I've been binge-watching this show; enjoying it all week.
This is the second in a series of Marvel superhero shows on
Netflix. I loved the first one, "Daredevil." Not only
was it great television, but they did a fantastic job of
following the original comic book very well, which I
appreciated (having read it growing up). I can't wait for
season 2.
Jessica Jones is not an older comic book, so I never read
it (I pretty much gave up reading comics, for the most part,
in the early 80s). So I had no pre-conceived notions
about the show or what it was about. From what I read,
though, they've done a pretty good job of making the comic
book into a TV series.
Jessica is a superhero, but as the series starts, she's
become a private eye. We learn throughout the show
that a super villain ruined her life, and that's why she's
no longer a hero (although she still does save people).
Another superhero in the show is Luke Cage, who I did read
growing up. Jessica and Luke have great chemistry, and
the show gets even better when he's around. Kristen
Ritter is fantastic as Jessica. She's an amazing actress.
David Tennant, who's one of my favorite actors, plays
Kilgrave. In the comics, Kilgrave is The Purple Man because
his skin, hair and outfits are all purple. In the TV show,
though, he just sometimes wears purple suits. He is
excellent as Kilgrave. The charm he had on Doctor Who is
turned into evil as this character. He's hard to dislike,
even when he's doing terrible things.
I have a couple of little plot quibbles. Twice Jessica
kidnapped her enemy, and even though he was unconscious, she
knew he was very dangerous. She should have handcuffed him
and gagged him. That made her look stupid or over
confident. Secondly, although I know she's a hero, and
heroes seldom use guns, it seems like shooting Kilgrave
would have been a much easier way to kill him without having
to get too close to him. These are not major problems,
My only real complaint about this series is that even though
it's a show about superheroes, it seems more like just a
regular drama. There are no costumes and few special
effects. They do mention some of the Avengers, or hint at
them, but otherwise, it's just not at all like a superhero
show. This is not the only show or movie to do this. I
really hate this trend where they either have the heroes
wearing no costumes (like this one, or "Smallville," or like
Arrow for quite a while, or Gotham), or they make them all
dark leather (like the X-Men), or take a colorful costume
and make it either darker or lighter in color instead of
bright ("The Flash," and the Superman in the movies, and now
Wonder Woman). It's particularly objectionable when
they do it to Captain America or Wonder Woman. Their
costumes are based on the American flag. Would anyone change
the red white and blue of the flag by making the colors less
bright? I think not. So why do it to the superheroes. It's
like they think that regular non-geek fans won't watch a
show if the hero is wearing a bright costume. It's just
Now, I'm not one of those geeks that thinks they should
never change anything between the comic book and the TV show
or movies. They make lots of changes, and they are generally
good changes, especially if they have to do with story or
character. Changing the costumes makes no sense at all
and there's no point to it. It's a superficial change at
best, yet all it does is irritate fans, so why do it?
Anyway, the show is great despite these few flaws. Make
sure to watch it, whether you're a superhero fan or not.
It's a great action drama. You won't be sorry you watched
it. After this, they're making a Luke Cage show, and then
they all get together for "The Defenders." I can't wait!
From November 10
In ten more days, the
world will know her name. Today,
Netflix released a second trailer for the
highly-anticipated series
Marvel's Jessica Jones.
To view the trailer, click to visit the show's
Facebook and
Twitter pages,
or here. The
series will premiere
November 20, 2015
12:01am PT in all
territories where Netflix is
The Netflix original series
Marvel’s Jessica Jones
is the second of four epic live-action adventure
series (Marvel’s
Daredevil ,
which is now streaming,
Marvel’s Luke Cage
Marvel’s Iron Fist,
all leading up to the teaming of the main characters
Marvel’s The Defenders)
to premiere only on Netflix.
It is a suspenseful, edgy look into the life of
Jessica Jones, one of the most popular new Marvel
characters of the last decade, as she faces demons
from within and without. The drama will premiere
with thirteen (13) one-hour episodes.
About the show:
After a tragic ending to her short-lived Super Hero
stint, Jessica Jones is rebuilding her personal life
and career as a detective who gets pulled into cases
in New York City.
Krysten Ritter (Jessica Jones) is joined by an
amazing cast including David Tennant (Kilgrave),
Mike Colter (Luke Cage),
Rachael Taylor (Trish Walker),
Carrie-Anne Moss,
Eka Darville, Erin Moriarty, and Wil Traval,
among others.
Marvel’s Jessica Jones
on Netflix is Executive
Produced by series Showrunner Melissa Rosenberg
(“Twilight”, “Dexter”) and Liz Friedman
("Elementary"), along with Jeph Loeb ("Marvel's
Daredevil," “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”), who
also serves as Marvel’s Head of Television.
For more information on MARVEL’S JESSICA JONES,
please visit:
and the official social pages
Twitter: @JessicaJones (http://twitter.com/jessicajones),
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