This is a terrible, terrible show. It's not at all funny.
It reminds me a little of FOX's "The Last Man on Earth," but
it's even less funny than that show, and more weird. It's
about a guy who really wants to be a clown, so he goes to
clown school, in France. He doesn't know French, though, so
he gets kicked out. He ends up being a low-paid rodeo clown.
The guy is just an annoying creepy with no idea about what a
loser he is. He just really wants to be a clown.
This sounds like it could have been a funny idea, but not
with this writing or these actors. It's not funny at all. I
don't know what else I can say. I don't know how this got on
TV. Even FX's "Anger Management" was better than this. They
have a lot of funny shows, and some very uneven shows, but
I've never seen one this bad. I can't believe they canceled
"The Comedians" and put this crap on. Skip it.
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