USA Network.
A transcript will be made available to you within 48 hours
after this call.
Thank you again for participating. Thanks.
Mehcad Brooks: Thank you. Appreciate it, guys.
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