Review of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" on FXX From The TV MegaSite

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"It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" review by Suzanne 1/4/16
Premieres Wednesday, January 6,
10pm ET/PT on FXX

I don't watch this show regularly, but when I do, it's usually pretty funny. It's a show about a group silly, dumb, selfish people who do crazy, outrageous things.  They have way more confidence in themselves than they should, which leads them to do all sorts of ridiculous things that usually fail and hurt themselves (and sometimes others). In the past few years, the show has gotten even funnier. It's clear that the writers wanted to step things up and really go for the laughs more.

This new season 11 is no exception. You will definitely laugh if you watch their antics. It's the kind of show where you might cringe as much as you laugh, however. It's not for people with delicate sensibilities or who get offended easily (like most good TV comedy). It is lowbrow humor, for the most part, but it does have some hilarious highbrow references as well. It's always been an under-rated comedy. That's probably because the characters are so nasty and rotten, yet they think they're nice people. Even though it's a comedy, it's often violent and gross.

The season premiere is a lot of fun and the show has been renewed through season 12, which is good news for the show's fans.  Yay!


It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia Returns to FXX for Season 11

Wednesday, January 6 at 10 PM ET/PT

It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia, the longest-running series in FX Networks’ history, returns to FXX for Season 11 on Wednesday, January 6 at 10 PM ET/PT. Get ready for more misguided dreams leading to blundered schemes from everyones favorite bar owners! The gang returns to Paddys Pub with Mac (Rob McElhenney), Dennis (Glenn Howerton), Charlie (Charlie Day), Dee (Kaitlin Olson) and Frank (Danny Devito). Last season, the gang crushed Wade Boggs’ cross-country flight drinking record, killed Mac’s dad, and started a cult. This season, the gang gets involved in even more insane adventures including a move to the suburbs, shooting a smut film, defending themselves in court, and playing another deranged round of the legendary board game Chardee MacDennis. Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia was created by Rob McElhenney. He also serves as executive producer along with Glenn Howerton, Charlie Day, Michael Rotenberg, Nick Frenkel, Tom Lofaro, Scott Marder and David Hornsby. The show is produced by FX productions.

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