Review of "Coat of Many Colors" on NBC From The TV MegaSite

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"Coat of Many Colors" review by Eva Diaz  12/6/15
Airs Thursday December 10 9/8c  on NBC

I was excited when I saw that they were going to make a movie based on one of my favorite Dolly Parton songs, "Coat of Many Colors."  Mrs. Parton writes most of her songs based on her real life experiences, and this song and movie tell the story of how kids made fun of Dolly because she was poor.  One day she went to school in a coat that was colorful because it was made out of fabric scraps that had been given to her mother.  The movie also tells of the time when Dolly's mother, Avie Lee Parton (Jennifer Nettles) and father Lee (Rick Schroder) lost Dolly's baby brother when he didn't survive his birth.  This tragedy tested the Parton family's faith and her parents' marriage.  This movie is very heartwarming and inspiring - the perfect  movie to watch at Christmas.  Alyvia Alyn Lind  (Faith Newman from "The Young and the Restless")   does a wonderful job playing a young Dolly Parton.  Gerald McRaney ("Agent X," "Longmire," "Jericho," et al.) also turns in a strong performance as Dolly's Grandfather, Jake Owens.   

If you are a fan of shows like "The Waltons," you will enjoy this movie; but have some tissues handy because at times it will make you cry.  If you watch it with your children, it will provide you with some teachable moments about how they should treat others as they would like to be treated.  I give this movie 5 out of 5 stars.  For those of you who have never heard the song, click on the link.


“Dolly Parton’s Coat of Many Colors” is based on the inspiring true story of living legend Dolly Parton’s remarkable upbringing. This once-in-a-lifetime movie special takes place inside the tight-knit Parton family as they struggle to overcome devastating tragedy and discover the healing power of love, faith, and a raggedy patchwork coat that helped make Parton who she is today.

The film is set in the Tennessee Great Smokey Mountains in 1955. It is neither a biopic nor musical about Dolly’s whole life and performing career, but rather a family-oriented faith-based story about the incidents in her and her family's life around the time she was 9 years old.

Alyvia Alyn Lind will portray 9-year-old Dolly Parton, with Jennifer Nettles as Parton’s mother, Rick Schroder as her father and Gerald McRaney as her grandfather.

“Dolly Parton’s Coat of Many Colors” is written by Pamela K. Long. She executive produces with Sam Haskell and Dolly Parton. The film is a production of Magnolia Hill Entertainment and DP Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television.

Please visit the official show site at:

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