The TV MegaSite's Blog Post #186

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The TV MegaSite's Blog Post #186

Saturday, September 12

Walt Longmire in a rare smileI spent most of today binge-watching "Longmire" season 4 on Netflix. I loved it! I wasn't terribly surprised that Branch was killed, though. If you were paying attention on the season 3 cliffhanger, Branch's father already had the shotgun in his hand when Branch was reaching for his. This is a fairly realistic show. It would have been impossible for Branch to shoot his father first, unless somehow he missed. That would be hard to believe, given that he's probably been shooting his whole life, and they were very close to each other. Still, they fooled us by spreading the rumor that the actor who played Branch would still be on the show in the 4th season. Sneaky! I'm really enjoying all of the new characters, and that the show is a little lighter now, and that Walt finally gets a real girlfriend. The ending was quite a shocker. I think there will be a 5th season just because I think that the show is very popular now on Netflix.Heroes Reborn cast - love this show!

I think someone might have hacked our website at some point. I went to edit our main page, and there were some weird letters there, at the bottom of the page that I hadn't put there. There are only a few of us who have direct access to the site, and I don't think anyone else did this. I'm having Marcos, who hosts our site, look into it for us.

Also, he might set us up a site with Joomla (which is a content management system), and then maybe we can start using that to edit the site instead of Frontpage. That would be great.

As usual, I spent most of the day putting together our Primetime News and Schedule Pages. This week's page is here and next week's will be here. Check 'em out!

Sunday, September 13

There are three new TV shows premiering this week! "Best Time Ever withBest Time Ever finale Neil Patrick Harris" September 15, "Bastard Executioner" on FX the same day, and "Moonbeam City" Comedy Central September 16.  We've already reviewed the second one, and of course, we'll be reviewing the other two as well. We review all new TV shows, and many returning shows, and TV DVD's as well.

Next week, September 21 week, is when most of the broadcast TV shows begin, so we'll have quite a lot to watch and review. Well, I'll be reviewing all of the NBC and FOX ones before they air. The ABC, CBS and CW shows I don't get ahead of time, so I'll be reviewing those after they air (aside from "Supergirl," which I already reviewed).

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.Sundays I usually add more stuff to our Primetime News and Schedule page, like video clips. I try to put up video clips/previews/sneak peeks for all of the shows if I can find them.

Next weekend I'll be going to a local Comic-Con here in Honolulu. It's mostly for comic book artists, writers, etc.  I'm mostly going so that I can get Stan Lee's photo and autograph (he created Marvel Comics, along with many of the big superheroes like Spider-Man, The Hulk, The Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Thor, and The X-Men).  If not for him, we wouldn't have some of those amazing superhero shows and movies that we have now.Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

The creator of "Bob's Burgers" will also be at the convention, and the creator of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles," as well as many other artists and comic book industry people. I'm sure it won't be as fun as the one in July, but it certainly will be a lot bigger, and I have a friend going with me this time. I've decided not to wear a costume this time around. It's just too hot. Also, I want to lose more weight before I get into my "Defiance" costume.

Crossing Jordan!Tonight I got to watch the season premiere of "Heroes Reborn," which will air on NBC. I just loved it. I'm not too surprised because I loved the original "Heroes," too.  Even when other people complained about it, I still loved it. Oh, and I have a particular reason to root for Tim Kring because he's married to this woman Lisa that I went to high school with years ago! LOL!  I've never met him or anything, but still it's fun to know that connection. Not only did I love "Heroes," but I also really loved his show "Crossing Jordan."  Hey, why can't they reboot that show??? That would be awesome.

"South Park" also returns this week. I sure hope it's funny. Last season was really awful. The show only has 10 episodes per season, for the past fewSouth Park cast years. It used to be 14. You'd think that with the whole rest of the year, they could make 10 funny episodes! If not, then we'll probably stop watching after this season.  If they can keep it funny, it would be great if it went for 20 seasons (this year is 19). Hard to believe that it's been on that long! I read that it's been renewed through year 23! That's crazy.

Speaking of funny, this past week's "Real Time with Bill Maher" was hilarious! Even funnier than usual. Both his monologue and "New Rules" Dennis Quaidwere just great.

"Last Week with John Oliver" was also pretty funny, especially the cop skit they did. He has this bit where he makes fun of something in the law, and then he makes a mini-TV show out of it, using real actors that you recognize from shows like "Law & Order." This week was about public defenders. It had Dennis Quaid ("Vegas"), ("Chicago PD"), ("Wicked City" and "Law & Order"), ("Law & Order"), ("Person of Interest") and Sonja Sohn ("The Wire" and "Body of Proof")!  It was really awesome. (This article says that the other actors I didn't recognize were Josh Lucas, Regina King, Robert John Burke and Danny Pino.)

Monday, September 14

Sometimes people will contact me about writing a one-time article for our site.  Sure, I'll take any free and original content for our site! Here's the latest one, an article about transgender portrayal on TV. Enjoy!Arrow cast

I've been finally catching up on "Arrow" season 3!  I had to, anyway, because they're sending me the DVD to review. I already recorded the shows on my DVR and planned to watch them, but I'd been putting it off because I had so many other new shows and DVD's to watch. So far I'm really enjoying it. I won't say that it will ever be my favorite show, but it's very enjoyable. I hope to one day have transcripts for all of the season of "Arrow," "The Flash," and "Gotham" like I do already for "Smallville." I've been running the transcripts off and on while I watch the show. The only problem is that it doesn't run a nice, neat and clean transcript like our daytime soaps. It requires heavy editing, so I will have to go back and watch the show again while I edit, to fix it up. Who knows if I'll ever have the time? Maybe I can find some volunteers to help me with that.

I missed some episodes of "Arrow" from seasons 1 and 2, so I need to go back and watch those sometime, too. I also want to make a good episode guide, using the DVD's for reference. I did take the time recently to update our "Arrow" News and Spoilers Pages, and move old stuff out of the way. Flash DVD coverI'm trying to do that for all of the "current" shows that we have sections for. Hopefully I can get most of it done in the next few weeks, before all of the shows start.

They also sent me the DVD for "The Flash" season one. For that one, I  already watched all of the episodes, so I just have to talk about why I love the show, and watch the extras/features, so I can chat about those as well. Warner Brothers has been great to me, especially lately!

Tomorrow morning I get to interview Wilmer Valderrama! Yay! His new show "Minority Report" is really good.

Tuesday, September 15Wilmer

I didn't really have any good questions for Wilmer, but he took my lame question and gave it a good answer. He was very nice.  I have three more calls Friday morning! They're always so early. I have quite a few to put up, too. When will I have time? LOL!

Apparently they're getting rid of a lot of Kassie DePaivaactors/characters on "Days of Our Lives" in the next few months. Yeah, way to celebrate that 50th anniversary. Soaps need to stop changing cast and writers so often. That's part of the problem with them. I read that Kassie DePaiva (Eve) is leaving (her character's leaving town). That's a shame. She's a really good actress. They might be writing out Daniel (Shawn Christian). I hope not! He's so gorgeous, and his character is nice, and they really need a doctor. Surely Kayla can't attend to everyone by herself?Sense 8 cast

I was very happy to read that "Sense8" has been renewed by Netflix. I haven't watched the whole season yet, but it's a good show and I'm rooting for JMS. I hope this bodes well for "Longmire," too.

I happened to come across this fun site that does TV and movie legends.

Wednesday, September 16

Stephen ColbertWe gave it a good try, but we're going to have to delete Stephen Colbert from the DVR. Sorry, but it's just not our kind of show any more. It's just fluff, like watching Jay Leno or Jimmy Fallon. I would have preferred to see Craig Ferguson in the job, frankly.

Speaking of fluff, I did enjoy watching Neil Patrick Harris' new show "Best Time Ever," on NBC. I guess the difference is that you expect a variety show to be just fun. Colbert's old show had great political satire. It was hilarious and biting.  His new show is like "Best Time Ever," but without as much fun or music.

Today I received the DVD for "Arthur and George," which is funny since the third part hasn't aired yet on PBS!Life in Pieces cast

Next week is the first official starting week of the new Fall broadcast TV season. We'll get to see the new shows "Life in Pieces," "Minority Report," "Blindspot," "The Muppets", "Scream Queens," "Limitless," "Rosewood," "Heroes Reborn," and "The Player."  I've reviewed many of these already.

ScorpionReturning favorites include "Big Bang Theory," "The Voice," "Gotham," "Scorpion," "Castle," all three "NCIS" shows, "Fresh Off the Boat," "The Middle," "The Goldbergs," "Survivor," "Mysteries of Laura," "Modern Family," "black-ish," "Empire," "Law & Order: SVU," "Nashville," "Grey's Anatomy," "Scandal," "How to Get Away with Murder," "Last Man Standing," "Shark Tank," "Amazing Race," "Hawaii Five-O" and "Blue Bloods."  Which are you looking forward to?

I'm looking forward to checking out "The Muppets" and "Limitless!"

Thursday, September 17

I've been spending my time updating the news and spoilers pages for all ofBig Bang Theory Cast our sections that cover current shows. So far I've done "Arrow," "Beauty & The Beast," (so glad it's renewed!) and "Big Bang Theory," and I'm still working on "Bones" and "South Park." I've also been posting some new info for shows on our Primetime Forum. I try to do this every year, but it's just a matter of having enough time.

Tomorrow morning I'm interviewing Morris Chestnut & Todd Harthan of Todd HarthanMorris Chestnut"Rosewood" at 6am. Then Robin Lord Taylor of "Gotham" at 7am. Then Ilene Chaiken, showrunner for "Empire" at 7:30.  FOX is keeping me busy!

Hopefully they can finally clear up the mystery for me as to why Anthony Michael Hall has such a small role in the show, and why he's not mentioned anywhere on their site or anywhere else. It's been driving me crazy! :)

What is with all of the weird hair cuts on soaps lately? I hate Morgan'sMorgan, who's quite handsome, despite this hair haircut on "General Hospital." It's so ugly. That cut gives the false impression that he's got some early male pattern baldness. I don't like short hair or shaved heads, anyway, but that one's just plain weird. I don't like Bill's new haircut on "Bold & Beautiful," either.

Speaking of B&B, it seems like Steffy is being really stupid and short-sighted in pissing off Ivy by firing her. She has to know that Ivy could still go to the police and tell them that Steffy lied to them (who knows, that crow bar might still be lying around there!).  Even if Steffy said, "She blackmailed me with a video" that would make Steffy look even worse. Not to mention, probably any half-way decent computer whiz could retrieve that video. There's no proof of Ivy's blackmail, so the police might not even believe that part of it. Bill and KatieIt would just look like Steffy was trying to incriminate the person who was ratting her out.

I don't think it's very practical for Wyatt, Ivy, Bill and Katie to open up their own fashion house. None of them really know what they're doing (maybe Katie...).  Since Bill owns all of these fashion magazines, it might be kind of a conflict of interest, too.

Well, have a good week, and I hope you get to check out all of the new and returning shows!

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Page updated 9/18/15

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