Season 3 of "The 100" starts tonight. I watched the first
two episodes (I have two more to watch). So far, it's just
as enjoyable as the first two seasons. The show starts with
John, whom we last saw in the bunker, and has lots of
exciting things after a little bit, the show then
fast-forwards 3 months. New alliances form, hairstyles
change, new people are met.
The episodes are very exciting! Clarke is living a very
feral sort of life (no spoilers there - it's all over the
internet) as there's a bounty on her head. Her friends and
family search for her. John goes through some serious stuff
but then finds the Chancellor. All of that stuff is very
weird with the "City of Light." Raven is having physical
problems again. Monty makes a great discovery in the second
episode. Jasper has become very different after his
girlfriend was killed off. Although there's a truce
with the tree-dwelling grounders, not so much with other
grounders. Oh, and yes, a lesbian sex scene.... fans will be
happy about that. There are bounty hunters, and one in
particular is very cool and handsome...reminds me a little
of Liam Neeson.
You don't want to miss tonight's premiere! If you haven't
watched before, I think you can easily catch up by the
previews. Enjoy it!
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