This is a very funny, but weird show. I'm very glad it
got this second season, and I hope it continues on. It's got
a lot of fantasy, which I love. It is not a straight-forward
sitcom of any sort. If you like shows like "Family Guy" or
"Wilfred" then you will probably like this one because like
those shows, we see a lot of weird things going on in the
lead character's mind, which makes it really funny.
The protagonist of the show is Josh, who keeps trying to
find a girflriend. I laughed very hard at the episodes that
FXX sent me to watch. You will enjoy it, too! You can pick
it up on this second season with no won't be
lost. However, I do suggest you watch the first season
because it was so enjoyable.
Check it out!
Man Seeking Woman
returns for Season 2 on FXX on Wednesday, January 6 at 10:30
PM ET/PT, immediately following the Season 11 premiere of
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
Man Seeking Woman’s surreal new season about the
life-and-death stakes of dating will follow “Josh Greenberg”
(Jay Baruchel) as he soldiers through foolish texts, awkward
dates, cloning disasters, man-on-car sex, hundreds of
deaths, and worst of all, a season-long love triangle with
his best friend. The series also stars Eric Andre (The
Eric Andre Show) as “Mike,” Josh’s confident and daring
best friend; and Britt Lower (Unforgettable) as
“Liz,” Josh’s intimidating older sister. Man Seeking Woman
is based on Simon Rich’s book of short stories, The Last
Girlfriend on Earth. Rich created the 10-episode
scripted comedy and also serves as Executive Producer/Showrunner.
Jonathan Krisel, Andrew Singer, Ian Maxtone-Graham and Lorne
Michaels, and Broadway Video also serve as Executive
Producers. Man Seeking Woman is produced by FX
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