This is a really bad sitcom that pretends it's a reality
show. Donny Deutsch is the star. He plays
himself as a narcisstic, clueless talk show host, along the
lines of Maury Povich or Dr. Phil. He pretty much acts like
Ted Baxter from the old "Mary Tyler Moore Show," but
slightly more subtle than that character.
The show focuse on Donny and how he
treats his guests, and his family, and the people who work
for him. Pretty much everyone knows how dumb Donny is and
how shallow his life is. The show is supposed to examine
Hollywood and L.A., but it just rehashes the same cliches
we're used to seeing on TV. Worse, it's just not funny at
all. Maybe if you think Deutsch is funny, then it works
If you want to see a good
behind-the-scenes comedy about a reality show, watch
"Unreal" on Lifetime instead. That one is funny. Skip this
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