Review of "With Bob and David" on Netflix From The TV MegaSite

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Bob and David

"w/Bob & David" review by Karl 11/20/15
Airs on Netflix

Five "Mr. Show" Sketches To Watch Before Diving into "W/Bob & David"

"W/Bob & David" is a hilarious new Netflix sketch comedy that premiered on November 13, 2015. Described by co-creator Bob Odenkirk as lighter and less complex, it was certainly a change of pace from what is remembered of 1995’s "Mr. Show."

If you have already watched "W/Bob & David" and are unsure if you should continue viewing there works, or even if you have not seen any of this at all, here are 5 of their best sketches that I have chosen.

#1 Pre-Taped Call in show - Totally oblivious to why his callers are unable to follow his simple show structure, Cross’ character gets increasingly angry

#2 The Audition - A Modern take on “Who’s on first”

#3 Blow Up The Moon - America can, should, and will blow up the moon.

#4 Spite Marriage - A small bar altercation becomes a life long commitment

#5 The Joke, The Musical - A musical sketch featuring Jack Black


Bob Odenkirk and David Cross are back for more inspired and absurd sketch comedy in W/ BOB & DAVID, the new Netflix original series, premiering Friday, November 13. In the series, Bob and David reunite - along with Paul F. Tompkins, Jill Talley, Jay Johnston, John Ennis, Brian Posehn and more - in four all-new 30-minute episodes. Check out the date announce here:

After being dishonorably discharged from the Navy Seals, Bob and David are back serving our country the way they do best - making sketch comedy! Starring: David Cross, Bob Odenkirk, John Ennis

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Page updated 12/10/15

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