This is a very good, suspenseful drama with a lot of
humor. The basic plot is that four guys in their 40's fly to
Belize to see an old friend who's retiring. He's gotten rich
and has paid for them to fly there and have a celebration.
Things don't turn out as planned, of course!
When I watched the beginning, it really reminded me of
something similar that happened to me. A good friend of my
husband's started a search in the 90's. In 1999, he was
pretty rich and was about to get even more rich. He flew 4
of his friends to Guam, where another of their friends was
stationed. (The difference is, they brought their wives and
girlfriends, which is why I went) In the TV show, they
were greeted with a big stretch limo (as were we!) and each
given a very expensive leather bag (as we were we!) with
videocameras in them (we had portable DVD players and a few
other things). So that was all very weird to see on TV! I
wonder if the people who wrote this knew our friend? LOL!
Anyway, after that, the TV show is very different. Belize
is a foreign country, not Guam. The four friends learn
that their host, Milo (played by Billy Zane), is not really
in the business that they thought he was in, and some
terrible things happen. It's quite shocking. Michael
Imperioli, who's always a fabulous actor, plays one of the
friends, Lex.
This was already done in the UK with the same title. The
title makes a lot more sense because it's from a poem about
"Mad Dogs and Englishmen," but never mind that. Ben Chaplin,
who plays Joel in this Amazon version, played the host, Alvo,
in the UK version. I wonder why they decided to make an
American version? I mean, I know they do that a lot, but it
seems kind of silly now, since we Americans are much more
used to watching the British versions of shows. The American
ones are rarely as good.
I saw some online reviews that said that this show was
trying to be like "Breaking Bad," but I don't really see the
Anyway, it's very enjoyable, although at times violent,
and it has a lot of sex as well. I hope you get a
chance to watch it because it's definitely worth watching!
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