Review of "Family Guy: Season Thirteen" From The TV MegaSite

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 DVD Reviews

Family Guy: Season Thirteen


Family Guy: Season Thirteen

 Review by Suzanne Lanoue 12/5/15

My husband and I have watched every episode of this show, since way back in 1999 with season one. It went off the air in 2002 and came back in 2004, and it's been going strong ever since. It's a huge hit for FOX.  Humor-wise, it's always been uneven. Some shows are just stupid and/or boring. However, even on the worst shows, they generally have at least one or two jokes that just leave you laughing really hard, and thinking, "Oh, my gosh, I can't believe they said that!"  Such as in a recent episode where they had a holocaust joke.

You have to have a good sense of humor to watch this show. You can't be the type of person that takes offense at things because they make fun of everyone and everything. They are equal-opportunity offenders.  Their jokes are not just crass, and mean, and offensive, but really really funny. We often have tears flowing when we watch the show.

Season Thirteen was just as funny as the rest. The season opener was great because it was a crossover episode with the Griffins visiting Springfield (and the characters from "The Simpsons"). It was very funny. We used to watch "The Simpsons," but it's not nearly as funny as it used to be, so we stopped. We tried several times to watch it again, but it's just not very funny. It's not edgy or provocative like "Famly Guy" or the new show "Bordertown."

I will admit that sometimes the show can be too gross or just focus too much on, say, Peter acting stupid.  Usually Stewie and Peter have the best lines, though.

If you liked the other seasons, you will probably like this one. The DVD has many features that are enjoyable. There's commentary, deleted scenes, cast members talking about episodes, and some longer features. I love that stuff. Why else buy the DVD?  Enjoy this!


Own the Complete Season 13
with Uncensored Episodes and
Exclusive Behind-The-Scenes Extras!

Family Guy
Season 13

December 8, 2015

The Two Most Iconic Animated Families
on Television Meet for the First Time
as The Griffins Travel to Springfield!

Pack your bags for a shipload of Family Guy fun! Peter goes overboard writing a children's book, Chris travels to the past for a titanic-sized history lesson, Stewie impregnates himself with Brian's DNA (don't ask)...and the Griffins meet The Simpsons in the d'oh-nuttiest crossover event of all time. It's an outrageous and uncensored complete season, featuring celebrity guest voices Liam Neeson, Allison Janney, Jeff Garlin, Julie Bowen and many more!

DVD Special Features:
  • On the Road to Springfield Featurette: The Making of "The Simpsons Guy"
  • Commentary on "The Simpsons Guy"
  • Commentary on "Turkey Guys"
  • Commentary on "The 2000 Year-Old Virgin"
  • Commentary on "Stewie, Chris, & Brian's Excellent Adventure"
  • Commentary on "Once Bitten"
  • Commentary on "Roasted Guy"
  • Deleted Scenes
  • Baby Ways
  • Who Let the Dog Out
Family Guy: Season 13 DVD
Street Date: December 8, 2015
Screen Format: Widescreen 1.78:1
Audio: English 5.1 Dolby Digital; Spanish DD 2.0 Surround
Subtitles: English SDH, Spanish
Total Run Time: 474 minutes
U.S. Rating: TV-MA
Closed Captioned: Yes

About Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment
Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, LLC (TCFHE) is the industry leading worldwide marketing, sales and distribution company for all Fox produced, acquired and third party partner film and television programing. Each year TCFHE expands its award-winning global product portfolio with the introduction of new entertainment content through established and emerging formats including DVD, Blu-ray, Digital HD and VOD. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment is a subsidiary of 20th Century Fox, a 21st Century Fox Company.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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