This miniseries is a really trashy soap opera about
dancers in a New York City ballet company. I don't think
it's realistic at all, from what a friend of mine told me
(She used to be a dancer). It's very entertaining and
stays with you, though. Sarah Hay plays Claire, a new
dancer. We see most of the show through her eyes.
She's very young and new. She gives off an air of innocence,
but we learn in the first episode that she's fleeing a
horrible family secret having to do with incest and/or rape.
She's very talented and quickly shoots to stardom.
She's also a bit of a voyeur; she seems to like watching
other people have sex, like her room-mate.
Ben Daniels is fantastic as Paul Grayson, the leader of
the company. He's got all sorts of mental and sexual
problems, and he likes to mold young dancers. He thinks he
can make Claire a big star; he's not very kind to his
dancers, though. This is a very different role from
when Daniels was on "Law & Order: UK," that's for sure!
Emily Tyra plays Mia, Claire's roommate. She's very
jealous of Claire and enjoys having lots of sex and doesn't
eat much. There are many other dysfunctional
characters in the show. It's a fun trashy show; mindless
entertainment with lots of drugs and sex. However, it also
has many good observations about women and how they're
treated in the world of dance. It's written by a woman,
Moira Walley-Beckett, who also won an Emmy for "Breaking
Bad." The show has lots of dancing and music as well,
and a great cast. I find it very enjoyable and probably will
continue watching it.
It's not as good, in my opinion, as "Bunheads," the show
about young dancers that aired a few years ago on ABC
Family, but that was a very different show. It was more of a
teen comedy/drama and not trashy at all.
You can watch the first episode of "Flesh and Bone" for free
on the Starz website!
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