The Wit and Wisdom of Downton Abbey Hardcover Book Reviews From The TV MegaSite

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The Wit and Wisdom of Downton Abbey Hardcover by Jessica FellowesThe Wit and Wisdom of Downton Abbey Hardcover by Jessica Fellowes

This is a fun little book for fans of the show. It talks about life, using many quotes from the show! It has some nice photos, too. I'm sure anyone who loves "Downton Abbey" will want this book.  It's fairly small, too, so it should fit in most Christmas stockings.

MORE:  "Come war and peace Downton still stands and the Crawleys are still in it."

Downton Abbey is loved the world over for its fabulous costumes, beautiful scenery, wonderful characters and intricate plot lines, but what keeps millions of us coming back time after time is the stellar quality of the writing. With each stroke of his pen Julian Fellowes seems to gift us with a cuttingly dry quip from the Dowager Countess, a perfectly timed word of wisdom from Mrs Patmore or a touchingly nostalgic pronouncement from Carson. Here in The Wit and Wisdom of Downton Abbey, Jessica Fellowes has gathered together her favorite quotes from the complete Downton Abbey oeuvre to take each of us back to the most memorable moments from the show and ensure we are armed with the very best ripostes should we ever need to chastise an impertinent lady's maid.

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page updated 11/3/12

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