If you have patience, then I'd advise you to watch this
show because it's very good. The plot is intriguing, the
actor is great, and it a gay love story. However, my main
problem with it is that it's very slow moving. If I had been
watching it just for myself, and for review, I would have
fast-forwarded through 2/3 of it.
Eventually, it does move along more and draws you into
this murder-mystery espionage drama. It just takes a really
long time to get there.
Ben Whishaw
(The Hour) plays Danny, a young guy who has a dead-end job
and spends his nights clubbing and looking for love.
Holcroft (Wolf Hall) plays Alex, another gay guy that
meets up with Danny. They're both very awkward in their
romance, but they're sweet, so we enjoy them falling in
love, even though it's very slow-moving.
Danny has an older gay man, Scottie, as a mentor (the
excellent Jim
Broadbent); he introduces his new lover to Scottie.
Then Alex goes missing, and leaving Danny to deal with a lot
of shocking revelations. Also, Danny can tell that something
weird is going on because he finds Alex's body stuffed into
a trunk in the attic, and he also finds lots of S&M
equipment. He also finds some kind of computer drive that he
hides from everyone, including the police. I'm sure the rest
of the series is about how Danny tries to learn the truth.
If you don't mind a super-slow drama, you should
definitely watch this great story with wonderful
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