I like to watch detective shows, so I ws excited to see
"River" that started airing on Netflix November 18. It's the
story of Detective John River (Stellan
Skarsgård), who struggles to deal with the trauma of
watching his partner Jackie "Stevie" Stevenson (Nicola
Walker) be murdered before his eyes. River goes into
therapy, even though he doesn't want to - if he doesn't get
therapy, he'll be fired from his job. Detective River sees
the ghost of Stevie, and she helps him solve his cases.
Detective River also sees ghosts of the people whose murders
he is trying to solve, and they also give him clues to the
This show reminds me of the now canceled show "Perception"
on TNT, although Skarsgard is not as energetic or handsome
as "Perception"'s Eric McCormack. It's very good very
well written; although, at times it is hard to tell when
Detective River is seeing a ghost or when he is talking to a
real person (That makes it different from "Perception" since
we knew that he was schizophrenic and his visions were not
ghosts). I like the show because it mixes humor with drama,
so it becomes kind of quirky. However, at times it
moves slowly; I wish it was a bit more fast-paced. The show
has 6 episodes and is on Netflix now. Overall, I give this
show 3 out of 5 stars because / there is room for
improvement. If you like shows like "Perception," you will
probably enjoy this show.
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